Philosophy Of Freedom
Recent papers in Philosophy Of Freedom
is an existential philosopher, so this means that she is one of the philosophers that, starting from Kierkegaard's thought in the XIX century, think that existence comes before essence. What does this mean? This means that man is grounded... more
Ein ebenso intensiv wie kontrovers diskutiertes Problem in den anhaltenden Debatten um das zukünftige Verhältnis von Ökologie und Ökonomie ist der vermeintliche Konflikt zwischen den Werten Freiheit und Nachhaltigkeit. Auf den ersten... more
‘Vrij, want betrokken: Een briefwisseling tussen Jean-Luc Nancy en Aukje van Rooden’ Correspondentie tussen Jean-Luc Nancy en Aukje van Rooden over de thema's vrijheid, autonomie, betrokkenheid en engagement.
The full article has been omitted due to journal review. It is available upon request from the author.
A rare and lost preface to Animal farm; novella written by George Orwell. This preface better known as Freedom to Press was written by Orwell himself and It gives equal cult to the topic which Orwell tried to heed on. I just edited it... more
How to develop legally admissible evidence of your citizenship and sovereignty.
The neo-republican conception of freedom as non-domination has emerged as a powerful framework for conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between power, democracy, and constitutionalism in modernity. Despite this, I argue that... more
Le rapport entre Platon et Rousseau est significatif en ce que ces deux philosophes présentent chacun un projet de refonte radicale de la société. L’un fondé sur l’égalité géométrique, telle qu’elle est précisée d’une manière fondamentale... more
This dissertation talks about the philosophical overview and the problems related to the notion of Freedom. I have discussed the basic and the very general definition of freedom, along with what other notable philosophers think about what... more
La opción fundamental Grandes constantes metafísicas (borrador) La historia de la filosofía puede presentársenos como una acumulación de pensadores y de ideas contrapuestos entre sí. En este panorama, aparentemente caótico, tal vez haya... more
¿Debemos optar entre ser libres y respetar las normas? ¿Es más libre quien más transgresiones comete? ¿La enseñanza moral y religiosa atentan contra la libertad? ¿La libertad completa debería no tener límites? ¿Continúa vigente el ideal... more
Atti del Convegno di Studi "Logica e vita morale, 14-15 febbraio 2003 Roma, a cura di Simone D'Agostino
Hegel was often regarded as an ‘anti-individualist’, for whom the ethical universal is prior to the individual. In contrast, I argue that according to the teleological dynamic of the dialectical concept which aims to actualize freedom,... more
Scanlan (1958), in J.S. Mill and the Definition of Freedom, states that Mill was of the view that “the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will, is to prevent ‘harm... more
Tristram Shandy, de Laurence Sterne, et Jacques le Fataliste, de Denis Diderot, m'apparaissent aujourd'hui comme les deux plus grandes oeuvres romanesques du 18 e siècle, deux romans conçus comme un jeu grandiose. Ce sont deux sommets de... more
Hannah Arendt’s examination of the existential and political conditions under which human beings create the world and her examination of thinking as an antidote to totalitarianism, make her thought ever more relevant as the 21st century... more
In the anthropology of ethics there has been a growing interest in the concept of freedom, defined as the tool of consciousness that enables people to reflect on themselves and their circumstances, and make decisions about what they ought... more
This paper attempts to understand the emergence of the concept of freedom under Sartre’s philosophy and dwell deeper into the understanding and implementation of the same. Furthermore this paper looks into the critical analysis of his... more
Michel Weber, La liberté est la première des sécurités, (écrit pour Kairos 2021) Jamais la question de la liberté n'a été aussi instrumentalisée et donc aussi urgente à redéfinir. Les philosophes sérieux procèdent parfois en trois étapes... more
Although the concept of natural liberty played an essential role in the abolitionist movement, black abolitionist appropriations of the concept are generally reduced to Enlightenment categories of political theory. Through an analysis of... more
In this paper, I develop a functionalist theory of social domination to compete with current theories of this kind of social power that have arisen with and from the work of Philip Pettit. On the latter view, the basic structure of... more
If spirit is constituted through recognition, then the fact that recognition somehow depends on (first) nature – as I will argue in the first part of this paper – will have deep consequences on how we are to conceive the genesis and the... more
»Mit Heideggers Eintreffen in Marburg begann … für das philosophische Denken eine neue Epoche.« – So erinnert sich Hans-Georg Gadamer an Heideggers Marburger Zeit, und nicht nur Heideggers eigenes Schaffen, auch die anhaltende Wirkung von... more
Cílem předkládaného textu je ukázat, že problém svobody v politické sféře je u Hobbese zásadní a představuje jeden z centrálních bodů jeho politické filosofie. Východiskem úvah je Hobbesovo hlavní vymezení pojmu svobody jakožto... more
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher and writer, as well as a key influencer in the years leading up to the French Revolution of the late 18 th century. He was famous for his own theory of human nature, as were many of his predecessors... more
Publicado en ¿Quiénes somos? Cuestiones en torno al ser humano. Miguel Pérez de Laborda, Claudia E. Vanney y Francisco José Soler Gil (eds.). EUNSA, Pamplona 2018.
This paper focuses on the rule of metaphor in Paul Ricoeur's philosophy of language. In his MultiDisciplinary Studies in the Creation of Meaning in Language (1975), the French philosopher shows the fundamental power of human language in... more
THE FREE MAN THINKS OF NOTHING LESS THAN DEATH: SPINOZA AGAINST HEIDEGGER In this essay a theoretical comparison is presented between the perspective developed by Heidegger in Being and time regarding authentic existence and the... more
A Reply to the Replies to "Abolishing Freedom"
Hans-Hermann Hoppe contends that the fact that a person has the capacity to argue entails that she has the moral right of exclusive control over her own body. Critics of Hoppe’s argument do not appear to have pinpointed its flaws. I... more
L’art. 16 della Dichiarazione dei diritti dell’uomo e del cittadino del 26 agosto 1789 afferma: «Una società, nella quale la garanzia dei diritti non sia assicurata e la separazione dei poteri fissata, non ha una Costituzione». Non per... more
A guided tour of the literature on Kant's political philosophy, including classic and recent work, background materials, online and hard copy works, and commentary on the state of the field.
This article analyses John Stuart Mill's views on liberty and freedom of expression. The ideas of John Stuart Mill had great impact on the liberal ideology and western political thought. His work has not lost its relevance today. John... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
The topic of habitus is one of Thomas Aquinas's greatest contributions to moral theology, but it has been generally neglected in theological scholarship until now. Habits and Holiness is the first work in English to explore Aquinas's rich... more
Controversy has arisen on the left around attempts to curb provocative expression, particularly hate speech directed at vulnerable social groups. Yet that coupling of leftism with censorship is historically recent. Karl Marx, stemming... more
The Ancient Stoic doctrine of the human soul as a spark (apóspasma) of the Divine Nature is specially important in the authors of the Imperial era. Some Roman philosophers rely on the universal Fatherhood of God to attribute an... more
The chapter on 'The Nature of Freedom' from one of the most original essays ever written, exploring freedom from the standpoint of Post-Kantian Idealism. F.W.J. von Schelling's essay is challenging to read but it has been re-edited into... more
In der Rechtsphilosophie wie in der akademischen und politischen Debatte überhaupt stellt die Freiheit eine so umstrittene wie unverzichtbare Idee dar. Sie trägt erkennbar das Signum metaphysischer Konzepte: Man bekommt sie nicht einfach... more
The permissibility of actions depends upon facts about the flourishing and separateness of persons. Persons differ from other creatures in having the task of discovering for themselves, by conjecture and refutation, what sort of life will... more
A draft summary of my paper forthcoming in a collection of essays edited by Jorge Secada: "The Cartesian Mind" (Routledge 2022)
Као постмодерна, вишеслојна и вишезначењска, приповетка Борислава Пекића представља извесни изазов за сваког методичара практичара. У раду се нуди један од могућих методичких приступа за обраду, од којег су могућа извесна одступања при... more
Sviluppando un commento analitico ai concetti di causalità adeguata e azione si intende chiarire il significato dell’idea spinoziana di “libera necessità”, mostrando come e in che misura Spinoza possa essere considerato un compatibilista.... more
[This is an essay from the second year of my undergraduate Philosophy degree] In this essay, I will show that Simone de Beauvoir presents the view that women are denied their freedom through a system of patriarchal oppression. To do... more