Gone with the Wind
Recent papers in Gone with the Wind
In order to answer the research question; to what extent did Hollywood during the 1930"s reinforce, reinvent of challenge national values and identity in the United States? Four films will be analysed including; City Lights 1931) 1 &... more
A szakdolgozat középpontjában Margaret Mitchell Elfújta a szél című regénye és a belőle készült filmváltozat áll. Laura Mulvey Vizuális élvezet és narratív film című tanulmányán keresztül azon narratívpoétikai technikák megvalósításának... more
Estudio de historia cultural sobre la película Lo que el viento se llevó (Víctor Fleming y otros)
Abstract: Mitchell’s work has given birth to rewritings and retellings of all kinds: parodies, sequels, prequels, movie adaptations, etc. This article seeks to interrogate the end to which retelling is used. Of primary interest are indeed... more
In this paper, I address the role that Scarlett plays in Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, and the contrast she provides between herself and the 'ideal' woman of society in the Civil War Era.
Though very little of Gone with the Wind focuses on the marriage of Gerald O’Hara and Ellen Robillard, their union is a crucial component of the novel and of Scarlett’s character development. Margaret Mitchell employs the marriage between... more
At the time of its publication most liberal and left intellectuals found many reasons to despise Gone With the Wind. Lacking any apparent commitment to social responsibility, the novel did not meet current standards of good literature,... more
“Gone with the Wind” will endure because it is a true work of art, an unforgettable tale that transcends the pettiness of contemporary politics. Author Margaret Mitchell deals with the universal reality of the human condition, in the same... more
The performance of femininity—what Joan Rivière would name the masquerade of femininity—has contributed largely to illuminate the artificiality of power networks within patriarchal society. What is startling in Rivière’s perception of... more
According to the Collier's Encyclopedia, 6, Library of Congress, page 516, the Civil War is ''the conflict between the American Union and the eleven Southern states which seceded to form the Confederate States of America. The climatic... more
The immense popularity of Gone with the Wind, over eighty years after being published, is now often tarnished by accusations of rampant racism. The character of Mammy, especially, has been criticized as stereotypical and perpetuating... more
Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind not only presents us with two comparable representations of slavery, but allows us to begin to understand and dissect the ways in which American slavery was morally justified by the American South,... more
Gerald O’ Hara’s butler Pork was won in “all night poker game.” Blacks were seen as property to be bought and sold, to be bet upon and exchanged like material goods. Gerald was soft-hearted and after repeated pleas, he bought his wife... more
The author refers to several modern mystics, to today's major esoteric societies, and to my interpretative method, which he applies to reveal messianic - eschatological symbols in the world famous movie 'Gone with the Wind'.... more
Part of Cornell Department of Architecture graduate student seminar Gastro•porn, a class-curated digital exhibition launched in May 2015. The full exhibition available online as funded and hosted by Cornell's College of Art, Architecture,... more
Although Margaret Mitchell’s Civil War era heroine Scarlett O’Hara has long been seen as a representative of Southern womanhood in regional literature, recent works by women writers such as Julia Elliott, Jillian Weise, and Karen Russell... more
On February 29, 1940, Gone with the Wind the sweeping cinematic tale of the American Civil War and of the old South made its own history. The film, now considered a classic, was adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same... more
In Marked Men, White Masculinity in Crisis, Sally Robinson explains that much work on theorizing and analyzing white hegemonic masculinity takes it as a starting point that hegemonic masculinity and whiteness retain their powers as... more
Benet, Vicente José. Valencia, 27.6.1962. Historiador de cine. Redactor Jefe desde 1991 de la revista Archivos de la Filmoteca, dedicada a los estudios sobre historia y teoría del cine y editada por el Institut Valencià de la... more
French : Le discours, Judith Butler nous le rappelle, est un outil remarquable de la fabrique sociale du genre. Derrière une apparente évidence et neutralité, la mise en mots, la nomination et le récit de soi (ou de l’autre) participent... more
This paper, presented on the Black Macho Revisited BLog, looks at the genesis of Faith Ringgold's first story quilt, Whose Afraid of Aunt Jemima, and my relationship to it as a writer and thinker.
Literature of the U.S. South. Our focus in the American Literature seminar this year will be on the long, grand, and problematic tradition of U.S. Southern literature, especially fiction in both comic and tragic modes as it developed... more
Text re-constructed from two novels; Austin Clarkes ‘Twice Round the Black Church: Early Memories of England and Ireland’ (1962) and Mary Margaret Mitchells ‘Gone With The Wind’ (1936) commissioned on the occasion of the exhibition 'It is... more
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." As Rhett Butler had said to Scarlett as he leaves her in despair. Not only was Scarlett left in despair in this film, but also the thousands of African Americans that were historically a part of the... more
This chapter discusses the relationship between classical music and regional identity in literature about the U.S. South in the nineteenth and early-to-mid-twentieth century. It features a spotlight on classical music and the South in... more
De curând s-a deschis și la noi o polemică destul de contondentă pe tema rasismului, stârnită de un scurt-metraj al lui Radu Jude. Montajul, în pofida simpatiei (critice) pe care o am pentru cineast, mi se pare discutabil, din mai multe... more
Es la película más famosa de todos los tiempos, la cumbre del Hollywood dorado y del sistema de estudios. Lo que el viento se llevó es la película perfecta y la favorita de mucha gente. El cómo fue posible algo tan majestuoso y legendario... more
Despite its widespread familiarity, Max Steiner’s Tara theme from Gone With the Wind has received only occasional attention from scholars. This chapter offers the first historical investigation of the theme itself, including its emergence... more