Global Intellectual History
Recent papers in Global Intellectual History
This article is an introduction to a special issue on 'Contexts of Religious Tolerance: New Perspectives from Early Modern Britain and Beyond', which contains essays on the contributions to the debates on tolerance by non-canonical... more
Disciplina do núcleo comum do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Global da UFSC, 2020/1, linha de pesquisa "História da Historiografia, Arte, Memória e Patrimônio".
This article deals with a particular text, Brahmavadi Rsi o Brahmanvidya written by Tarakishore Choudhury, an illustrious High Court lawyer in twentieth century colonial Calcutta who later became the famous Vaishnava saint Swami Santadas... more
Samuel Moyn and Andrew Sartori depict a conceptual map of a range of possible approaches and ways in which Global Intellectual History (GIH) can be formulated as an academic discipline. Various scholars from different fields propose to... more
With Asian Place, Filipino Nation, Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz provides a careful, revealing and important account of Asian contexts, connections, and aspirations of the Philippine Revolution. The Phi...
Standard genealogies of knowledge posit the circulation of modernity in one direction, from the West to “the rest.” This history reveals the waves of influence flowing the opposite way, from nonstate people to the state. The essay... more
This article explores the connectedness between Martin Luther King's, Ernesto Guevara's and Rabindranath Tagore's ideas and anti-colonial resistance in Vietnam. By showing how three different local struggles were linked to the... more
This article explores the connectedness between Martin Luther King's, Ernesto Guevara's and Rabindranath Tagore's ideas and anti-colonial resistance in Vietnam. By showing how three different local struggles were linked to the... more
Although B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian Constitution, is well known for his struggle against caste and the practice of untouchability, his ideas have seldom been linked to concepts such as nationalism or space. In an... more
The review refers to the currently most comprehensive book on R. Joseph Karo, ragarding the historical background, his Halakhic work, and his mystical activity.
The revolutionary thinker and later yogi of Pondicherry, Aurobindo Ghose (1872-1950), played a critical role during the Swadeshi movement in Bengal, articulating a radical vision that determined the limits and possibilities of the Indian... more
This article will argue that during the 1950s and 1960s a battle over the meanings of socialism took place in India. Exploring the ways in which the contending conceptions of socialism defended by Rammanohar Lohia and Jayaprakash Narayan... more
This article examines often ignored 'minority entanglements' forged between European Jewish and South Asian Muslim intellectuals in Germany and traces their evolution in colonial India. The article focuses on three individual life... more
A bibliography of Laozi Daodejing translations that includes 1575 entries in 72 languages《老子道德经》,也称《老子》《道德经》《道德真经》《五千言》,是《圣经》以外译本最多的经典。它是中国文化走向世界的经典现象,但完整的译本目录尚未出现。本总目正是以此而发,它共计72种语言1575种译本,是国际汉学、思想史、诠释学、文化间哲学、翻译学、语言学等学术领域的宝贵资料。
This paper aims to show that two eminent Marxists in the 1930s, the Italian Antonio Gramsci and the Japanese Tosaka Jun, shared three important characteristics of so-called Western Marxism: the methodological development of Marxism, the... more
This article analyzes the historical and political thinking of the eighteenth-century German historian August Ludwig Schlözer, in the context of the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. The article argues that... more
Scenes of avarna castes (slave and intermediate castes) pondering their reflections recur throughout the history of anti-caste struggle in the princely state of Travancore in colonial-era south India. These scenes represent what I will... more
Western Republicanism and the Oriental Prince is a thoroughly revisionist book, challenging both the West's comfortable view of its own political evolution and its negative stereotypes of non-Western systems. Not only did these... more
Nineteenth-century colonial jurists, sociologists, and Indian nationalists revived the ancient Indian legal concept of rakshasa marriage by bride capture after vanquishing her kinsmen, which the Hindu “lawgiver” Manu condemned but... more
Lope de Vega: el verso y la vida. Madrid: Cátedra 2018. 472 páginas.
By conceiving two emergent nation-states as a single region linked by conjoining roads, shared technologies and circulating researchers, this essay traces the emergence of a common “intellectual infrastructure” that during the interwar... more
¿Hasta qué punto participa el pensamiento latinoamericano del diálogo global sobre la crisis civilizatoria? En la actualidad, esa participación parece ser limitada. Pero hace exactamente un siglo, en otro contexto de trastornos... more
This article sketches a theoretical framework and research agenda for what is labeled as “Comparative Democratic Theory.” It is intro- duced as an approach to democratic theory which is informed by conceptual and methodological debates... more
Amongst the many narrative strategies in the recent " global turn " in the history of science, one commonly finds attempts to complement the single European story by multiplying histories of knowledge-making in as many different regional... more
This paper explores, briefly, the circulation in the River Plate (and Chile) of the discourses and concepts elaborated by Giuseppe Mazzini in the context of his Giovine Italia movement, with an emphasis on the concept of "nation", and its... more
The chapter analyzed the debates on parliamentarism in the late Russian Empire and revolutionary Russia and explored how the idea of parliament helped intellectuals locate Russia globally. The establishment of the legislative State Duma... more
El «Tercer Mundo» fue una de las más poderosas y visitadas referencias en el ciclo largo de las décadas de 1960 y 1970 globales. Una aproximación a la trayectoria del concepto permite ver que su notable éxito obedeció no solo a los marcos... more
The London based Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge and its many foreign connections formed a widely dispersed useful knowledge network, through which print, woodcuts, and educational theories circulated. Based on archival... more
‘The tragedy of the commons’ and ‘the common heritage of mankind’ are concepts that dominate the legal discourse on governing global commons, including spaces beyond national jurisdictions, essential resources and concerns such as... more
Table of Contents: Global Perspectives in Modern Italian Culture presents a series of unexplored case... more
This article sets out to elucidate the role of Japanese Protestants in the education of Koreans during the early twentieth century. Scholarship has often assigned only marginal roles to Japanese Protestants within the history of Japanese... more