Film Semiotics
Most downloaded papers in Film Semiotics
It is a commonplace that the mass media are populated with stereotypes. They are readily recognized on television, where their frequency has been ceaselessly documented by researchers. Why, then, return to the problem of defining... more
Resumen Se aborda el fenómeno del individualismo contemporáneo, las transformaciones de la intimidad y la fragilidad de los vínculos humanos. Se muestra cómo las sociedades telemáticas dan lugar a nuevas formas de fuga y ausencia del... more
This piece appeared in one of James Elkins' Art Seminar series as a commentary on the seminar devoted to photography.
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
This special issue of 'Scope: An Online Journal of Film and Television Studies' offers an original and provocative contribution to debates around adaptation and appropriation in film, television and new media. The issue is organised in... more
Formal theories reveal a visual dimension underlying better-known picture theories. Patterns of elements such as lines, shapes, and spaces, along with their properties, generate emotional responses and follow visual styles in society. The... more
sito internet: È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno o didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a... more
The fact that must be understood is that fi lms are understood.
What follows here is not a definition of art by decree. Nor is this some kind of art manifesto. We are not saying this is how art should be, or could be, but how it is, if you let go of the prison of aesthetics, and follow an infinitely... more
Informal communities of Russian artists and intellectuals during the late Soviet years practiced a “politics of indistinction.” They claimed to be uninterested in anything political and differentiated themselves from ordinary “Soviet... more
Signatim è termine raro. Compare in un passo attribuito all’autore Caio, all’interno dei cosiddetti Gromatici veteres, una raccolta di testi di agrimensura compilata nel V secolo d.C. “Gromatico” è infatti tutto ciò che si riferisce alla... more
Una mirada histórica y semiótica al desarrollo y los diferentes usos del color en el cine.
Análisis semiótico de la película Amores Perros. [2006]
In the passage of the Course in General Linguistics where Ferdinand de Saussure first foresaw the necessity to develop a new discipline called “semiology”, “nautical flags” are prominently listed among its objects of inquiry. Flags,... more
The fields of public relations has dramatically grown to build the relationships between an organization and its key publics through effective communication. The study is conducted to assess the practice and challenge of Public Relations... more
Frédéric GIMELLO-MESPLOMB, La musique de film. Paris, éditions Léo Scheer, coll. m@nuscrits, 2003. Frédéric GIMELLO-MESPLOMB, La musique de film. Paris, éditions Léo Scheer, coll. m@nuscrits, 2003.
El objetivo de estas notas es responder de manera sintética a varias preguntas generales sobre las relaciones entre filosofía y estudios cinematográficos, cuya interacción ha producido el terreno que, a lo largo de más de 100 años, ha... more
[ITA] An in-depth analysis of FF Coppola's masterpiece The Conversation, that introduces some general concepts related to a semiotics of the audible perception.
From 1968 to 1991 the acclaimed film theorist Christian Metz wrote several remarkable books on film theory: Essais sur la signifi cation au cinéma, tome1 et 2; Langage et cinéma; Le signifiant imaginaire; and L’Enonciation impersonnelle.... more
La gestion de l’intelligibilité de l’archive est une problématique à la fois sémiotique et documentaire qui fait émerger une question fondamentale : assister le parcours interprétatif en enrichissant les métadonnées de l’archive permet-il... more
Análisis textual del universo Tim Burton. Escenas Fantasmáticas. Análisis de varias escenas de la filmografía de Tim Burton acompañadas de datos clave sobre el autor y sus influencias para el análisis de éstas. Trabajo de Finde... more
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
Cultures can be categorized depending on whether they concentrate their attention on the past, the present, or the future, and depending on whether this attention is euphoric, dysphoric, or neutral (Leone 2014 _Longing_). The present... more
Perhaps one of the oddest examples of the hotel film "genre" is undoubtedly Alain Resnais's L'Année dernière à Marienbad (Last Year at Marienbad, 1961). Although Marienbad takes place almost entirely within the confines of a luxurious... more
After a short survey of the key questions regarding intermediality in cinema and placing them into the context of current debates in media studies and film theory, the paper addresses the key issues of the methodology of studying... more
Table of Contents – Acknowledgments – Editorial Note
This chapter discusses how Christian Metz was inspired by the French filmology movement. Filmology, having been founded in the years after WWII, endeavoured to study cinema in its psychological, sociological, and philosophical complexity.... more
Critics of semiology, and of Christian Metz's work in particular, often alleged that he was not a cinephile, that he had no interest in films (since he hardly ever analyzed a film), and that semiologists like Metz were putting aside... more
È estatico ogni discorso che, costruendosi nel linguaggio e col linguaggio, rappresenta nondimeno una fuoriuscita da esso, un bloccarsi della semiosi, un venir meno delle distinzioni che fondano il senso. Trattasi dunque di un’impostura?... more
There have been certain conventions such as music, dance, male-female duality, personal styles of characters, entertainment, spontaneity and audience, introduced to describe the Hollywood/American film musical genre. However, the majority... more
Di tutte le annunciazioni che popolano la storia umana e le sue svariate tradizioni, al semiologo non interessa la fonte in sé, il numinoso che all’umano si rivolge per significargli di volta in volta la propria presenza, intenzione,... more
A practical book, based on the most recent advances of art theory, neurosciences and the sciences of sensory perception, that helps both the expert and the student to have a better control over the emotive effects and the behavior... more
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The author analyzes Sven Agustijnen's Specters from the philosophical perspective. He tries to prove that the cinema of Belgian director is haunted because it presents the reality as made out of traces, which disturb the traditional... more
Le cinéma (ce qu'on appelle cinéma), qui n'est pas encore qu'au principe, deviendra au terme de son évolution la plus formidable trouvaille du monde, en ce sens qu'il dressera devant l'humanité une surhumanité ainsi qu'en face de la... more
Dusi, N., Vanoye, F., Tröhler, M., editors, automne 2004, L'adaptation cinématographique: questions de méthode, questions ésthétiques. Film Adaptation: Methodological Questions, Aesthetic Questions, numero 30 di IRIS – Revue de Théorie de... more
Come dire cose senza parole: figuratività sonora e sound design, tra musica e cinema Lucio Spaziante
tesi magistrale in semiotica del testo riguardante gli effetti di senso creati dal montaggio audiovisivo. il seguente studio dopo aver analizzato il medium tv, i generi televisivi ed il linguaggio proprio della televisione, affronta il... more