History of Cartography
Recent papers in History of Cartography
In the second half of the 16th century, Girolamo Righettino, a brilliant draughtsman and theologian (a member of the Order of the Canons Lateran), produced city views with ornamental frames characterised by their rich allegorical... more
in: Eyk Henze (Hg.): Flachware 4. Jahrbuch der Leipziger Buchwissenschaft, Stuttgart 2018, S. 107-121
La rappresentazione cartografica ha negli ultimi anni attratto attenzioni crescenti e diversificate che vanno inquadrate nel rinnovato interesse che le scienze sociali hanno rivolto alla spazialità e alla visualità. I geografi sono stati,... more
This book offers a way of reading maps of the Holy Land as visual imagery with religious connotations. Through a corpus of representative examples created between the sixth and the nineteenth centuries, it studies the maps as iconic... more
Unpublished thesis. Click below for table of contents.
Thèse inédite. Table des matières ci-après.
Thèse inédite. Table des matières ci-après.
The illustrations of the Benedictine monk, artist, and chronicler Matthew Paris offer a gateway into the thirteenth-century world. This new study of his cartography emphasizes the striking innovations he brought to it, and shows how the... more
The paper exemplifies that the content of maps sometimes reveals more about the conditions of information exchange than about the topographic situation to be depicted. Taking selected examples of 18th-century Vienna city cartography, it... more
History (in Italian) of the making of Fra Mauro's world map (ca. 1450-1460), and a new revised transcription of the geographical notes
English edition of "Rupes nigra", published in 2015 in German. Il rapporto di Mercatore con il magnetismo e la teoria della declinazione magnetica sono stati centrali nella storia del suo pensiero cosmologico. Dietro i suoi continui... more
"The sea monsters on medieval and Renaissance maps, whether swimming vigorously, gamboling amid the waves, attacking ships, or simply displaying themselves for our appreciation, are one of the most visually engaging elements on these... more
Works such as the Tabula Peutingeriana, the Iter de Londinio by Matthew Paris as well as the papers of al-Idrīsīè, leading up to the so-called Aragonese papers, are only some examples that afford a small glimpse of the print or... more
https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/M/bo17703325.html Hundreds of exceptional cartographic images are scattered throughout medieval and early modern Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscript collections. The plethora of... more
For a long time, it has been assumed that the place names for the regions east of the Ganges in Claudius Ptolemy's geographical guide refer to loci in countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and China. The careful analysis of a few detailed... more
The bool presents an extraordinary collection of maps of an area which has played an extremely important role in the geographic relationship between East and West. It depicts how various geographers and cartographers have shown Armenia on... more
See article. Note: This essay has been superseded and strongly corrected by my later work, notably my book (Colonial Survey and Native Landscapes in Rural SA, now in open access) and post-2010 articles. The images in this article were... more
Il ruolo del colore nella rappresentazione delle eruzioni si inserisce nella più generale e vasta problematica della definizione di un codice cromatico per rappresentare in modo univoco le unità geologiche. Sebbene già nel XVII secolo... more
In 1899 veroorzaakte een eigenwijze Amsterdamse onderwijzer, Roelf Noordhoff, een kleine sensatie in de aardrijkskundige onderwijswereld. Zijn twaalf schoolwandkaarten van de landen van Europa waren ontworpen op grond van pedagogische... more
Ask anyone what comes to mind when thinking of old maps and ten to one the name of Blaeu will come up. The atlases and maps which were printed in the Amsterdam publishing house of the Blaeu’s in the 17th century are world-famous. Not... more
Engravings Depicting the Polotsk Campaign in 1579 as a Homogeneous Cartographic Composition Th e paper presents seven plans of fortresses (Polotsk, Sokil, Kazyany, Krasne, Turovla, Susza and Sitno) and a map of the principality of Polotsk... more
Z a r y s t r e ś c i. Autor podejmuje próbę zebrania i przeanalizowania kartograficznych przedstawień krain idealnych, czyli tzw. utopii. Począwszy od I wydania Utopii Thomasa More'a (1516), aż po koniec wieku XVIII pojawiały się na... more
This small (4.72” diameter) map is part of the combined Ptolemaic system planisphere illustrated on the frontispiece of the 16th century MS. Ashmole 1789 manuscript, a holding of the Bodleian Libraries. This manuscript, commonly... more
Peut-on dire qu'Élisée Reclus était un géographe anarchiste alors que ses écrits politiques sont indépendants de ses travaux géographiques ?
Bartolomeu Olives is the younger brother of Jaume olives and has Portolan charts to his name dating from 1538 to 1588. They are mostly drawn in Messina Sicily, but he/they commenced in Majorca and had a brief foray to Venice. This 1584... more
In the early 1850's, following the first outbreak of the Oregon Indian wars in Southern Oregon, the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation [G.R.I.R.] was set aside for the relocation and protection of Native Americans. Townships along the South... more
In vier Teilen - entsprechend vier Kulturkreisen (״Roads") - mit 10 Kapiteln / Beiträgen bietet die Publikation - abgesehen von Foreword, Preface und Introduction, Introduction, sowie von Conclusion und Appendix - mit insgesamt 72... more
This paper discusses one of the hidden processes underpinning the making of the nineteenth-century cultural landscapes in southeastern Australia, that of the operation of the Crown Land laws and the work of licensed surveyors who set out... more
La relation entre cartes et guides est ancienne en France. Cet article interroge cette relation en s’intéressant d’abord à la nature des cartes contenues dans les guides, puis essaie de mettre en avant la relation existant entre forme de... more
Together with the anonymous chart of c. 1471 and the chart of Jorge de Aguiar (1492), this chart signed by Pedro Reinel, but not dated, it is one of the earliest surviving exemplars of the Portuguese nautical cartography. A curious... more
L’immaginario del'uomo del Rinascimento con il 1492 e gli anni successivi ricevette una grande spinta che si estrinsecò nella letteratura, nelle arti pittoriche ed in altre branche dell’arte, ma che divenne addirittura eccezionale in... more
Wstęp Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow................................................... 1 I Konstantynopolitańskie porty IV–XII w. [Constantinopolitan harbours in the 4th–12th centuries] Mirosław J. Leszka......... 5 II Wszystkie... more
For most of the 17th century the Dutch East India Company, or VOC, brought wealth and prestige to the Low Countries, ushering in what would be known as the Dutch Golden Age. Business was booming, profits were soaring, and the greatly... more
Abstract: The Hakluyt Society (founded in 1846) is the premier English historical society when it comes to the Age of Discovery. Its 2 volume Hakluyt Handbook is a comprehensive guide, first proposed by Dr. R. A. Skelton and Professor... more
Maps were at the heart of cultural life in the Americas from before colonization to the formation of modern nation-states. The essays in Early American Cartographies examine indigenous and European peoples' creation and use of maps to... more
[A Thai translation of my book Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps, published in English by the British Library.] สัตว์ประหลาดแห่งท้องทะเลบนแผนที่สมัยกลางและสมัยฟื้นฟูศิลปวิทยาการ... more
Морские чудовища, стремительно плывущие, резвящиеся среди волн, атакующие корабли или просто внезапно представшие перед нашим взором, являются на средневековых и ренессансных картах одними из наиболее визуально привлекательных элементов.... more
La cartografía antigua como instrumento de estudio de la ciudad va más allá de una simple técnica. Como representación gráfica de la realidad urbana en un determinado momento, los planos antiguos de la ciudad contienen una foto fija que... more