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      Languages and LinguisticsGlobal Economy
In today's global economy, increasing numbers of companies and the former Soviet Union [2, 20]. If internationally foare entering the international marketplace. For many companies, cused firms are to be successful, they must understand... more
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementGlobal Economy
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Economic polarization among different regions is common phenomenon in literature and it results into unequal growth and income inequalities within regions. Economists points out that whenever economies achieve higher growth they presumed... more
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      EconomicsGlobal Economy
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      Technological changeLabour market policyDeveloping CountryJob Search
Current debates about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture reveal substantial differences in perception of the associated risks and benefits. Genetically modified crop varieties promise benefits to both farmers and... more
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      Western EuropeWorld Trade OrganizationTrade PolicyMaize
Entrepreneurship is a prime activity for the economic growth of any country. It goes hand in hand with manufacturing and service industry. In fact, it works as a pillar to the economic and social welfare of the country. It also helps in... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial EconomicsEntrepreneurial FinanceAcademic entrepreneurship
This study describes the optimality in resource utilization of the manufacturing firms in the south-west region of Bangladesh. A translog production function has been estimated to describe the input-output relationship. The large scale... more
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      BusinessProductivitySmall FirmsCapital
The objective of our paper is to contribute to the accounting education literature by demonstrating that there are significant differences among final year undergraduate accounting students in the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and... more
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      Cultural StudiesEconomicsLearning and TeachingInternal Audit
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      EconomicsBusiness HistoryCollective ActionPhilosophy and Religious Studies
This paper reflects on the violent conflicts in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria that threaten the nation's oil-dependent mono-economy and corporate existence. The Delta region's crises caused loss of lives and properties until... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthicsEnvironmental EthicsCommunitarianism
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      Human Computer InteractionDecision MakingDigital MediaResearch Agenda
In this regard, several opportunities have opened up in the last few years. Calabria belongs to the Regions of Objective 1 of The European Union (regions with development delay), characterised by a PIL value less than 75% of the community... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEconomic TheoryLocal DevelopmentEuropean Union
went into decline (somewhat earlier than other cities) and has now lost most of its industrial base. Indeed, with an industrial employment level of 48% in 1950 Belfast was then one of the most industrialised cities in the world. Today,... more
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      Spatial ConfigurationBusiness and ManagementStructural ChangeGlobal Economy
The importance of metropolitan regions as national growth and development engines, and in particular as driving forces in national as well as global innovation processes is well recognized. This paper highlights the role of metropolitan... more
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      Growth and developmentInnovation processGlobal EconomyMarket Potential
Volatile oil prices. Looming climate change. Worldwide economic and political unrest. Worsening traffic congestion. Crisis in transportation financing. As we begin to face the consequences brought about by uncontrolled growth and... more
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      Energy PolicyClimate policyGovernment PolicyGlobal Economy
Land change science has demonstrated that rural livelihoods around the world both drive and reflect changing environmental regimes and political economic/structural transformations. This article explores the relationship between... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPolitical EconomicsLand Use ChangeStructural Transformation
Customer eXperience is a blue print of customer requirements. In this era of heightened competition and volatile global economy, delivering services originating from diverse sources, without satisfying thorough customer experience... more
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      User Experience (UX)Service DesignDesign Process (Architecture)CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT
and Business Management European Union enlargement, the existence of new needs and demands, requires the development of innovation and quality of public administration, which means improving public services in the global economy as a... more
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      Information TechnologyPublic AdministrationEuropean UnionInformation and Communication technology
International business endeavors require people to communicate across cultural and national boundaries. For the past 20 years scholars have explored the ways in which culture influences work habits and values, communication styles, and... more
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      MarketingSociologyInternational BusinessInternational Trade
The choice of targets for terrorist attacks is often considered to be random or illogical. In other cases targets are seen as being chosen for their symbolic importance to the audience the terrorists are seeking to reach or to indicate... more
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      Foreign AidApplied EconomicsEconomic ImpactGlobal Economy
International business endeavors require people to communicate across cultural and national boundaries. For the past 20 years scholars have explored the ways in which culture influences work habits and values, communication styles, and... more
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      MarketingSociologyInternational BusinessInternational Trade
We describe an agent-based computational model that simulates the distribution of wealth in three classes: upper, middle and lower. The experimental data show us that: (1) the wealth of economy based on renewable resources is increasing... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisWealth DistributionComputer Model
SUMMARY - It is nowadays widely accepted that the increasing concentration of the so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is altering the Earth's radiation balance and causing the temperature to rise. This process in turn... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentClimate ChangeInternational TradeSustainable Development
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      EconomicsPhilosophySustainable DevelopmentCulture
The higher education system represents a vital means for a country to nurture its economic development and social cohesion. All over the world there has been an increasing interest in quality assurance (QA) in higher education, reflecting... more
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      Higher EducationEconomic DevelopmentInternational CooperationLiterature Review
Global economy is transforming the sources of the competitive advantages of firms, especially for firms embedded in local manufacturing systems. Based on the theoretical contributions to knowledge management and industrial districts, this... more
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      Knowledge ManagementCompetitive advantageCase StudyQualitative Analysis
Recent developments in the global economy and in multinational corporations have placed significant emphasis on the cognitive orientations of managers, giving rise to a number of concepts such as "global mindset" that are presumed to be... more
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      BusinessMarketingInternational BusinessApplied Economics
Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years, with a key development being the emergence of social media. Social media alludes to all applications and websites or blogs that empower individuals... more
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      Social MediaSocietyGlobal EconomyInternet Society
This paper examines theoretical rationales for the development of complementary, subnational currencies in tandem with the upward adoption of supranational money (for example the Single European Currency) and globalised, stateless... more
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      Economic GeographyCommunity DevelopmentPolitical ScienceSocial Capital
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      AnthropologyGlobal EconomyAmerican Ethnologist
It has been the traditional belief that profits and ethics are at odds with each other in the world of business. Corporate governance appears to be a hindrance or a drag on profit maximization. This work shows that moral codes, public... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsCorporate GovernanceTransfer Pricing
This paper focuses on the study of transnational corporations and their business development through foreign direct investments made in other countries, mostly greenfield type countries. The objective of this paper is to determine the... more
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      BusinessReal EstateInformation TechnologyEconomic Growth
Since becoming the capital of Iran 200 years ago, Tehran has grown to be one of the large cities of the world. During this period, it has attracted people and resources from a vast territory and has become a considerable node in the... more
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      Human GeographyDecision MakingImmigrationUrban And Regional Planning
With growing emphasis being placed on HR competencies as a means to increase HR’s effectiveness, this study seeks to determine if competencies are predictive of success in the HR profession; understand how competencies vary by type of... more
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      Strategic Human Resource ManagementHuman ResourceFirm PerformanceLiterature Review
The current state of rapidly diminishing high-demand resources such as fossil fuels and the concomitant disruption to the global economy is affecting current lifestyle standards on Pacific Islands. Fuel costs are rising, gas rationing is... more
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      Pacific IslandsPower GenerationFossil FuelsGlobal Economy
This article considers the future of 'globalization', conceived here as processes promoting international interconnectedness. Three questions are examined. First, is contemporary globalization unusual compared to past episodes such as... more
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      Climate ChangeGlobal GovernanceCooperation and ConflictPolitical Science
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsChange Management
In the past two decades, governments from around the world have adopted access-to-information laws at a rate unlike any other time in history. This reform in government information policy parallels a global movement of intergovernmental... more
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      Information PolicyAccess To InformationLibrary and Information StudiesNongovernmental organizations
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      Future StudiesMilitary IntelligenceInternational RelationsIntelligence
Abstract—Global new product development teams (GNPDT's) are becoming more and more prevalent due to the growing need for companies to compete in a global economy. Managing com-munication in global NPD teams effectively requires... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingNew Product DevelopmentCountry of Origin
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      SociologyGlobal EconomyQualitative Sociology
This paper provides an overview of the complex relations among history, education, political economy, and social change in Vietnam. Vietnam has a long history of education and a literate culture. The evolution of Vietnamese culture and... more
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      Social ChangePolitical EconomyEducationHistory of Education
Dubai’s Answer to the Challenges of the 21st Century: Organised Crime and Prostitution, in Particular of the Police Forces István KOVÁCS, Adrián CSAJKA-VÁNDOR By now Dubai has not only grown into a futuristic, modern tourist paradise... more
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      Organised CrimeMiddle EastMilitary StrategyGlobal Economy
This paper seeks to analyse small-and medium-sized enterprise (SME) managers' representations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and CSR communication in a corporate communication perspective. The basic question is: how strategic is... more
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      PhilosophyCorporate Social ResponsibilityCommunication modelCorporate culture
Conclusion, 121 Cross-Cultural Scenarios, 122 6. Negotiating across Cultures, 125 The Nature of Cross-Cultural Negotiation, 126 Where to Negotiate, 127 Effective Strategies fdr International Negotiators, 129 Concentrate on I Long-Term... more
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      MarketingInternational BusinessInternational TradeBibliography
The current crisis in global capitalism and the wide-ranging problems that have been caused by the promulgation of a regime of deregulation of goods, services, and labor markets across the globe, but especially in the United States over... more
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      NeoliberalismApplied EconomicsUnited StatesLabor Market
ERP systems are central to the information systems (IS) strategy of most international companies. With the global economy, there is pressure to implement such applications at a global level, in order to control and manage all the company... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation ManagementOrganizational Culture
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      EconomicsGlobal Economy