Future Generations
Recent papers in Future Generations
This chapter argues that there is a collective responsibility to have enough children in order to ensure that people will not, in the future, suffer great harm due to depopulation. Moreover, if people stopped having children voluntarily,... more
L'architettura è un campo in cui l’intervento umano sul mondo provoca conseguenze rilevanti e durature, spesso materialmente persistenti per centinaia e centinaia di anni. Sarebbe quindi naturale aspettarsi che gli architetti riflettano... more
Derek Parfit originally formulated the Repugnant Conclusion as follows: " For any possible population of at least ten billion people, all with a very high quality of life, there must be some much larger imaginable population whose... more
Arrhenius, G. 2000: Future Generations: A Challenge for Moral Theory. viii+234#? pp. Uppsala.
The following study will make reference to the research and analysis ofGeneration Z*' profile and to find out how well the industry is prepared to serve the needs and expectations of*GEN Z; both as guests and employees of their... more
For the last thirty years or so, there has been a search underway for a theory that canaccommodate our intuitions in regard to moral duties to future generations. The object ofthis search has prove ...
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17449626.2012.705786#.U9ZhGkhaO2w Given the importance of being able to account for moral obligations towards future generations, especially in the light of the problem of global climate... more
This Article examines the role of the Philippine Supreme Court in protecting the environment by scrutinizing the Court's record in resolving environmental cases. The Article provides an overview of the framework of Philippine... more
La justice distributive est cette justice qui se préoccupe d'identifier les critères et processus de distribution légitime des coûts et bénéfices matériels ou symboliques (revenus, richesses, statuts, etc.) pour des individus ou des... more
The Colombian Supreme Court in a landmark judgment of 5 April 2018 ordered the government of the same country to stop deforestation and reminding it of its duty to protect nature and the climate on behalf of present and future... more
Climate change – and its most dangerous consequence, the rapid overheating of the planet – is not the offspring of a natural procedure; instead, it is human-induced. It is only the aftermath of a specific pattern of economic development,... more
This article focuses on some very “fundamental threats” to future generations’ leaving, and considers whether most essential interests of future persons not to be harmed can be construed as rights, and in particular as human rights, as... more
El debate en torno a la fundamentación filosófica de nuestra responsabilidad hacia las generaciones futuras y sus consecuencias para la democracia verde. The debate about the philosophical foundation of our responsibility to future... more
Este trabajo examina varias teorías de la justicia intergeneracional y sus implicaciones en el ámbito práctico de los sistemas de pensiones. En este contexto, la sostenibilidad del sistema parece estar comprometida a causa de las... more
Prospective parents are sometimes partial towards their future children, engaging in what I call ‘pre-parental partiality’. Common sense morality is as permissive of pre-parental partiality as it is of ordinary parental... more
Que faire et ne pas faire pour les générations futures ? Dans cette entrée, nous identifions les défis centraux que doit relever une pensée se revendiquant de l'écologie politique et prenant au sérieux nos obligations envers les... more
Ensayo que profundiza en los fundamentos éticos que están a la base de la noción de "guardianía de la Tierra" (la percepción del tiempo circular), en tanto expresión de aquella narrativa de la América profunda que constituye un aporte a... more
Indice disponibile all'indirizzo: shop.wki.it/libri/la-sostenibilita-del-debitopubblico-in-costituzione-s741645/#pdp-details.
It has become increasingly common legal provisions that expressly deal with future generations and their necessary protection. The combination of issues concerning future generations and agricultural activities, despite their undeniable... more
Intergenerational justice is a great challenge for internalist universalistic ethics, i.e. ethics which claim that moral convinctions have to be connected to motivation to act morally and which care for everybody (more precisely: for... more
The urgent issue of intergenerational justice is philosophically well addressed, but what is still missing is an elaborated conceptual and argumentative link both to political science and to real world politics. Adapting several concepts... more
Chapter 7 1. INTRODUCTION Multiple Input Multiple Output technology has revolutionized the research in wireless systems. Today, the existence and realization of high capacity communication network backbones motivates researchers to... more
Est-il moralement acceptable de transmettre aux générations futures des déchets nucléaires ou une biodiversité réduite à une peau de chagrin ? Les personnes futures sauraient-elles être titulaires de droits alors qu’elles n’existent pas ?... more
The concept of virtual engineering (VEng) can be understood as a generalization of “multi-disciplinary problem solving”, an ever more used term in scientific computing. An abstract space consisting of the physical, the geometrical, and... more
16 Sentientistic ethics assigns moral standing to all and only sentient beings. 17 Zoocentric ethics assigns moral standing to all and only animals. 18 Biocentric ethics assigns moral standing to all and only living beings. Two other... more
Michael Reder, Nejma Tamoudi und Simon Faets widmen sich in ihrem Überblicksartikel den normativen Grundlagen der Debatte um intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit sowie deren politikphilosophischen Implikationen. Ziel ist es, einen... more
Michael Reder, Nejma Tamoudi und Simon Faets widmen sich in ihrem Überblicksartikel den normativen Grundlagen der Debatte um intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit sowie deren politikphilosophischen Implikationen. Ziel ist es, einen... more
Nachhaltigkeitsberichte gelten als jährliche Fixierung der Maßnahmen und Ziele eines Unternehmens im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit. Der Beitrag stellt den analytischen Wert von Längsschnittbetrachtungen zur Untersuchung von sprachlichen... more
O texto suscita-nos questões perturbadas e perturbadoras porque nos força a olhar para além do horizonte estreito, no espaço e no tempo, dos deveres e dos direitos morais e políticos em que nos movemos habitualmente. É que, embora a... more
Traditional ethical theories have paradoxical implications in regards to questions concerning procreation and our moral duties to future people. It has been suggested that the crux of the problem resides in an all too... more
It seems to be a widespread opinion that increasing the length of existing happy lives is better than creating new happy lives although the total welfare is the same in both cases, and that it may be better even when the total welfare is... more
The concept of virtual engineering (VEng) can be understood as a generalization of "multi-disciplinary problem solving", an ever more used term in scientific computing. An abstract space consisting of the physical, the geometrical, and... more