Finno-Ugric Mythology
Recent papers in Finno-Ugric Mythology
The purpose of this paper is to prove conclusively that Hungarian and by extension all Uralic languages are not a group of languages developed in isolation of other languages but are instead a unique branch of Indo-Aryan. This was made... more
The goal of the thesis is to provide new approaches for the interpretation of the elaborate Finnish and Karelian bear ceremonial’s songs, which were intensively collected in the 19th Century and in the early 20th Century. The study aims... more
It must have been in my very prime of collecting, at least 15 years ago, that I saw a fibula on Ebay, said to have been found in the area of Staraya Ladoga and described as being 'Viking/from the Viking Age'. Now, as I have said in the... more
In this article, I introduce the terms and concepts semantic correlation and semantic disambiguation as tools for examining aspects of mythological thinking that interface with the lexicon. Semantic correlation describes a phenomenon... more
Myth has become a fundamental frame of reference for Western thinking. This paper explores the term and category " myth " from the perspective of folklore studies, with concern for the use of myth as a tool in research. The ways in which... more
M. A. Castrén 1853: Föreläsningar i finsk mytologi. Helsingfors: Finska Litteratur-Sällskapet. Matthias Alexander Castrénin (1813-1852) Luentoja suomalaisesta mytologiasta on avainteos suomalaisen mytologian tutkimuksen historiassa.... more
Original article in English (2014) published in the bilingual anthology Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Magic, Art and Music (ed. by Piludu and Frog, 2014, VociFuoriscena-Viterbo). Proceeding of the bilingual... more
Поскольку марийская фраза со словом «коля» является точным соответствием одному из вариантов русской детской приговорки (когда мышке велят дать воды), то можно предположить, что это просто-напросто калька с русского. Но что же тогда... more
This paper concerns the distribution of the motif “Your House is on Fire!”, which has been repeatedly discussed in comparative works on Balto-Slavic and Goidelic oral traditions. In our online database of world folklore and mythology... more
В статье на материале русских и коми-пермяцких фольклорных рассказах о кладах рассматриваются два редких мотива, связанных с условием получения сокровища (запрячь 12 петухов; позвонить в колокол быстрее, чем закричит петух). Обнаруженные... more
A series of 20 primitive but detailed bronze idols of the 2nd-1st cc. BC founded in 1900 near Sapogovo / Novo-Burino Village in South Trans-Ural Region, on the border of Forest and Steppe Zones, in former lake (see Figs. 1-2 from V.Yu.... more
Can someone tell me more about this kind of object – how it was used (for) and what the image represents ?
Происхождение духов леса из душ умерших людей выражено в славянских мифологических представлениях менее отчетливо, чем в случае с некоторыми другими мифологическими персонажами. В работе рассмотрены сюжеты и мотивы несказочной прозы, а... more
Статья посвящена изучению плечевой одежды духов-покровителей. Источниками послужили материалы, полученные в ходе этнографических экспедиций в районы проживания северной группы хантов, и предметы из музейной коллекции. Цель исследования -... more
Does anyone of you know where I can order a hardcopy from this book: Ugrian heritage : West-Siberian antiquities from the collection of Urals University = [Ugorskoe nasledie : drevnosti Zapadnoĭ Sibiri iz sobraniĭ Uralʹskogo... more
В работе анализируется архивный документ – письмо протоиерея, благочинного, миссионера из г. Глазова Иосифа Стефанова (1848 г.). Он просил своего знакомого разузнать подробнее о трёх местах в г. Вятке и поблизости. По его мнению, там... more
- It is well known that Finno-Ugric peoples, like people further east, had a notion that the polar star was a nail in the top of an invisible world pillar. It is also known that among the Baltic Finns, the mythic object Sampo seems to... more