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This paper emerges from experiences of using participatory visual methods in my own on-going PhD research with women experiencing homelessness and housing issues, and draws upon the methodological issues encountered along the way. In... more
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      Feminist SociologyVisual SociologyGender StudiesVisual Studies
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      PovertyHomelessnessHealth CareSlum Development
A distinct Europe-wide problem of migrant homelessness has become increasingly apparent. However, the available evidence base on migrant homelessness remains relatively weak and there is a particular dearth of research on the homeless... more
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      Gender and homelessnessMigrant Women
This report is based on a rapid review of the available evidence and research on the experience of sleeping rough among women. The report looks at the collection and analysis of statistical data, from both survey and administrative... more
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    • Gender and homelessness
This Research Paper presents selected findings from a primarily qualitative study of homeless women in Ireland. The study set out to conduct an in-depth examination of the lives and experiences of homeless women with specific attention to... more
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      HomelessnessBiographical MethodsGender and homelessness
This Research Paper presents selected findings from a primarily qualitative study of homeless women in Ireland. The study set out to conduct a detailed examination of the lives and experiences of homeless women with specific attention to... more
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      Gender and homelessnessMigrant Women
Selected findings were extracted from a primarily qualitative study of sixty homeless women in Ireland undertaken in 2012. The study set out to conduct an in-depth examination of the lives and experiences of homeless women with specific... more
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      HomelessnessGender and homelessness
Research in Ireland and internationally has documented a strong association between homelessness and incarceration. Nonetheless, the dynamics of this relationship are poorly understood. Although research suggests that the experience of... more
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      Women And PrisonWomen & PovertyGender and homelessnessIncarceration
Le statistiche ci dicono che le persone senza fissa dimora sono prevalentemente uomini. Per ogni nove uomini che vivono per strada, c'è una donna che condivide questa stessa condizione, anche se il fenomeno riguarda un numero sempre... more
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      HomelessnessHomelessness and HousingGender and homelessness
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      Gender StudiesSocial WorkHomelessnessHomelessness And Housing Exclusion
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      HomelessnessAnthropology of JapanModern and Contemporary JapanJapan
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