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A database on Antonio Bertoloni’s Flora Italica – The structure and content of a database on Antonio Bertoloni’s Flora italica are described. This was the first Italian general Flora, issued between 1833 and 1856, and is still useful for... more
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    • Flora
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyEconomicsNatural Resources
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      Plant BiologyMultivariate AnalysisFloraEnvironmental Conditions
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      Forest EcologyFloraChiapasFloral diversity
The inventory of the taxa collected in Apulia Region during the annual excursion 2011 of the “Floristic Group” of the Italian Botanical Society is presented and discussed. During the excursion 605 entities of 76 different plant families... more
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    • Flora
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      Earth SciencesBiogeographyBiodiversityForest Ecology
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      GeographyForestryEcuadorForest Ecology
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      Agricultural BiodiversityFloraEcosystemsFauna
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Phytogeographical study of the forest massifs of Kefrida, a neglected sector of the Babors important PLANT area (Northeastern Algeria).― In order to provide a better knowledge of the flora of Little Kabylia (Bejaia, Algeria), with an... more
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      GeographyBiodiversityForest EcologyMediterranean and North Africa
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      MorphologyEvolutionMorphometryBiological Sciences
The results of the excursion of the “Gruppo di Floristica” of the Italian Botanical Society held in the Sicani Mountains (CW-Sicily) on May 3-6, 2012, are here presented. During the research a total of 532 taxa was recorded. Three of... more
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      FloristicsVegetation EcologyFloraFlora and Vegetation
A família Iridaceae possui 66 gêneros e cerca de 2030 espécies, com distribuição cosmopolita e centro de diversidade na África do Sul, seguido pela América do Sul (Goldblatt et al. 2008). O presente trabalho baseia-se especialmente no... more
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      WetlandsInteractionEndangered SpeciesFlora
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      Plant BiologyFunctional EcologyBiodiversityFlora
Landschapsbiografisch, Historisch ecologische studie Boxmeeer, Maasheggen deel 14. Excursie KNNV 19 januari 2021. Flora, fauna, fytocoenologie, aardkunde, edafologie.
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Abstract Opening Lecture III Simposio Internacional de Agave / III International Symposium on Agave, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 3. - 5. Noviembre 2016,
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      Plant BiologyFloraMorphological VariationWater Loss
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      BiochemistryChemistryPlant BiologyPlant Anatomy
Nel 150° anniversario dalla scomparsa, lo stesso anno in cui la tutela di ambiente, ecosistemi e biodiversità è stata inclusa tra i principi fondamentali della Costituzione italiana, la commemorazione del matematico, fisico e botanico,... more
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During the last years in the Ruhr area and in the Rheinland area several fern species have been detected new to the wild flora of Germany. These are the neophytic taxa Adiantum raddianum, Pteris cretica, Pteris cretica var. albo-lineata,... more
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      BotanyPteridologyGermanyFerns and Fern Allies
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      FloraUrban Green Spacevegetação urbana
Celastrus L., a large genus of family Celastraceae, is represented by ca 31 species in the world. In India the genus is represented by seven species and one subspecies. This paper deals with addition of Celastrus paniculatus ssp.... more
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    • Flora
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      ConservationReproductionBiologySeed Dispersal
Medicinal plants are traditionally used worldwide for primary healthcare. Documentation of such traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge is essential because it might be lost after the loss of knowledgeable people. This study was conducted to... more
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The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) was established by the Conference of Parties in 2002 to decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this overarching goal,... more
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      Plant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)FloraInventarios fauna y floraMonographs
This paper deals with the chemical composition of the lake water and its effect on this wet ecosystem witnessing the interplay among the sea, the river and the man. The Lake Idku and its coasts is a characteristic ecosystem with a high... more
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      WetlandsChemicalFloraFish Farm
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      TourismFloraHungaryNatura 2000
This book presents 70 boards with 1,400 photographs of 1,002 species of plants, fungi and lichens photographed in São thome das Letras, Minas Gerais, Brazil in these 06 years by 66 plant-loving photographers. 802 species of angiosperms... more
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      BotanyFloristicsFloraMinas Gerais
У довіднику наведено інформацію про сучасний стан та подальші перспективи збереження рідкісних та зникаючих трав’янистих рослин у Національному дендрологічному парку «Софіївка» НАН України. Охарактеризовано 72 види рослин, серед яких... more
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      Ex Situ ConservationFloraNature ConservationBotanical Gardens
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      Plant EcologyNational ParksFloristicsFlora
Resumen La cordillera Chongón Colonche conocida por su alta diversidad y endemismo presenta vacíos de información biológica así como la deforestación que amenazan la biodiversidad del sitio. Se determinó la composición, estructura y... more
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      GeographyEcuadorForest EcologyFlora
Recopilación a corta escala de información acerca de la flora, fauna e historia acerca de los hornos de cal ubicados al norte del DM Quito, específicamente en la zona de Infiernillo a un costado de la Reserva Geobotánica Pululahua.
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      HistoriaFloraFaunaHornos De Cal
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      FloristicsPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)DissertationsFlora
Un gran paisaje continuo con bosques inundables y de tierra firme muy diversos con baja perturbación, pieza clave en la conectividad con áreas protegidas adyacentes y con otros varillales y turberas en Loreto; la mayor extensión de... more
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      BotanyPlant EcologyDiversityAmazonia
Vascular flora of the Trapani littoral between Ronciglio and Capo San Vito (NW Sicily). – The list of the vascular plants observed and collected in the Trapani littoral between Ronciglio and Capo San Vito (NW Sicily) during the last... more
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      MediterraneanBiodiversityFloraVascular Plants
The synanthropic flora of the Lviv city was studied. It includes 663 species of vascular plants which belong to 382 genera and 103 families of four divisions. The families which are the most saturated of synanthropic species: Аsteraceae... more
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      FloraLvivSynanthropic Flora and Vegetation
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      BiologyFloraTreesCheck List
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      Plant EcologyPrincipal Component AnalysisEcologyUrban Ecology
The Philippines is highly regarded as one of the top biodiversity “hot spot” areas of the world supporting 1.9 percent of the world’s endemic plants and vertebrates species (Mittermeier et al. 1998). In fact, the Philippines is one of the... more
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      FloristicsEndangered SpeciesNatural protected areasBiodiversity Conservation
São apresentadas 43 espécies que ocorrem no estado da Bahia, contendo 11 espécies endêmicas, seis ameaçadas de extinção e quatro são registradas pela primeira vez para o estado.
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      FloraFlorísticaNordeste BrasileiroBiodiversidade E Conservação
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      Plant BiologyFloraCell DeathProgrammed cell death
The essay takes it starting point from the question, how women Surrealists depict sexuality. Images of female erotic fantasies have been far less analyzed than the erotic fantasies of their male Surrealist colleagues. The essay puts... more
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      Art HistoryNordic StudiesSexualityModern Art
El trabajo de esta comunicación se encuadra dentro del trabajo de investigación etnobotánica desarrollado por sus autores en el Valle de Roncal (Navarra). A través de la propuesta aquí expuesta se pretenden interrelacionar dos ámbitos en... more
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The plant remains from the discovery site of the Iceman include a large quantity of grass, from which parts of his clothing were also made. His cape consists of bundles of Brachypodium pinnatum tied with Tilia bast fibres, and the hay... more
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We report the discovery of the Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile var. aegyptiaca in Qatar for the first time. According to the national biodiversity reports and national and international literatures, there are no record for the species in... more
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      QatarFloraFirst recordDesert Dates