Financial Inclusion
Recent papers in Financial Inclusion
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Based on the failure to cut down poverty rate to 7% by 2019, I argue that the Indonesian Government needs not only planning and identifying targets, but also look for ways to realise its objectives. The State Budget spent through social... more
Mobile money services are a powerful tool to bring the unbanked and those using only informal financial services into the formal financial sector.
This paper is an editorial essay, whose insights are informed by a study on the financial journeys of refugees conducted in Greece, Jordan, Turkey, and Denmark in July and August 20162. In this essay, we begin by providing a brief... more
The 2015 cross-border funder survey reports commitments from the largest international funders of financial inclusion, as of 31 December 2014. Consultative group to assist the poor (CGAP) has conducted the survey annually since 2008 and... more
Si la protection sociale semble reculer, l’ tat n’a pas pour autant renonc prot ger ses citoyens. De la r glementation du compte en banque jusqu’ l’ ducation budg taire en passant par l’inclusion bancaire ou la proc dure de... more
Few months back I read GSMA State of Industry Report-Mobile Money 2015. It was an interesting report depicting the fact that how the informal O2C (Over the Counter or Retailer performing transactions through Customer Account) is still one... more
Today more than ever, banks are facing the race for innovation in mobile financial services. Several studies have focused on the factors driving the adoption of mobile money, but the aspect of deposit collection activity by banks,... more
Financial inclusion currently becomes the important priority policies for many countries, including the developed and developing nations. Financial inclusion realisation is promoted by the easy and convenient access to financial services,... more
This state of play paper provides a brief overview of the global potential market scope of refugees, and review the progress to improve access to finance by refugees in the past few years. Remaining barriers are briefly described,... more
In early 2012, the South African government deployed a new electronic payment system for the nearly 10 million recipients of the state's welfare program. These monthly cash transfers reflect the constitutional right to social security and... more
Innovations in the financial sector play a critical role in promoting economic growth. Studies that have sought to investigate this linkage in sub- Saharan Africa have produced mixed results. None of the existing studies have attempted to... more
New financial technologies (FinTech) may not represent a new era for sustainable development-at least not as currently conceived. Many of the gains espoused by the UN and other cheerleaders come from rebranding the online equivalents of... more
This paper contrasts individual liability lending with and without groups to joint liability lending. By doing so, we shed light on an apparent shift away from joint liability lending towards individual liability lending. We show that... more
Financial inclusion is gaining acceptance in Egypt as a prominent policy toward the economic reform during the last few years. However, there is relative dearth of em1pirical studies examining the impact of financial inclusion on the... more
The Economic Survey of India 2016-17 proposed universal basic income as a means to end those welfare schemes in India plagued by inefficiency and misallocation. This paper assesses the results of cash transfer pilots in India and... more
Blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, is a digital, distributed, immutable transaction ledger that replaces a central authority (or 'middleman') with algorithms. By doing so it offers numerous opportunities for cost... more
Whether workshops are efficient in increasing the level of financial literacy and impacting financial decisions of the consumers is not obvious. Many people may claim that financial knowledge and skills drive their financial decisions and... more
This article aims to investigate the factors that affect the usage of banking services in increasing financial inclusion in Pondicherry region. Purpose of opening bank account, easiness in accessing a bank's products, convenience,... more
Purpose- Pakistan is a lower-middle-income country and financial inclusion rate is comparatively lower than other South Asian countries. In this circumstance, Government of Pakistan has implemented various financial inclusion policies and... more
Digital technologies are deeply embedded into the daily activity of every capital markets professional. They have transformed the sales and trading business over time and will continue to improve it. The Digital Asset ecosystem has... more
The study was conducted to examine the role of financial inclusion in economic growth basing on selected districts from western Uganda. The researchers adopted a cross-sectional survey design and both quantitative and qualitative... more
In the era of the industrial revolution, the world has been witnessing a histrionic turnaround owing to the consolidation of several prevalent disruptive forces, especially in the domain of technology. The present study aims at unearthing... more
Finance has become an essential part of an economy for development of the society as well as economy of nation. For, this purpose a strong financial system is required in not only in under-developed countries and developing countries but... more
India is a country having more than 1.25 billion people, spread across 29 states and seven union territories. There are around 6, 00,000 villages and 640 districts in our country. India is one of the most efficient and prosperous... more
Findings from the Nationally Representative FII Tracker Survey in Uganda (Wave 1), Focus Group Discussions with Lapsed Users and Nonusers of Mobile Money, and Mobile Money Agent Research.
This study explores the impact of financial inclusion on financial resilience in Bangladesh, using World Bank data on global financial inclusions. It finds that respondents with financial accounts are more resilient than those without... more
Women empowerment has taken a center stage in the present development agenda. The study examines the role of financial inclusion in supporting women empowerment in Lango sub region, Northern Uganda. Using both purposive and simple random... more
Since the process of nationalization of banks in 1969, there has been a significant expansion both in the geographical as well as functional reach of the commercial banks, regional rural banks and co-operative credit institutions.... more
Ce travail se propose d’apprécier les effets de l’inclusion financière sur la croissance économique en zone CEMAC. L’approche utilisée pour l’inclusion financière est celle du Mobile Money défini comme étant un service pour lequel le... more
Women's extensive role in economic, social and political transformation across all sectors has made the financial access more significant for women. The role and impact of financial inclusion for achieving women empowerment is significant... more
Financial inclusion is promoted as an important economic development program to solve the lack of access to formal financial services for billions of people around the world. The concept “financial inclusion” has entered mainstream... more
L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser les déterminants de l’inclusion financière de la Poste Tunisienne qui est mesurée dans notre étude par le nombre de détention de compte chez la Poste. Nous utilisons deux principales approches pour... more
This report presents findings from mobile money consumer and agent experiences. The key insights are, customers and agents complain about network instability, transaction charges and fraud. Many customers understand the benefits of having... more
This research paper is a study of the Role of Branchless Banking in achieving Financial Inclusion in India . The researcher carried out this study to understand the role of branchless banking and the implementation of the same for... more