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s search for democracy: on the autobio of a Dutch academic specialist on worker self-management (interview, pp. 95 -109) EN Peter Waterman, Social movement auto/biographies: a rough guide to sources and resources (bibliography, pp. 110... more
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      HistorySociologySocial MovementsPolitical Science
This conversation takes place in Warsaw. Carolyn Ellis has come to Poland to accompany Jerry Rawicki, a Warsaw Ghetto survivor, on his first trip back to Poland since the Holocaust. There she arranged to meet Marcin Kafar, a scholar in... more
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      CommunicationHumanitiesQualitative methodologyAuto-ethnography
Writing scientific biographies evokes the problem of representativeness or of integrating the single case into more general questions of scholarly interest. The establishment of a link between micro and macrolevels inspired the present... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryBiographyMicrohistory
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesBiographyBiographical Methods
Васильева Е.В., Стрельникова А.В. БИОГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ ПАМЯТЬ ГОРОДСКИХ СЕМЕЙ: ОПЫТ АНАЛИЗА ФОТОАЛЬБОМОВ // Вестник РГГУ. Серия: Философия. Социология. Искусствоведение. 2012. № 2 (82). С. 288-304. В статье проанализированы возможности... more
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      Biographical MethodsFamily MemoryPhotographic Albums
La trajectoire d’Albert Widders, Aborigène australien, permet d’historiciser le modèle ségrégatif qui a dominé le Sud-Est de l’Australie au XXe siècle. Sa vie semble en effet avoir été coupée en deux par l’apparition d’un ordre... more
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      HistorySociologyAnthropologyIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryBiographical MethodsFirst World War
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      Gender StudiesBiographical MethodsLife Story; Biographic Narrative Research
В статье на основе глубинных биографических интервью рассматриваются проблемы социального исключения пожилых людей, ограниченных в возможностях передвижения. В качестве основного аспекта выбрано биографическое измерение, чувствительное к... more
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      AgingMemory StudiesBiographical MethodsQuality of Life and Elderly People
«¿Yo qué gano con esto?» Esas fueron las palabras del chico cuando le dije que quería escuchar su historia educativa, pero la promesa de conversar sobre su vida resultó más que suficiente. La medida de aislamiento en la celda del... more
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      Education and Youth ExclusionSocial ExclusionBiographical MethodsPobreza
Artykuł ma na celu sportretowanie szczególnej grupy nowych mieszkańców wsi: osób, które po 1989 roku kupiły dawny dwór lub pałac ziemiański i traktują go przede wszystkim jako dom prywatny. Bazując na 17 wywiadach z 19 osobami, autorka... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyQualitative methodologyLocal History
All kinds of trouble
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      Celebrity CultureBiographyBiographical MethodsCelebrities
Die Beiträge des Bandes stellen biografieanalytische Projekte und Perspektiven vor, welche die systematische Kombination von Methoden, Daten oder Theorien nutzen. Diese Anwendungen von Triangulation werden als gegenstandsangemessene... more
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      Biographical MethodsTriangulationTriangulation in Qualitative Research
Book Review Alber, Ina. 2016. Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in Polen. Ein biographietheoretischer und diskursanalytischer Zugang. Wiesbaden: Springer VS basic guidelines of social phenomenology and sociology of knowledge, as well as... more
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      Discourse AnalysisBiographical MethodsCivil SocietyDemocratic Transitions
The main purpose of this article is to discuss the achievements of biographical research at the Institute of Social Economy of the Warsaw School of Economics, with particular emphasis on the memoirs of the unemployed. The article has... more
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      Sociology of WorkUnemploymentArchivesHistory of Sociology
Teologinen Aikakauskirja [Finnish Journal of Theology] 2017:1, pp. 80–82.
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      Biographical MethodsBiography and Life-WritingBiographical Research
The concept of mobility biographies has recently gained considerable currency in social-scientific transport research, reflecting increasing awareness of the long-term development of mobility practices. To complement existing work on the... more
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      Sustainable TransportationMobility/MobilitiesTransportation StudiesTransportation
REcEnzE 123 Rudý dědek čili Zrození tragédie z ducha hudby (revisited) Jiří Křesťan: Zdeněk Nejedlý. Politik a vědec v osamění. Praha/Litomyšl, Paseka 2012. 574 strany.
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      MarxismNarrativeBiographyBiographical Methods
I Am Man is a collection of philosophical reflections and poems on gender difference. It combines biographical experiences, philosophy, feminist thought, literature and art to reveal the interlinkages of language, body and being. The book... more
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      PsychoanalysisGender StudiesPhilosophyMedia and Cultural Studies
В статье анализируется опыт, накопленный отечественной наукой при подготовке персональных энциклопедий. Основное внимание уделяется энциклопедическим трудам, посвященным русским писателям. Рассматривается структура биографических статей,... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureBiographyBiographical Methods
Event history calendar (EHC) methods have received increasing attention from the life-course surveys that have been used in recent years. According to the literature, the EHC provides high-quality data in retrospective surveys because it... more
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      Quantity SurveyingBiological Life CourseLife historyBiography
En este trabajo se analiza un corpus de relatos de vida de los alumnos del Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, y Formación Profesional impartido en Ecuador durante el curso... more
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      Biographical MethodsAnthropology of EducationLife Stories
Perceiving social media activity as performance, the traditional approach to social media studies, explains a series of motives behind such activities: the construction of an online persona, the use of the medium as a stage for this... more
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      Creative WritingBiographySocial MediaMichel Foucault
El artículo equipara el uso del método biográfico en el ámbito de los estudios sociales y educativos en el Portugal contemporáneo. En un primer momento, presentamos un mapeo de los principales autores, proyectos y perspectivas sobre el... more
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      Migration StudiesBiographical MethodsCollaborative Action Research Methodologies
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographySouth Asian HistoryBiographical Methods
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      Biographical MethodsHuman Genome ProjectScience autobiographyCraig Venter
This article examines how women present a moral self in relation to public norms that constitute`good' motherhood.Thefocus of this article is on two types of written life story: first, those written by mothers who express a past or... more
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      SociologySelf and IdentityNarrativeNarrative Methods
The author deals with the methodology of biographical genre what is an absolutely ignored theme in Slovakia. He tries to answer the question in what way is the performance of an individual socially conditioned. His article is based on an... more
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      BiographyCzech & Slovak StudiesBiographical MethodsHistory of Slovakia
Biography of Carl von Thieme. Did you know that Allianz was founded in 1890 by Carl von Thieme and Wilhelm von Finck, who also founded the Munich Re? Carl von Thieme was a popular trained insurance specialist in the last third of the 19th... more
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      BiographyBiographical MethodsBiography of ObjectsBiografi
A review of Alison Miller – Rupert Brooke in the First World War. Clemson, Clemson University Press, 2017, pp. 256, ISBN-13: 978-1942954347.
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      British LiteratureBritish HistoryPoetryBiography
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryGerman Studies
je v spomienkach pamätníkov, ale aj v dobových dokumentoch často označovaný za človeka s mimoriadnym šarmom a s charizmou, ktorý vedel ľahko a rýchlo očariť pomerne veľké množstvo ľudí. Takto ho opísal Edvard Beneš. "Byl v něm kus genia,... more
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      BiographyCzech & Slovak StudiesBiographical MethodsEcuador
Kniha zve čtenáře do intimního světa rodinné paměti, dokumentovaného rozhovory s příslušníky tří generací vybraných rodin. Jejich společným rysem je zkušenost příslušníků nejstarší generace s dobrovolnou nebo nucenou mezinárodní migrací... more
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      History and MemoryOral historyFamilyCroatian History
Points of authenticity
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      Digital HumanitiesPortraitureBiographical MethodsMiguel de Cervantes
Artykuł ten poświęcony jest specyficznej formie dokumentu osobistego jaką jest blog, czyli dziennik prowadzony w Internecie. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiam budowę bloga, funkcje społeczne, jakie może pełnić, a także relację... more
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      Biographical MethodsQualitative Research MethodsSociology of the InternetOnline Research Methods
In diesem Beitrag befasse ich mich mit ethischen Herausforderungen der Biografieforschung am Beispiel eigener Erfahrungen im Rahmen einer Studie im Feld der politischen Partizipation. Im ersten Teil diskutiere ich grundsätzliche ethische... more
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      Political ParticipationResearch EthicsInformed ConsentBiographical Methods
Rather than preserving original objects, the conservation of contemporary art should be thought of as managing change. This raises the question of how to theoretically capture the variability of the work without losing the sense of its... more
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      History of conservation thoughtInstallation ArtContemporary ArtConservation theory and ethics
Příručka nabízející úvod do studia každodenního života v socialismu pomocí metody oral history a biografické metody.
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      Oral historyBiographical MethodsSocialismEveryday Life
Önöknek ezt a könyvet. Az Önök történetein elgondolkodva születtek meg bennünk a fejezeteit benépesítő alakok. Az élettörténeteteket persze még ha tudnánk, sem akarnánk elvenni Önöktől. A mi értelmezéseink ekként nem Önökről, hanem az... more
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      Jewish StudiesRace and EthnicityBiographyBiographical Methods
Human interest stories or case studies aim to highlight a specific development issue from one person’s (or group of people’s) perspective. They are useful as qualitative background to monitoring and evaluation, for organisational learning... more
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      Development StudiesSocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesResearch Methodology
There are several ways in which to recognise an auto-representational drive in the oeuvre of French artist Yves Klein. The possibility of an autobiographical reading of Klein’s oeuvre is therefore without dispute, especially in the cases... more
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      Self and IdentityContemporary ArtBiographical MethodsAbstract Painting
SAH Society of Architectural Historians
71st Annual International Conference
Saint Paul Minnesota, April 18–22, 2018

Session 05: "Life to Architecture: Uncovering Women's Narratives"
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      Biographical MethodsSwiss ArchitectureWomen In Architecture
Resumen: Este texto expone el fenómeno de transfiguración que se ha ido desvelado durante el desarrollo de una investigación biográfico-narrativa con docentes colombianos y españoles. Se ha observado que dicha transformación se produce en... more
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      Teacher EducationResearch MethodologyBiographical MethodsAutobiographical Theory
Qui manquerait une porte ? Ainsi parlait Aristote de la vérité pour dire qu'elle est immanquable, alors que paradoxalement il est impossible de l'atteindre absolument. Ces études ont en commun de partir pragmatiquement du constat que le... more
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      Film StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)BiographyBiographical Methods
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      Discourse AnalysisGerman LiteratureGender StudiesReception Studies
"…az nem úgy megy, hogy nyugodtan felidézzük a múltat, sétálgatunk benne, tárgyilagosan mérlegeljük. Nem, a jelen mindig agresszív, az élet alkonyán is, és az a minél jobban kialakított, kiművelt, szigorúan meghatározott, önnön... more
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      Social IdentityCommunismNarrative MethodsMemory Studies
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      PoeticsBiographical Methods19th Century Russian LiteratureBiography and Life-Writing
In vier Kapiteln bietet das Buch einen Überblick über aktuelle Themen der Identitätsforschung. Die Auswahl an qualitativen, empirischen Forschungsberichten reicht von der Analyse narrativer Identität, über Biographieforschung zur... more
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      EthnographyFocus Group discussionsIdentity (Culture)Recognition
Minimalist passive interviewing technique and team analysis of
narrative qualitative data
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      BiographyInterpretive research methodologyBiographical MethodsNarrative and Identity