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Leonardo Ricci was a scholar of Giovanni Michelucci and a friend of Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre, with whom he shared the existentialist approach to worldly things. He was a painter fascinated by the primitivism he borrowed from... more
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      EthicsArchitectureHistory of ArtHistory and theory of architecture
People spend their lives day by day, guided by the same principles as their forefathers, and they frequently question their own existence in the universe and attempt to comprehend the world around them. People frequently question their... more
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      SpiritualityExistential PsychotherapyGeneral PsychologyExistensialism
Resumo: Este artigo procura apresentar inicialmente o conceito de Absurdo, tal como expresso no pensamento de Albert Camus, para em seguida apontar sua relação com o Niilismo problematizado na filosofia de Nietzsche. Para estabelecer essa... more
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      Albert CamusNiilismoExistensialismO Conceito De Absurdo Em Alber Camus
En la presente reseña crítica se abordará la novela corta El extranjero, que le otorgó un gran reconocimiento a su autor: Albert Camus, un novelista, ensayista y dramaturgo nacido en Argelia, Francia en el año 1913, lugar que le sirvió de... more
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      LiteraturaReseña de libroExistensialismExistencialismo En La Literatura
Jean-Paul Sartre nasceu no dia 21 de Junho de 1905 e morreu no dia 15 de Abril de 1980, foi um filósofo, escritor e critico francês. No ano de 1964, Sartre recusou-se a receber o Prémio Nobel da Literatura, era reconhecido pela sua... more
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      PhilosophyJean-Paul SartreContemporary PhilosophySartre
The Philosophy of Existence: Concept of anguish existential in Kierkegaard and Heidegger. Resumo: Por meio da análise filosófica o artigo retrata o conceito de existencialismo e as suas influencias no mundo moderno e contemporâneo. A... more
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      Existential PsychologyMartin HeideggerFernando PessoaKierkegaard
Since the publication of her first book in 1944, critics felt compelled to link Clarice Lispector to the tradition of "experimental" or avant-garde novel in Brazil, confronting her production with emblematic works by Oswald and Mário de... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryMaurice BlanchotJulia Kristeva
This article speaks on the philosophy of one of the greatest existentialists of 20th century, Jean Paul Sartre. His philosophy of being, phenomenological ontology, dialectics and ethics are discussed here. His ideas on authenticity, bad... more
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Aristotle’s treatment of the Lazy Argument in Chapter 9 of De Interpretatione has received much attention from philosophers for being a solution to an intellectual problem about fatalism and free will. However, little scholarly work has... more
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      AristotleVirtue EthicsVirtues and VicesLazy Argument
Table of contents + Introduction. London/New York/Calcutta: Seagull Books, 2022. ---------- The first and exhaustive biography of twentieth-century leftist philosopher André Gorz. Recognized as one of the most lucid and innovative... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial SciencesPolitical EcologyEcological Economics
«وجودگرایی» یا «اگزیستانسیالیسم» عنوانی بود که سارتر برای فلسفۀ خودش برگزید، اما این عنوانی بود که هیچ‌کس از کسانی که فلسفه‌شان شباهتی با مضامین «وجودی» دارد راضی به پذیرفتن آن نشد. مفهوم «وجود» و «وجودی» به معنای جدید را سورن کی‌یرکگور،... more
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      KierkegaardJean-Paul SartreHeidggerExistensialism
Il pensiero antico ha riflettuto continuamente sull'essenza tragica della natura umana, in perenne sforzo di costruire un cosmo ordinato all'interno della ciclica legge naturale. Riprendendo considerazioni di altri eminenti studiosi,... more
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      Political PhilosophyGreek TragedyViolenceAncient Greek Philosophy
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      PhilosophyAnti-SemitismJean-Paul SartreAntisemitism/Racisms
Homo sapiens is a post-truth species, whose power depends on creating myths that have served to unite human collectivities. We live in an era of post-truth where the art of lie shakes every truth; that lies and fictions are all around us.... more
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      Russian LiteratureMetaphysicsPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
Addressed to both religious and secular audiences (p. 13), This Life offers a challenge to those who believe in eternal life and a proposal to those who continue to ask whether such exists after death. The author, Martin Hägglund, is... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionMarxism (Political Science)Existensialism
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfrican HistoryGender and SexualitySouth African history
بر اساس دیدگاه وجودی، ما انسان ها از کسانی که دنیا را با آن ها سهیم هستیم، جدا نمی باشیم. تربیت عقاید شخصی ما تا حد زیادی از والدین ما سرچشمه گرفته اند. بنابراین، ما باید از کسانیکه در طی سالیان سال بر طرز فکرمان تأثیر گذاشته اند قدردانی... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyPsychotherapy and Counseling
Complete lecture for this paper - In India during the Post-Independence Era; a period of colossal chaos, Sahir struggled to align his stance and literary point of view. Interestingly, rather than going... more
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      Translation StudiesLiteraturePoetryOld English Poetry
[Franklin & Marshall College, Spring 2022] — Does life have any inherent meaning, and what should we do if the answer is “no”? This was a major question at the center of the 20th century philosophical movement known as Existentialism.... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
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      Martin HeideggerSchellingSanat TarihiFelsefe
Hermeneutical and philosophical reflections upon how these two literary works across time, space and dominating ideologies can be reconciled in treating the human condition in terms of ontological and epistemological nihilism.
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureRussian LiteraturePhilosophy
ריבונות הטוב, שראה אור ב-1970, הוא מעט המחזיק את המרובה: חיבור דק גזרה, המציג את משנתה של מרדוק באופן תמציתי באמצעות שלושה מאמרים נפרדים שקובצו יחדיו. הספר נחשב לאחד הטקסטים המקוריים שהעמידה המחשבה המוסרית במחצית השנייה של המאה העשרים,... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsLiteratureIris Murdoch
This article deals with the unique position of Rabbi Zadoq Ha-Kohen of Lublin on the question of the contradiction between the absolute Divine will and foreknowledge ("Yediah") and the free and contingent choice of man – a position which... more
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      HassidismFatalismDeterminismFree will and determinism debate
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMarxismPhenomenology
การวิจัยเรื่อง “แนวคิดอัตวิสัยของซอเรน อับบี เคียร์เคกอร์ด” มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาวิเคราะห์แนวคิดเรื่องอัตวิสัยของเคียร์เคกอร์ดในเชิงปรัชญา... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPhenomenologyExistensialism
This writing is my MA dissertation, in all its flawed glory. It did score well, however. Anyway, I believe the title does quite a good job of explaining the theme of the writing. So, please enjoy the journey! **Please be aware... there... more
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      Meaning of LifeMeaningAlbert CamusAbsurdism
Le rapport de Sartre à l'oppression féminine peut être analysé en observant le moyen par lequel, dans ses oeuvres littéraires, le philosophe reproduit des stéréo-types misogynes ou, comme le dit Simone de Beauvoir, sédimente des traces de... more
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      Political PhilosophyFeminist TheoryPolitical TheorySimone de Beauvoir
A tanulmány a halálfélelemmel és halálszorongással kapcsolatos nyugati megközelítéseket és társadalmi attitűdöket tárgyalja az ókori mítosz korától a 20. századi egzisztencializmusig, a szerző doktori disszertációjának háttéranyagaként.
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      PhilosophyDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Paul TillichPhilippe Ariès
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      PhilosophyKierkegaardPhilosophy of LoveHistory Of Modern Philosophy
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      Russian LiteratureContinental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheRussian Religious Philosophy
Absurdism is a movement of thought that was put forward by Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard and that was defined and explained thoroughly by French philosopher Albert Camus. The Absurd refers to the conflict between human tendency to... more
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      Albert CamusAbsurdismL'ÉtrangerThe Stranger
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      PhilosophyTheologyPosthumanismExistential Psychology
במאי טלוויזיה מפורסם מחבל שוב ושוב בסיכויו לאהוב ולהית מאושר, מחריב את חייהם של הקרובים אליו, ומוביל את בנה המתבגר של אהבת נעוריו אל מותו בטביעה. מפקח מס ויוצר כושל מפתה את עצמו להתאהב באשתו הבוגדת ובבתו בת השמונה-עשרה של חברו, הסופר... more
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      German LiteraturePhilosophyEthicsIrish Literature
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      PhenomenologyÉmmanuel LévinasEdmund HusserlMartin Heidegger
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      PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheEternal Recurrence and IdentityNietzsche
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      PhilosophyHistory Of Modern PhilosophyExistensialism
A keen athlete in his late 40s, philosophy professor Kevin Aho hadn’t given much thought to his own mortality, until he suffered a sudden heart attack that left him fighting for his life. Confronted with death for the first time, he... more
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      Philosophy of MedicinePhenomenological PsychologyFriedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger
An ‘affective turn’ has come about in philosophy of mind debates and the notion of empathy is increasingly influential. This could usefully extend into psychological research, particularly in counselling and psychotherapy. Edith Stein’s... more
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      Qualitative methodologyPhenomenology (Research Methodology)Existensialism
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      Meaning of LifeJewish HistoryMeaningJewish Thought
La tesi qui presentata tenta di dimostrare la stretta correlazione che intercorre tra il pensiero nietzschiano e la produzione artistico-filosofica di Albert Camus sia dal punto di vista contenutistico che dal punto di vista metodologico.... more
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyAlbert CamusPhilosophie
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      ReligionExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyMeaning of LifeExistential Psychology
כיצד יכול בעל "לראות" באופן מיידי את מצבה הפנימי של אשתו האהובה ולהבין את רגשותיה ומחשבותיה, היכן שזר יחמיץ אותם תמיד? כיצד יכולה חירות הנתפסת כשחרור מכבלים לאיין את החירות האמתית האפשרית לבני אדם? כיצד יכול סוציופת אטום ומסוכן לזולת בכל... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsLiteraturePhilosophy Of Freedom
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      PhilosophyIdeologyFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche
The paper proposes that the Bible contains a cohesive and elucidating anthropology, rich in diversity, and compelling in its pre-modern understanding of concepts of anxiety, guilt, death, depravity, and trasncendence
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of ChristianityChristian existentialismChristian Anthropology
In an attempt to start rectifying a lamentable disparity in scholarship, we evince fruitful points of similarity and difference in the ideas of Simone de Beauvoir and Ayn Rand, paying particular attention to their views on long-term... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureHistory
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      French LiteratureAlbert CamusExistensialismAlbert Camus and philosophy
این مقاله دیروز، دوشنبه ۱۷ خرداد ۱۴۰۰، در فصلنامهٔ «نگاه آفتاب»، شمارهٔ سوم، ص ۵۱-۳۸، بهار ۱۴۰۰، با عنوان «گریزِ تنهایی و گریز از تنهایی» (این عنوان از من نبوده است. عنوان مقالهٔ من عنوان بالاست) منتشر شده است. این مقاله در ۱۴ آذر ۱۳۹۹... more
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      OntologyExistential PsychologyContinental PhilosophyExistential Therapy