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This table began as a comparison of Etruscan words to other Indo-European words, and it is clear that the linkage to Etruscan illuminates some new patterns in Indo-European word relationships. We added for further comparison words from... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsGreek LanguageLinguistic Anthropology
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      Uralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languagesComparative Uralic LinguisticsComputer Lexicography, Terminography
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      SyntaxUralic LinguisticsLinguistic TypologyNoun Phrase
Ainu is Austric but includes words with Indo-European, Altaic, and Uralic parallels
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesAustronesian LanguagesOrnament (Archaeology)
Abstract : this study, which first aim was to demonstrate the correspondences between the Gaulish language and the Slavic languages, between which I found 500 common words, allowed me also to demonstrate, on the basis of genetical,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsCeltic Studies
Review of the Ume Saami–Swedish, Swedish–Ume Saami dictionary of Henrik Barruk (2018).
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      Language revitalizationLexicographyUralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languages
Finnish grammars customarily present a case system of fifteen morphological cases. While other cases are fully productive and can be formed from all nouns, the so-called accusative in -t has only seven forms, based on the six personal... more
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      Uralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languagesFinnish LanguageNoun Phrase
Исследование посвящено рефлексам одной и той же частицы =OK в языках Поволжья – чувашском (=ax / =ex), луговом марийском (=ak, в некоторых говорах =ok), горномарийском (=ok), татарском (=uk / =ük), башкирском (=uk / =ük) и удмуртском... more
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      Uralic LinguisticsHistory of the Volga-Kama RegionFocus particlesTurkic languages
The articles in this anthology discuss the application of retrospective methods to a wide range of historical disciplines: Old Norse studies in a wide sense, folkloristics, history of religion, etymology, early Germanic iconography and... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistorical GeographyHistory of ReligionEtymology
Az uráli nyelvcsaládba sorolt nyelveket beszélő népesség napjainkban-a magyar kivételével-Észak-Európában és Észak-Ázsia nyugati felén, a Skandináv-félszigettől a Tajmir-félszigetig terjedő hatalmas, északon a tundrai, délebbre az erdős... more
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    • Uralic Linguistics
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      Uralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languagesSámi StudiesSaami languages
The purpose of this paper is to prove conclusively that Hungarian and by extension all Uralic languages are not a group of languages developed in isolation of other languages but are instead a unique branch of Indo-Aryan. This was made... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistory of HungaryHungarian StudiesIndo-Aryan Linguistics
This is the first thorough English language description of Kildin Saami and the first attempt to systematically describe the basic phonological, morphological and syntactic features of this language from the perspective of general... more
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      Synchronic Linguistics (Or Descriptive Linguistics)Uralic LinguisticsLinguistic TypologyDescriptive Grammar
Presentation at "CONTACTS: Archaeology, genetics, languages - joining forces to shed light on early contacts (4000 BC - 1000 AD) between Indo-European and Uralic speakers", Helsinki, May 9, 2019.
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      Germanic linguisticsNordic languagesOld Norse LanguageScandinavian languages
The discussion of Uralic theonyms in this 2012 conference paper have been significantlu developed and discussed in more detail in "Language and Mythology" (2017):... more
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      Comparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural History
A sketch of North Saami (mainly phonology and morphology).
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      PhonologyIndigenous LanguagesMorphologyUralic Linguistics
Artikkelen kvilar på to aksiom: Genustilordning i norsk er regelstyrt, ikkje tilfeldig, og maskulinum er default genus i norsk (norske substantiv er maskuline viss ingenting tilseier noko anna). Ut i frå desse aksioma blir det presentert... more
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      Uralic LinguisticsFinnish LanguageLanguage TechnologyFinite State Automaton
An introduction to the Lutsi (Ludza Estonian) language, which includes a grammatical sketch of Lutsi, example sentences, examples of connected speech, a Latvian-Lutsi-Latgalian topical dictionary (~600 words), descriptions of the history... more
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      Language revitalizationEndangered LanguagesUralic LinguisticsEstonian Language
Второй выпуск альманаха продолжает публикацию статей и материалов, относящихся к различным разделам уралистики. В работах освещаются общие вопросы уралистики, вопросы фонетики, грамматики и лексикологии различных языков уральской семьи. В... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreHistorical ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
In 'The Precursors of Proto-Indo-European' some of the world’s leading experts in historical linguistics shed new light on two hypotheses about the prehistory of the Indo-European language family, the so-called Indo-Anatolian and... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAnatolian LanguagesUralic LinguisticsProto Indo-European
Haplogroup N1c is the main paternal lineage of Uralic speakers in Europe.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric Archaeology
La Lista Swadesh de voces vascas estables resistente a la donación lingüística y lo que revela su comparación con las restantes familias de lenguas del mundo. Aún hallamos en los libros de textos universitarios y en las enciclopedias más... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesAmerindian StudiesIberian Studies
Book 1 of several books. These documents are developed from the Chicago Oriental Institute Akkadian dictionary which is alphabetized as Akkadian-English. I needed an English-Akkadian document, and – finding nothing readily... more
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      Semitic languagesGreek LanguageHebrew LanguageRomance philology
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      LanguagesAnthropologyAnthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
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      FolkloreCorpus LinguisticsLinguisticsUralic Linguistics
Draft of a concise Finnish grammar with historical footnotes. It's under construction and this file may be replaced with newer ones.
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      Uralic LinguisticsFinnish LanguageFinnic Languages
Data mining the Sumerian vocabulary reveals a dichotomy of the cognate associations of the Emeĝir and the Emesal dialects, with the former having mostly Dravidian and the later mostly Uralic cognates, indicating that Sumerian arose by the... more
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      Sumerian ReligionLanguages and LinguisticsComputational LinguisticsComparative Linguistics
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeIndigenous Languages
The purpose of this study is to examine an Old Hungarian inscription that was recently found in the Altai mountain and was claimed to be over 2600 years old, which would make it the oldest extant example of the Old Hungarian script. A... more
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      HungarianPaleographyRunic inscriptionsRunestones
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesAltaic LinguisticsUralic LinguisticsIndo-European Linguistics
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      Indo-Iranian LinguisticsUralic LinguisticsUralic EtymologyAndronovo
Any historical study of Sámi religions links religion to the history of the language. Here, Proto-Sámi language spread is reviewed and the fundamental (and often implicit) assumption that religion spread with Proto-Sámi language is... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural Studies
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      Languages and LinguisticsUralic LinguisticsLinguistic TypologySiberian Studies
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      EtymologyToponomasticsPlace-NamesUralic Linguistics
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      Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European StudiesEurasian Nomads
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      Indo-european language reconstructionEtymologyIndo-European StudiesComparative Linguistics
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      Mythology And FolkloreIndo-european language reconstructionEtymologyBaltic Studies
This paper presents the new project Digital etymological dictionary of the oldest vocabulary of Finnish (University of Helsinki, funded by the Kone Foundation) and discusses the present state and challenges of the (especially digital)... more
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      Digital HumanitiesEtymologyUralic LinguisticsFinnic Languages
1. An unexpected event occurred somewhere between approximately 4500 and 6000 years ago in the vicinity of the central steppe: the Proto-Uralic language family began its spread, eventually to cover half of northernmost Eurasia. More... more
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      Uralic LinguisticsEurasian PrehistoryLanguage contactArchaeology of the Eurasian steppe belt
This essay deals with the study of the ethnolinguistic past of the Saami. In recent years many novel findings have emerged in the field of Saami historical linguistics, and the interpretation of these new results allows a coherent... more
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      Germanic linguisticsScandinavian languagesUralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languages
Книга, конечно, уже старая, но местами годится и, насколько я знаю, используется. Поэтому выкладываю имеющийся у меня скан, сделанный неведомыми доброхотами. Тут же выкладываю ещё полезную рецензию В. Чуракова. ВНИМАНИЕ! Оглавение во... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEastern European historyUralic LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languages
This is part 3 of 11 parts of a table that contains a reconciliation of Indo-European, Hurrian, Hittite, Georgian (Kartvelian), Finnish (Uralic) words, including a confirmation of Etruscan words. The latest update of this table Is 6.12.21... more
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      Greek LiteratureIndo-european language reconstructionGreek LanguageItalian Studies
A draft of a chapter on relative clauses in the Uralic language family. Comments and suggestions are very welcome, especially from language experts and native speakers.
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      TypologySyntaxMorphosyntaxUralic Linguistics
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      EtymologyUralic LinguisticsBaltic Finnic LanguagesFinnish Language
Los 40 términos más estables determinados por Holman et al. (2008) de la “Lista de Swadesh” original de 100 voces del vocabulario nuclear básico que (salvo unos pocos excepcionales casos) no son adoptadas por familias de lenguas... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsAltaic Linguistics
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsHistorical MorphologyEtymology
In this paper, I would like to propose several new Nostratic etymologies.
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      Semitic languagesIndo-European StudiesAltaic LinguisticsUralic Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsEtymologyGermanic linguisticsComparative Linguistics