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Este trabajo analiza, desde distintos modelos y escuelas, los criterios propuestos para delimitar el concepto de fuerza consonántica y, en su perspectiva evolutiva, el de refuerzo consonántico. Se analizan condicionantes fonéticos y... more
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      Crosslinguistic studiesDiachronic PhonologyAerodynamics of SpeechEvolutionary Phonology
Non-sibilant dental fricatives /θ/ and /ð/ are highly marked sounds: they are rare in the world’s languages, occurring in 43 (7.6%) out of 566 UPSID languages (Maddieson 2005: 83), they bear a low functional load (few minimal pairs, e.g.... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsLanguage Variation and ChangeEnglish language
Esta investigación analiza el cambio lingüístico desde un enfoque integrador y multifactorial. Dicha perspectiva comprende la interacción entre sincronía y diacronía, elementos estructurales y no estructurales, una visión unimodular de la... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsLinguisticsTheoretical Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsUralic LinguisticsVowel ShiftsLinguistic Reconstruction
The paper considers two typologically rare phonological phenomena related to the development of sound lengthening and reduction that appear in two dialects of the severely endangered Ingrian language in North-Western Russia. The first is... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsTypologyAcoustic Phonetics
This paper focuses on the phonetic nature and path of evolution of Cantonese short-long stopped tones. Firstly, the phonetic nature of Cantonese stopped tones is explored in light of recent tonal acoustic studies. Secondly, drawing on... more
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      TonesTone systemsPhonetics and PhonologySound change
(The article was deleted from Academia by some error caused by an unexpected behaviour of the Academia UI. Sorry for the spamming.)
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibeto-Burman Linguistics
In traditional accounts of Hebrew morphology, the primary basis of word formation is an underlying consonantal root and vocalic/prosodic template. However, many words in Modern Hebrew containing reflexes of historical gutturals deviate... more
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      Israeli Hebrew phonologyEvolutionary Phonology
Intervocalic consonant epenthesis is used as a case study for investigating grammar change. An emergentist framework is adopted, whereby a simple learning mechanism transforms a phonetically-based sound change into a synchronic... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsLinguistic universalsPhonologization
Esta ponencia tiene como objetivo exponer algunos de los diversos programas de investigación que buscan explicar el cambio fonetológico, caracterizados por considerarlo desde una visión que integra fonética y fonología, sincronía y... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ScienceLinguisticsImre Lakatos