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      German LiteratureGerman DramaReception of AntiquityAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
У статті показано місце компліменту у системі експресивних мовленнєвих актів, виокремлено основні критерії відмежування компліменту від таких суміжних мовленнєвих актів як похвала, лестощі та вітання, кожен аспект проілюстровано на основі... more
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      PragmaticsGerman DramaSpeech Act TheorySpeech acts
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      German LiteratureTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryLiterature
У реферованій роботі комплексно досліджено мовленнєвий акт (МА) комплімент у німецькомовних драматичних творах XVIII–XX ст. у межах антропоцентричної наукової парадигми із застосуванням лінгвопрагматичного та системно-діяльнісного... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)German DramaSpeech actsCompliments
ABSTRACT: "In den Jahren 1910 bis 1913 hat der deutsche Philosoph und Okkultist Rudolf Steiner eine Reihe von Mysteriendramen geschrieben, die bisher von der Forschung vollständig unbeachtet geblieben sind. Die vorliegende Untersuchung... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteraturePhilosophyAnthroposophy
A translation of Die Arabische Nacht by Roland Schimmelfpennig published by the Goethe Institute Theaterbibliothek, 2005.
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      German DramaTranslation
I have discussed Frank Wedekind's drama "Spring Awakening: a children's tragedy" keeping an eye on the role of children and adolescents with regard to their sexuality and sex education. How sex education affects children and the... more
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      German LiteratureSexualityGerman DramaSex Education
investigating the definitions and relationship between allegory and symbol, according to Walter Benjamin, in The Origin of German Tragic Drama.
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      PhilosophyAestheticsSymbolismWalter Benjamin
ABSTRACT: "When August, Duke of Weimar, encountered Goethe´s Märchen, which had just been published anonymously in 1792, he send a note to the author, emphatically stating his conviction that “this so-called Fairy Tale must have flown... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteraturePhilosophyGerman Idealism
Dieser Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob im Rahmen der israelischen Nathan-Rezeption von einer Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen humanistischen Tradition gesprochen werden kann. Vorab werden wesentliche Stationen der hebräisch-jüdischen... more
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      German LiteratureGerman DramaJudaismTheatre
Verfremdung – as the Epic Theatre’s primary socio-political function - has been vitally misinterpreted by the mainstream of scholarship which seeks predominantly in theorising its effects independent of their occult dimension. This... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisTheatre StudiesConspiracy Theories
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      German DramaNineteenth-Century Literature and CultureGeorg BüchnerWoyzeck
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      DramaHeinrich von KleistHeiner Müller19th century German literature
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      DramaJohann Wolfgang von GoetheGerman DramaChristopher Marlowe
Frank Wedekind's late play Franziska (1912) has long been read primarily as a female version of the Faust myth. I argue that it is more fruitful to regard Franziska as a critical elaboration of predominant gender norms of the Wilhelmine... more
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      Gender StudiesGerman DramaFrank Wedekind
ABSTRACT: "The Austrian philosopher and spiritualist Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is mostly known as a prominent figure in the reception of the works of Goethe in the late 19th and early 20th century. Steiner’s reception of Goethe was not... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteraturePhilosophyAnthroposophy
У статті проаналізовано різні підходи класифікації реакцій на комплімент, подана власна типологія реакцій, створена на основі проаналізованого мовного матеріалу, та подано ілюстративний матеріал з драми Ґ. Е. Лессінґа «Мінна фон... more
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      PragmaticsGerman DramaSpeech Act TheorySpeech acts
Reviewed by/Rezensiert von: 1. Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer, in: Kleist-Jahrbuch 2017: 227-229, 2. Jane K. Brown, in: Goethe Yearbook 25 (2018): 299-300, 3. Anke Detken, in: Germanistik 59.3-4 (2018): 1096, 4. Anne Feler, in: Revue... more
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      Dramatic LiteratureGerman RomanticismHeinrich von KleistJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheGerman Literature and CultureGerman Drama18th Century German (Literature)
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      Critical TheoryGerman StudiesPhilosophyAesthetics
Bu çalışma, "Yeni Dönem Alman Gerçekçiliği" ana başlığı çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, çalışmada, Dark (2017), Dogs of Berlin (2018) ve Perfume (2018) dizileri niteliksel içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmekte ve bu... more
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      PostmodernismGerman DramaVisual Cultures
Dear Colleagues, we invite paper proposals for a panel session at the Convegno annuale dell’Associazione per gli Studi di Teoria e storia comparata della letteratura “Maschere del tragico”, Venezia, 14-16 dicembre 2016. The panel's theme... more
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesDramaturgySovereignty
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheGerman Literature and CultureGerman Drama18th Century German (Literature)
Анотація. У статті розглянуто різні способи поділу прямих та непрямих мовленнєвих актів, коротко охарактеризовано вузьку та широку гомогенну, а також модулярну концепцію мовленнєвих актів, а також теорію імплікатур Г. П. Ґрайса.... more
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      PragmaticsGerman DramaSpeech Act TheorySpeech acts
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      Dea LoherGerman DramaGerman TheatreAndreas Kriegenburg
Bu çalışma, "Yeni Dönem Alman Gerçekçiliği" ana başlığı çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, çalışmada, Dark (2017), Dogs of Berlin (2018) ve Perfume (2018) dizileri niteliksel içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmekte ve... more
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      PostmodernismGerman DramaVisual Cultures
The paper tackles the representations of old age in Constanze Dennig's dystopia "Exstasy Rave". Modern theatrical tendencies and the role of drama as a mouthpiece of social ideas, in particular in matters of aging and old age, are... more
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      German DramaLiterary Gerontology
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      Theatre StudiesGlobalisation and cultural changeGerman DramaSchaubühne Theater, Berlin
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      Dramatic LiteratureGerman RomanticismGerman 18th century literatureGerman Literature and Culture
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      German LiteratureAvant-Garde TheaterBertolt BrechtGerman Drama
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      German DramaGerman Theatre
This book defines and exemplifies a major genre of modern dramatic writing, termed historiographic metatheatre, in which self-reflexive engagements with the traditions and forms of dramatic art illuminate historical themes and aid in the... more
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      HistoriographyTom StoppardMetatheatreGerman Drama
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      German LiteratureGerman DramaFranz Xaver Kroetz
A translation of a play by the same title by Sabine Harbeke published by the Goethe Institute Theaterbibliothek, 2005.
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      German DramaTranslation
On dramatizations of the Hasek's novel Good Soldier Svejk on the Croatian stages from 1920s onwards, including influences by Erwin Piscator, Max Brod and Hans Reimann. // Premda je s obzirom na djelomičnu bibliografsku pokrivenost... more
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      German LiteratureTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryComedy
Gibt es ein Formprinzip des modernen Dramas? Und wie lässt es sich beschreiben? Dieser Frage geht die vorliegende Studie nach. Der Verfasser geht dabei von Walter Benjamins Allegoriebegriff aus und macht ihn für die Theorie des modernen... more
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      Heiner MüllerWalter BenjaminModern DramaGerman Drama
Some of the key elements of Claudio Magris’ work as an academic surface in his writings on Friedrich Hebbel: the Danubian space, Trieste, the intersection between literature and law, totality, the relationship between literary theory and... more
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      German LiteratureTranslation StudiesGerman DramaG.W.F. Hegel
in: Tötungsarten/Ermittlungspraktiken: Zum literarischen und kriminalistischen Wissen von Mord und Detektion, ed. Maximilian Bergengruen, Gideon Haut, Stephanie Langer (Rombach 2015), 189-204.
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      CriminologyGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureGerman History
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      PostmodernismGerman DramaVisual Cultures
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      German DramaGerman Theatre
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      German DramaGerman Theatre
Who dares to portray the demigod Hercules as an inadequate, impotent failure? Who dares to mock tragic heroines like Antigone? Who dares to mock the biblical Judith and her bravery? Who would portray an ideal emperor as one who betrays... more
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      ComedyGerman DramaFriedrich Dürrenmatt
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      German DramaGerman Theatre and DramaEarly Modern German Literature