Gender and Law
Recent papers in Gender and Law
Balancing between sex equality and religious interests has been a challenge for Israel’s constitutional law from the state’s inception. In recent years, however, the expanding repertoire of practices known as women’s exclusion has brought... more
Familias no tradicionales, relaciones no monógamas y el "nuevo" Código Civil (P. de la C. 1654) "La sociedad contra-sexual demanda la abolición de la familia nuclear como célula de producción, de reproducción y de consumo. La práctica de... more
Women's struggle for emancipation can be characterized, among other elements, as an ongoing process for, first, entering the legal system and second, attempting to change it. This, nonetheless, stirs up conflicts and certain perplexities,... more
This paper is primarily concerned with a legal instrument used as means of “sanctioning” for a crime of violence, rape, in Turkey for almost a period of 65 years (1926-1990). The punishment for the crime to be lessened statutorily... more
The debate below, on the role of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran, prompted by William O. Beeman's 2001 article, "Iranian Women's Situation has Improved under the Islamic Republic" was conducted in 2001 as part of the Gulf12000... more
The term ‘protective mothers’ is used in the literature on child abuse to refer to women who take proactive steps to protect their children from abuse and violence. Protective mothers who take children overseas to bring violence or abuse... more
This essay focuses on the definition of ‘consent’ in the context of rape, which was introduced in the Indian Penal Code by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2013. The first part assesses the standard of consent under Section 375 and its... more
On 15 July 2004, a public protest was staged in the state of Manipur, in India’s Northeast, to oppose the rape and custodial killing of a young Meitei woman, Thangjam Manorama, by soldiers of a counter-insurgency paramilitary battalion,... more
The victim subject is a transnational phenomenon. It occurs, at least within legal discourse, in both the "West" and the Third World. However, the Third World victim subject has come to represent the more victimized subject; that is, the... more
This paper focuses upon some of the legal moves which have brought adult heterosexual non-marital cohabitation patterns, popularly termed "live-in" relations, into public focus in India. These legal moves do not unambiguously signify... more
The EU is often seen as one of the most progressive political organizations regarding gender equality, particularly in terms of work-life balance measures. These measures enable parents especially women, who are predominantly primary... more
Since the crime has no gender then neither should our laws have one.The lawshould not distinguish between criminals on the basis of their sex.Anybody can commit crime, even women, for the same reasons that men can do. The one who has... more
Общество и право: исследовательские перспективы — сборник статей авторов семинаров «Общество и право» в Центре независимых социологических исследований. Книга посвящена разнообразным аспектам изучения права методами социальных наук. В... more
The article offers a meditation on the symbol of the 'wolf in sheep's clothing', and notes how this has re-emerged as a cultural archetype recently in 'desire-led intimacy' cases between young ciswoman and their non-cis partners. It... more
Suffering it has been said, is in the eye of the observer and not in the eye of the sufferer. Rape is one of the most heinous forms of sexual harassment against women. It not only harms the victim physically but also drains her mentally.... more
Transgender and the Binary Sport Structure
Some examples about legal protection for women in several medieval Spanish statutes.
This is Book is about Course "Gender & Law "which is written specifically in Pakistani context for the Undergraduate students to know basics about this subject in Non-controversial way .Book is reviewed by Mr. Rukhsar Ali from Quaid e... more
The uprise and situation of women in law in Germany 2003
RESUMEN La sociedad exige la vida en pareja, como un ideal y como un momento de realización personal. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, la sociedad determina roles en hombres y mujeres tan diferentes que ese ideal, en la práctica, se torna... more
This paper explores the relationship between law and justice in Aristophanes' Ecclesiazusae
Az Egyezmény jogi szempontból kifejezetten fontos nóvuma, hogy a nőkkel szembeni erőszakot olyan típusú erőszakként definiálja, ami a nők ellen irányul kifejezetten azért, mert nők, vagy nőket érint, sújt aránytalan mértékben. Ily módon,... more
En este documento algunas profesoras de la Línea de Investigación en Derecho y Género de la Universidad del Rosario ofrecen un análisis de los objetivos, impactos y retos de la creación e implementación del Núcleo de Profundización en... more
This paper situates the impulse to criminalize triple talaq at the intersection of three interrelated debates: universal human rights through homogenized citizenship, law reforms in modern nation-states and the question of community... more
This paper considers the relationship between women, religion and the Australian state via an examination of federal anti-discrimination law. Much of the social research into religion-state relations over the last ten years, particularly... more
O direito é muito visado pelos movimentos sociais. Hoje em dia, lutas por reconhecimento 1 não são travadas apenas nas ruas e em projetos de resistência. Cada vez mais, são deslocadas para o interior do lobby na produção legislativa e... more
This article examines Canadian refugee law cases involving domestic violence, analyzed through a comparison with cases involving forced sterilization and genital cutting. Surveying 645 reported decisions, it suggests that Canadian... more
Gender issues in teaching materials for law students
Amicus curiae redactado por las y los integrantes de la Clínica de Justicia y Género Marisela Escobedo de la UNAM.
Revisión de los instrumentos de igualación de género en la Administración del Estado en Chile
The economic analysis of law seems to be a very attractive hypothesis; however, not very practical applications of this approach have been evident. It works best for the ascertainment of the punishment. In rape the costs of the crime are... more
Sex change surgery has been practised in Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa in 1982. Therefore, a medical and judicial process of transition has been regulated accordingly. However, this has not resulted in either the legalization of... more
Sexism is based on gender stereotypes, which ascribe men and women fundamentally different, often contradictory qualities. These stereotypes are reinforced by religion, culture, history and economic conditions, which ensure that men... more
Since gaining global attention in the 1980s, child sexual exploitation has been incorporated into a growing body of both soft and hard law at national, regional and international levels. This research analyses how the concepts of... more
The gender pay gap – that is, the difference in wages between men and women for the same or substantially the same work, or work of equal value – still features prominently as a stumbling block in achieving South African gender equality.... more
Il 28 maggio 2021 alle 15 sulla piattaforma Teams si terrà il seminario "Con o senza diritto? Diritto e diseguaglianze di genere”, a partire dalla discussione dell'omonima sezione tematica pubblicata nel n. 15 della rivista "AG. About... more
The German Constitution of 1949 included - after vehement discussions at the constitutional convention and protests from the women's movement - the principle of equal rights for men and women in the equality clause. An explicit... more