Imre Lakatos
Recent papers in Imre Lakatos
Pentru a analiza conceptele de euristica și toleranță metodologică dezvoltate de Lakatos, m-am concentrat pe secțiunea ”Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes”, publicată pentru prima dată ca articol în 1970... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Why is astrology not a science? In this short essay I attempt to answer the problem of a demarcation criterion that will answer this question.
In the fam iliar pattern o f the first thirteen volum es o f The L ib ra ry o f L ivin g P h ilo so p h e rs, this volum e on Karl Popper offers the m ost com prehensive and definitive study o f his thought by thirty-five d is tinguished... more
Preuves et Réfutations est écrit comme une série de dialogues socratiques entre un groupe d'étudiants discutant de la démonstration des caractéristiques d'Euler définies pour les polyèdres. Le livre explique de nombreuses idées logiques... more
String theory's status as a popular theory without any empirical support has prompted a philosophical assessment by Johansson and Matsubara, who emphasise a Lakatosian analysis. They determine that string theory is a degenerating research... more
1) Introduzione: gli interessi giovanili di Popper per la matematica e per la didattica; 2) Le critiche all'induzione e il problema della demarcazione tra scienza e metafisica; 3) Il progresso scientifico attraverso congetture,... more
Julkaistu alunperin teoksessa Kuhmonen, P. & Sillman, S. (toim.) Jaettu janaääretön raja, Jyväskylä 1998, s. 156-167. Kasvatusfilosofisessa indoktrinaation teoriassa nojataan yleisesti sellaiseen rationaalisen ajattelun käsitykseen, jonka... more
I. LAKATOS 6 7. The Problem of Content Revisited. (a) The naivet6 of the naive conjecture. (b) Induction as the basis of the method of proofs and refutations. (c) Deductive guessing versus naive guessing. (d) Increasing content by... more
Thee slides introduce students to the work of Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend; while none is defensible, Haack argues, each can teach us something important as we move forward.
Os ensaios aqui reunidos pretendem servir de introdução ao tema da mudança conceitual. Partindo de uma perspectiva que busca vincular aspectos epistemológicos e hermenêuticos da mudança conceitual, são apresentadas e discutidas questões... more
The weak and strong atheoretical theses. The two main problems of classical empiricism: inductive justification and inductive method. The one main problem of neoclassical empiricism: weak inductive justification (degree of confirmation).... more
The methodology of scientific research programmes is a collection of papers published over time expressing a radical review of Popper's demarcation criterion between science and non-science, leading to a new theory of scientific... more
satisfy induction and the Peano axioms, including recursive axioms for addition and multiplication. In fact G0del has shown that whatever additional axioms we impose, axioms for subtraction or exponentiation, or what you will, then... more
L’obiettivo dell’articolo che segue è quello di riesumare il “problema della demarcazione”, deceduto per mano di Larry Laudan nel 1983. In esso si procederà attraverso l’analisi della filosofia della scienza di Imre Lakatos, che... more
Nota feita pelos editores supramencionados da obra que é uma coletânea de artigos sob o mesmo título que tornou conhecida a filosofia da ciência do pesquisador húngaro.
l'induzione è ingiustificata. Ogni tentativo di giustificare il principio d'induzione dall'esperienza sarà circolare oppure se si introdurrà un principio di ordine superiore si cadrà in un regresso all'infinito. La terza possibilità ossia... more
Bilim, Hume’a göre tümevarımsal ve irrasyonel, Carnap’a göre tümevarımsal ve rasyonel, Popper’a göre tümevarımsal olmayan ve rasyonel, Kuhn’a göre paradigma değişmesine neden olan krizlerle gelişir. Lakatos doğrulamacılığın çökmesinin... more
Article on Lakatos coauthored with Alan Musgrave and currently available on the SEP. I am responsible for the introduction and for §§ 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7 and 4, and Alan is the chief author of §§ 3.1 and 3.4. Sections... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı Thomas Kuhn'un devrimsel ilerleme tasavvuruna gelen, yöntemliliği açısından en kapsamlısı olan Imre Lakatos eleştirisini belirli odaklarda incelemektir. Bu bağlamda devrimsel bir yaklaşımı bilim etkinliğine yükleyen... more
Seguiremo all’inverso KUHN [1970], il cui indice generale sarà invertito. Se Kuhn dalle rivoluzioni giunge alle caratteristiche della conoscenza scientifica, dalle caratteristiche della conoscenza scientifica noi giungeremo ad accennare... more
Desde el principio mismo de la ciencia, existió la pregunta acerca de la naturaleza de la ciencia, y si había medios para obtener este conocimiento que parecía casi mágico, aunque no lo era. ¿Cómo podían predecirse los eclipses, y... more
An Encyclopedia entry on Feyerabend which focuses on his critique of rationalist views of science.
In questo volume, uscito nel 2000, è avanzata l'ipotesi di una rilettura del pensiero dell'ultimo Wittgenstein alla luce della filosofia di Popper, di cui vengono presi in esame soprattutto il realismo metafisico, la teoria dei tre mondi... more
"Dogmatismo y adoctrinamiento en educación. Consecuencias y alternativas a la obra de Thomas Kuhn". Actas del II Congreso Latinoamericano de Filosofía de la Educación, Universidad de la República/ Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía... more
There have been a number of attempts to comprehend mainstream (bourgeois) economics as a Lakatosian research program, or as a set of competing research programs. In contrast, the extent to which the Marxian study of capitalism can be... more
El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la influencia específica de los núcleos especulativos de la filosofía del Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita en las renovaciones arquitectónicas de la iglesia abacial de Saint Denis en la época del... more
Rationality and irrationality of the scientific method: considerations on Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend. Starting from the general meaning of the terms "rational" and "irrational", as we find them in the dictionary, we will first try to... more
Adam Dyrda (Uniwersytet Jagielloński) O wielu twarzach pozytywizmu, oraz o tym, dlaczego świadczą one raczej o rozwoju tej teorii, niż o jej degeneracji. Czyż nie jest... zarozumiałością narzucanie najbardziej rozwiniętym naukom... more
Οι περιπέτειες της αντιδιαλεκτικής μεθοδολογίας. Κριτικές επισημάνσεις.
1. L'histoire est-elle une discipline scientifique : le classement des sciences (une démarche caractéristique du positivisme du XIXe s.)
Bilimin ne olduğunun belirlenmesi ve bilimi sözde bilimlerden ya da bilimsel olmayan alanlardan ayırt edecek ölçütün tespit edilmesine yönelik tartışmalar bilim felsefesinde sınır çizme sorunu olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu sorun bilim... more
in which a complete proof is given of a non-standard analysis version of Cauchy's "the6rem". I am indebted to Cleave for sharing with me his photocopy of Lakatos' manuscript, at a time when it was not readily available to the general... more
In this comprehensive work on theories of rationality, Leslie Allan builds on the seminal insights of Imre Lakatos. Allan begins by critically reviewing Lakatos' theory of rationality (MSRP) and his meta-theory of rationality (MHRP) and... more
Con il presente lavoro si conclude la mia esperienza formativa nell'ambito del TFA (tirocinio formativo attivo), un corso finalizzato a qualificare e valorizzare la professione docente attraverso l'acquisizione di competenze disciplinari,... more
En este trabajo presentaremos en criterio demarcatorio de Lakatos según The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes.
The books’ goal is to answer the question: Do the weaknesses of value-free economics imply the need for a paradigm shift? The author synthesizes criticisms from different perspectives (descriptive and methodological). Special attention is... more
Al-Biruni and the theory o f the solar ap ogee: an exam ple 206 o f originality in A rab ic science: w i l l y h a r t n e r and MATTHIAS SCHRAMM Goethe University, Frankfurt 8 M otives and opportunities for science in the m edieval 219... more
Monsters lurk within mathematical as well as literary haunts. I propose to trace some pathways between these two monstrous habitats. I start from Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s influential account of monster culture and explore how well... more
La méthodologie des programmes de recherche scientifique est une collection d'articles publiés au fil du temps, exprimant une révision radicale du critère de démarcation de Popper entre science et non-science, conduisant à une nouvelle... more
Le principali questioni della filosofia della scienza affrontate attraverso brevi riflessioni sulla tesi di Duhem e il falsificazionismo di Popper, sulla proposta eterodossa di Lakatos e e la visione della storia ed evoluzione della... more
In this paper I argue that aim-oriented empiricism (AOE), a conception of natural science that I have defended at some length elsewhere, is a kind of synthesis of the views of Popper, Kuhn and Lakatos, but is also an improvement over the... more
This essay is to be understood as a preliminary attempt to apply a deductive epistemology to art. The locus classicus for this study is Karl Popper's 'Logik der Forschung' (translated as 'The Logic of Scientific Discovery', 1959).The... more