Fish Breeding
Recent papers in Fish Breeding
The objective of this present study is to determine the optimum concentration for glutathione in the cryopreservation of seurukan fish (Osteochilus vittatus) spermatozoa. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used with 6 treatments and... more
The objective of the present study was to determine the most suitable extender and their respective dilution ratios for African catfish sperm for artificial induced breeding and cryopreservation purposes. Three natural extenders were... more
The study was conducted to know the induced breeding technique of common carp verities. Scale carp (C. carpio var. communis), mirror carp (C. carpio var. specularis) and leather carp (C. carpio var. nudus) are chosen for the experiment at... more
Materi yang ditulis dalam setiap bab dalam buku referensi ini diperuntukkan sebagai buku bacaan untuk mata kuliah Pemuliaan Ikan (Semester V) dan Teknologi Pembenihan Ikan (Semester VI), yang dapat membantu pemahaman mahasiswa mengikuti... more
Fancy a project that's challenging and very different? Try breeding mudskippers. It can be done in the aquarium and this fascinating feature shows you how.
This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of preserved and fresh pituitary extract of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) to induced spawning in the same species. Growth performance of fry was also monitored for 15 days to... more
Starved was one effort that can reduce the feed consumption and feed residues without decreasing growth of cultured fish. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of starved periodically to the specific growth rate and... more
Present study was conducted on induced breeding of commercially important Clarias batrachus due to the non-availability of its quality seeds from the natural resources for environmental degradation, shrinkage of natural breeding ground... more
An experiment was performed to appraise the biological performances and ingestive behavior of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). In this respect, we examined three tilapia stocking densities; low density (LD, 100 fish m-3), medium... more
Induced breeding of African catfish Clarias gariepinus was conducted to investigate the effect of different male-female broodstock ratio on the breeding performance. The broodstock for the experiment were collected from the National... more
This study aim to study the spawning performance of African catfish induced with ovaprim serially diluted with 9% saline and coconut water at ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8 and 1:9 with 1:0 serving as the control,... more
Aquaculture is being the fastest food production sector in the world with an estimated production of about 179 million tonnes. The fish production from capture fisheries (96 million tonnes) is almost stagnant for many decades but the... more
– the relative economic weights – genetic parameters (heritabilities, correlations) to determine the weights we put on the observed phenotypes Index = b 1 P 1 + b 2 P 2
The need for pro-fertility agents in fish with possible minimal side effects, availability, acceptability and affordability informed the evaluation of powder of Tetracarpidium conophorum seeds in male Clarias gariepinus brood stock... more
ABSTRACT The Mekong River Basin is one of the most biologically diverse inland water systems in the world, and is the home of some 1,200 fish species. The seven-line barb is one of the most important indigenous fish of the Mekong Basin... more
Three strains of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from the Netherlands (Dutch), Indonesia and Kenya (Lake Victoria) were studied in hatchery conditions to compare their fecundity, growth performance and survival rates. The results... more
The present study was carried out to develop captive brood-stock, induce natural spawning and rear fry of Ompok bimaculatus, with an aim to conserve and propagate its stocks. Adult fish collected from an irrigation tank in Karnataka State... more
This study aim to study the spawning performance of African catfish induced with ovaprim serially diluted with 9% saline and coconut water at ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8 and 1:9 with 1:0 serving as the control,... more
Indonesian leaffish, Pristolepis grootii (Bleeker, 1852), is an undomesticated freshwater fish species native to the rivers, flooded swamps, and tributaries of Indonesia. The fish is mainly captured for consumption. In order to prevent... more
Induced breeding of African catfish Clarias gariepinus was conducted to investigate the effect of different male-female broodstock ratio on the breeding performance. The broodstock for the experiment were collected from the National... more
Induced breeding of African catfish Clarias gariepinus was conducted to investigate the effect of different male-female broodstock ratio on the breeding performance. The broodstock for the experiment were collected from the National... more
Induced breeding, embryogenic chronology and larva development of Heteropneustes fossilis were studied in this work. One sexually matured female was injected intramuscularly with dry carp pituitary gland suspension at 4 mg/ kg-of body... more
Genetic information is essential for conservation and future aquaculture development of the endangered catfish Rita rita (Hamilton, 1822). Two hundred catfish, R. rita, 50 from four rivers, the Old Brahmaputra, Jamuna, Meghna and Kangsa... more
Three strains of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from the Netherlands (Dutch), Indonesia and Kenya (Lake Victoria) were studied in hatchery conditions to compare their fecundity, growth performance and survival rates. The results... more
Natural round batfish broodstocks were maintained in cage in earthen pond. On August, 12 females with total length 29.4±2.5 cm and bodyweight 1.1±0.3 kg and 3 males with total length 28.8±1.5 cm and weight 1.0±0.2 kg were moved to... more
Study on the effect of cryoprotectants on abnormality and motility of baung, Mystus nemurus spermatozoa were evaluated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Four cryoprotectants, dmso, ethanol, methanol and glycerol at... more
Study on the effect of cryoprotectants on abnormality and motility of baung, Mystus nemurus spermatozoa were evaluated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Four cryoprotectants, dmso, ethanol, methanol and glycerol at... more
The objective of the present study was to determine the most suitable extender and their respective dilution ratios for African catfish sperm for artificial induced breeding and cryopreservation purposes. Three natural extenders were... more
The aims of this study were to determine the influence of the factors affecting fin damage under different rainbow trout production systems and to compare the findings with the known experimental reports. The study was based on a... more
; Tel: +2348036320095. SUMMARY A total of 120 Clarias gariepinus, 120 of Heterotis niloticus and 150 Oreochromis niloticus were collected from integrated fish cum chicken reservoir for Aeromonas hydrophila screening. Samples were... more
A focused review on the use of LHRHa in induced breeding of fishes in India was made. Use of LHRHa is mainly restricted to high value brackish water and marine fish species whose market value generally exceeds INR 300-400/kg (USD... more
The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of fin damage in farmed rainbow trout and to see whether the level of damage differed between different fish categories and farms. The study was field based and included the fin... more
The objective of this present study is to determine the optimum concentration for glutathione in the cryopreservation of seurukan fish (Osteochilus vittatus) spermatozoa. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used with 6 treatments and... more
The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of fin damage in farmed rainbow trout and to see whether the level of damage differed between different fish categories and farms. The study was field based and included the fin... more
Study on the effect of cryoprotectants on abnormality and motility of baung, Mystus nemurus spermatozoa were evaluated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Four cryoprotectants, dmso, ethanol, methanol and glycerol at... more