Speech acts
Recent papers in Speech acts
Published in September, 2020, as part of OUP's Fundamentals of Philosophy Series.
Students are frequently not given the background of the pragmatic knowledge to understand the language in their learning activities. Students tend to have difficulty to understand the intended meanings carried by speech acts. This problem... more
Meaning-making is at the center of all human communicative events. Communication is an exchange of meanings encoded in written or spoken words, non-verbal cues, signs, symbols, and so on. Creating, exchanging, and interpreting meaning is... more
Lanin-Kettering and Harrow (1985) argue the traditional position that schizophrenia is a thought disorder. Chaika and Lambe (1985) counter that it is a speech disorder at the syntactic-discursive level, and not a thought disorder. On the... more
Several new spoken corpora have seen the light of day in recent years. Few, however, are comparable to a corpus from an earlier period to facilitate diachronic investigations of spoken language. The new London–Lund Corpus 2 (LLC–2) of... more
3) Does anybody need to go to the bathroom? We're leaving in a minute.
This paper attempts to provide certain advice for Georgian teachers of English who aim to develop both the linguistic and communicative competences of their students. Hence, the paper focuses on the challenges related to the development... more
B lasphemy allegations are a sensitive issue in today's Pakistan. After describing the socioreligious history of such accusations, I will show how the increasing digitalization of Pakistan's public spheres has exacerbated a situation in... more
This paper proposes the interpretation of video games as discourse (in the explanation of discourse commonly used in linguistics and studies of natural language, not as understood in semiotics or cultural studies) to explore further the... more
We propose a framework for explaining difference in difficulty of various pragmatic phenomena. In particular, we investigate the ability to comprehend direct, indirect, deceitful, and ironic communicative acts. Our main prediction is that... more
Selon Michel Deguy, l’aphasie chez les personnages de la comédie marivaudienne correspond à un «moment de crise, d’étourdissement ou les choses se défont “ (La machine matrimoniale, 245). Deguy insiste que ce moment capital est le fait... more
Complaint speech act is part of expressive speech acts. However, these potentially threaten the face of the hearer. The speaker will use boosters expression in complaining strategy to express their emotion. Boosters expression as a... more
Abstract. The paper provides a taxonomy of group speech acts whose main division is that between collective speech acts (singing Happy Birthday, agreeing to meet) and group proxy speech acts in which a group, such as a corporation,... more
Language acquisition involves more than learning the abstract structures of linguistic competence. The child also has to learn how to use linguistic structures appropriately. In this paper, the speech act is proposed as the unit of... more
This paper builds upon Mary Kate McGowan’s analysis of the mechanisms of harm in conversations (McGowan 2004; 2009). McGowan describes how a speaker’s intervention might constitute harm by enacting what is permissible to do in the... more
As part of a larger project on media identities and roles, this paper presents a methodological framework for the investigation of editorials' genre(s), ''genre'' being primarily defined in terms of the purpose of the text type. The... more
In this book chapter, Dojčinović focuses on the specific research and analytical project within the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the ICTY in the trial of Ratko Mladić, the Commander of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS). (For more, see:... more
The present research is directed to analyze the evaluation of gender-conditioned language change in its present state. In the article theoretical and experimental investigations of Russian and foreign scientists, studying the influence of... more
Estudio sobre la teoría de los actos de habla de Searle y Habermas. Tras analizar los principales puntos de conflicto entre ambos autores, se defiende la posición de Habermas a partir de los problemas de la taxonomía de los actos de habla... more
I try to suggest, in my paper, that cognitive propositional attitude verbs, when uttered in first person, can be regarded as expressing the illocutionary force of an explicit speech act. For this, I first show how a sentence of the form... more
Distributed work is an increasingly common phenomenon in a number of technical and professional settings, and the complexity of this work requires high degrees of knowledge sharing and integration that move beyond assembly-line approaches... more
My data comes from participant observation among and interviews with several dozen white Kenyans, aging former settlers and the descendants of former settlers, mostly of British descent, across several years in the 2000s. Some of them are... more
Gossip is often serious business, not idle chitchat. Gossip allows those oppressed to privately name their oppressors as a warning to others. Of course, gossip can be in error. The speaker may be lying or merely have lacked sufficient... more
Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, año 32, número 60, diciembre de 2014, pp. 187-191 Elena Nuzzo y Phyllisienne Gauci. Insegnare la pragmatica in italiano L2. Recenti ricerche nella prospettiva della teoria degli atti linguistici. Roma:... more
This study investigated the similarities and differences between Egyptian Arabic and US English communication style by focusing on the speech act of making refusals. A modified version of the 12-item discourse completion test (DCT)... more
In her chapter, 'Varieties of Pejoratives', Robin Jeshion distinguishes pejorative lexical items, pejorative uses of words, and pejorative speech acts. She surveys and taxonomizes pejorative nicknames, thick terms, and slurs, including... more
Behan's work, and particularly 'The Quare Fellow', shares a twofold message: art is an agent of truth and the truth about society and the individual is that they have lost all moral being. Criticism is directed at both the individual and... more
语言是交流沟通的工具,是维系人与人之间关系的桥梁和纽带。在世界经济快速发展的今天,语言交流变得越来越重要,它已经成为经济交流发展的助推剂和润滑剂。为了保证语言交流的顺利进行,使用某些方法和手段对语言进行调节就成了必然。这种调节手段在语言范畴中可以称之为礼貌用语。礼貌,作为人类社会一种普遍存在的现象,其主要功能就是运用礼貌的语言行为来避免交际中不必要的误会与冲突,达到交际的目的。作为一个异国他乡的学者来到中国,最重要和必须首先面对的问题就是语言沟通。而要学会语言沟通的前提就是要... more
J.L. Austin’s insight that language should be treated as a domain of human action, rather than merely as a tool for the transmission of information, has been enormously influential. His analysis of speech acts continues to be widely... more
Be´roul's Roman de Tristan presents readers with the various processes of ''seeming,'' a boundary situated between the materialized artifact of the factual, and the artificial paradigm of fiction, stressing, above all, the ''made-ness''... more
Given the scarce literature on the Arabic academic book reviews (BRs) and the relatively under-searched praise and criticism speech acts, this study investigates praise and criticism as reflected in the evaluative voice of Arabic academic... more
Freedom of expression is a vital democratic right, but if it is to be protected and preserved, it is equally vital that the limits of free expression are properly understood. Such limits are common enough, as for instance in the age... more
Poster presented at the International Association for the Study of Dreams, 34th Annual International Conference, June 16-20, 2017. The poster outlines a study on avatar animation of dreamer motor behavior from electromyography collected... more
Research on compliments has demonstrated that responding to compliments is far from easy since it entails a clash between the politeness maxims of agreement and modesty. The question that arises is what happens when communication does not... more
Peu d'études portent sur l'émergence des habiletés phonologiques chez les jeunes enfants. Après avoir rappelé les deux hypothèses les plus fréquentes à propos de l'émergence des habiletés phonologiques, une hypothèse socioconstructiviste,... more
Publicado em: in: SILVA, Roberval Texeira e/ YAN, Qiarong/ ESPADINHA, Maria Antónia/ LEAL, Ana Varani (eds.): Anais do III SIMELP: A formação de Novas Gerações de Falantes de Português no Mundo, simpósio 14: Gramática comunicativa da... more