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      Great WarFirst World War
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      HistoryContemporary HistoryGreat WarWorld War I
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East Studies
Прва историографска синтеза о Смедереву и смедеревском крају у Првом светском рату. Књига је заснована на вишегодишњим научним истраживањима архивске, музеолошке и друге изворне грађе, као и до сада непознате стране и домаће старије... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryGreat WarFirst World War
La Russie est indéniablement la grande oubliée, en France, du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale et plus encore lorsqu’il s’agit de l’histoire des brigades venues combattre sur le front d’Orient. Cet article tend à montrer qu’il y... more
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryFrench HistoryGreat War
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      International RelationsGreat WarThucydidesUs China Relations
From 26 September to 11 November 1918, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) launched an attack in the Meuse-Argonne against the Germans. This paper intends to answer the largely unanswered question of how necessary were the losses that made... more
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      Military HistoryGreat WarWorld War IFirst World War
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      Naval WarfareNaval HistoryGreat WarNavigator
Il contributo si sofferma sulle fonti  non ufficiali legate alla prima Guerra mondiale e illustra un nuovo progetto di valorizzazione
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    • Great War
Australia and the Great War: Identity, Memory and Mythology is a multi-disciplinary collection of essays exploring the complex relationship that existed, and exists, between the Great War, the British Empire, and Australia. These... more
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      Australian StudiesAustraliaGreat WarBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
At the end of WWI, according to the peace treaty of Saint-Germain, Italy annexed the former Habsburg territories of Trentino, South Tyrol, Venezia Giulia, Istria and a part of Dalmatia (the city of Zara/Zadar and some islands). The... more
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      Great WarYugoslavia (History)Italy
Europe at the dawn of the 20th century, through a treacherous system of defensive alliances, marched relentlessly toward a continental conflagration unlike any the world had ever known. Sparked by the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian... more
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      German StudiesGreat WarFirst World WarWoodrow Wilson
Da conferência da paz da Haia (1907) às negociações de paz de Paris (1919): Quando o Brasil emergiu para a diplomacia mundial? Paulo Roberto de Almeida (; [Objetivo: texto de apoio a... more
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian HistoryGreat WarHistory of Brazilian Foreign Relations
“Brazil and the 1919 peace negotiations: a newcomer among the greats”, Brasília, 7-16 june 2019, 21 p. Paper prepared for the Peace Making after the First World War, 1919-1923 Conference, due to be held on 27 and 28 June at The National... more
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      Brazilian StudiesGreat WarFirst World WarHistory of Brazilian Foreign Relations
This paper presents the events and interactions of solidarities that occurred in the area of upper Soča/Isonzo valley (today northwestern part of Slovenia) through years 1915-1917. The town Bovec and its surroundings were evacuated in May... more
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      Refugee StudiesSocial InteractionGreat WarFirst World War
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      NationalismTurkish NationalismGreat WarTurkish and Middle East Studies
The aim of this draft paper is to investigate the claim of the inhabitants of Farnham, Surrey, that the first observance of the Two Minutes’ Silence was held in their town at 11 a.m. on Saturday, 10th May 1916, 3½ years before the first... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyRitualSilence
Présentation de ma thèse par le jeu des questions/réponses sur le blog spécialisé dans les affaires militaires Mars attaque
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceWar StudiesGreat War
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      Military HistoryBaltic StudiesGreat WarWorld War I
On 28 July 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy declared war on Serbia after its negative response to the ultimatum. Partial mobilization began on July 28 at midnight towards Serbia, where the first front of the Great War was opened. It... more
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      Great WarRailway and Transportation HistoryRailway history - twentieth centuryGreat War 1914-18
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyGreat WarFunerary Archaeology
Un año después de su aparición en Francia durante el 2016 -coincidiendo, apropiadamente, con el centenario de la mentada batalla-, ha llegado a nuestras librerías El último asalto de Jaques Tardi (Valence, 1946), la tercera parte de la... more
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      Comics StudiesComic Book StudiesComicsGreat War
A principios del siglo XX, la implantación de la República en Portugal empeoró las relaciones de este país con España. Esta desconfianza se agravó debido al apoyo prestado a esta por Gran Bretaña para reconstruir su Armada, lo que le... more
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      Naval WarfareGreat War
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesWar Studies
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      StatisticsWomen's HistoryGreat WarHungary
Avec cet ouvrage, Alexandre Sumpf réintégre la Russie dans une historiographie de la Grande Guerre (centrée essentiellement sur l’Europe et les fronts dits «  primaires  »). Pour faciliter la comparaison, l’auteur s’est borné au cadre... more
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      Great WarRussian EmpireWWI
Italian performance in the First World War has been generally disparaged or ignored compared to that of the armies on the Western Front, and troop morale in particular has been seen as a major weakness of the Italian army. In this first... more
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      Military HistoryModern Italian HistorySociology of the MilitaryGreat War
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      Military HistoryGreat WarFirst World WarGreat War 1914-18
During the Great War, the Belgian ‘Second Section’ concentrated its espionage efforts on national occupied soil, operating 38 intelligence networks, and covering almost 700 agents. These networks were mainly managed from the towns of... more
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      Military IntelligenceGreat WarWorld War IFirst World War
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      Traumatic StressTrauma StudiesGreat WarIreland
This talk, a contribution to an experts' workshop at the University of Lincoln, takes an initial look at what music in the home meant for people in the period 1900-1925, that is, before the generalization of gramophone and radio. It is... more
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      Popular MusicBritish HistoryPopular CultureGreat War
An examination about the interaction about allies empire during the Great War 1914-1918.
Italian language
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      Political HistoryGreat WarGreat War 1914-18Political Economy and History
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      ReligionPolitical PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy Of Religion
Poszukiwanie debiutu Ireny Tuwim nie należy do rzeczy łatwych. Jej pierwsze utwory, pisane w wieku młodzieńczym publikowane były na łamach prasy łódzkiej, często pod pseudonimami, nadanymi przez jej brata, Juliana, który w tajemnicy przed... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryGreat WarPoezja
Soit qu'on parle d'oeuvres didactiques, récréatives ou mémorielles, l'enfance ainsi que la jeunesse représentent sans aucun doute une partie déterminante du lectorat et bien sûr de la foule de protagonistes de la production littéraire... more
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      HistoryFrench LiteratureIconographyRhetoric
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      Great WarWorld War I
One of the series of recollections and family stories - this one from a great nephew about the loss of battle cruiser HMS Invincible at the greatest naval battle of the Great War - Jutland - which was the reason for the famous quote by... more
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      Great WarFirst World WarThe Battle of JutlandRoyal Navy
This journal article offers a historical perspective on how a group of Australian Christians responded to a time of crisis. The focus here is on leaders and supporters of the Australian arm of the British and the Foreign Bible Society... more
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      Military HistoryBible TranslationGreat WarAustralian History
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso personale... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryGreat WarPacifismGreat Northern War
"Slovenské" pešie pluky zohrávali v prvom roku Veľkej vojny významnú úlohu v rámci rakúsko-uhorskej armády. Veľká časť plukov povolávajúca mužov z územia súčasného Slovenska smerovalo na front v Haliči. Po náročnom pochode sa medzi... more
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      War StudiesGreat WarFirst World WarGreat War 1914-18
This paper investigates what really happened to D Company, 18th Durham Light Infantry on the First Day of the Somme, 1 July 1916
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      British HistoryGreat WarFirst World WarBritish Military History
The Great War broke out at the moment that the film industry at all levels, production, distribution and exhibition was becoming established. Here the attention is on the local cinema cultures of three spaces: Louvain in Belgium,... more
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      Cultural HistoryGreat WarFilm HistoryCinema Studies
Rarely has an event defined a national era so significantly as did the case of the falsely accused and imprisoned French/Jewish army captain Alfred Dreyfus in 1894. Shadows of the dark influence of anti-Semitism fueled pre-war French... more
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      Film StudiesGreat War20th century FranceStanley Kubrick
The purpose of this paper is to review the multiple meanings of the terms "barbarian" and "barbarity" during World War I in France. The atrocities perpetrated by the German armies in late Summer 1914 contributed to portray the Germans as... more
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      Great WarFirst World WarCrueltyFrance
Typeset and cover design by narrator typesetters and designers T: 44 (0)33 022 200 39 E: W: ADVANCE INFORMATION SHEET Connected places MARTIN MALONE T h e U n r e t u r n i n g
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      English LiteraturePoetryGreat WarContemporary British Literature
Eliot's reading and bereavements during the Great War were to haunt him for much of his life and are still evident in "Four Quartets". Some images recur, partly because they were saturated, as he put it, with feelings too obscure for him... more
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      PoetryGreat WarT.S. EliotModern Poetry
Mostra temporanea. 25 luglio 2015 - 28 febbraio 2016, Gispoteca Canoviana
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      Great WarNeoclassicismNeoclassical sculptureAntonio Canova
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      European HistoryItalian (European History)Contemporary HistoryGreat War
In both World Wars, the German armies enacted a prostitution policy in all the occupied territories of Western and Eastern Europe. Through a comparative study, this article uses archival research in Poland, France, Belgium and Germany as... more
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      Women and War StudiesHistory of SexualityGreat WarSecond World War