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Mean duration of embryonic development and variability of this parameter were studied for seven different progenies in rainbow trout : diploid controls, diploid gynogenetics, triploids resulting from heat shock or from a direct cross... more
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The importance of genetic variation in the non-speci®c immune responses of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) clones was investigated. Fully inbred clones (IC) of Nile tilapia, produced using gynogenesis and sex reversal, and crosses... more
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      ImmunologyImmune responseBiologyFish Diseases
Onion suffers from high inbreeding depression and, as a result, inbreds that are developed lack genotypic and phenotypic uniformity. Gynogenesis has emerged as a potential strategy to address this drawback. Efforts have been made since... more
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      BiologyAllium CepaGynogenesisHorticultural Sciences
Determination of the gender in sturgeon is very important in fish farmers, as sex is one of the main factors that determine aim of cultivating them. One of the method for maturation monitoring of sturgeons is steroid hormone analysis. On... more
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In the present study, the development of an efficient and feasible protocol for chromosome preparation from sterlet (A. ruthenus) embryos and larvae was carried out. In the established protocol, the mean efficiency of chromosome... more
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Artificial mitotic gynogenesis, a chromosome set manipulation, is applied to provide the homozygous progeny with only maternal inheritance. Here, gynogenetic development was induced in the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L. (Acipenseridae) by... more
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      GeneticsBiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
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      BiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
Double haploids are the plants, generated spontaneously or induced by chromosome duplication of a haploid plant. They are homozygous at all loci which make them a unique line from the parent in respect of its genome constituent. There is... more
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Gynogenesis is an asexual mode of reproduction common to animals and plants, in which stimuli from the sperm cell trigger the development of the unfertilized egg cell into a haploid embryo. Fine mapping restricted a major maize QTL... more
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The feeding rate effects were studied on the growth performance of gynogenetic diploid larvae of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus during the first 4weeks of exogenous feeding.Theexperimentalrearingwasconductedfrom7to38dayspost-hatch(dph) in a... more
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      ZoologyAnimal ScienceBiologyLarva
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      GeneticsBiologyMedicineMolecular sciences
Mosaicism is frequently observed in aquaculture practices, and it adversely affects the production as well as the restoration programme of the sturgeon. The purpose of the present study was the induction of 2n/3n mosaic in sterlet,... more
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      BiologyMedicineBiological SciencesAnimal
Artificial mitotic gynogenesis, a chromosome set manipulation, is applied to provide the homozygous progeny with only maternal inheritance. Here, gynogenetic development was induced in the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus L. (Acipenseridae) by... more
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      GeneticsBiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
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      BiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
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Background: Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.] is a nutrient-rich vegetable crop widely grown in the tropics and sub-tropics mainly for its edible pods. The haploid technique has been used in plant breeding for the improvements of... more
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      BotanyHorticultureBiologyMicrospore Culture
The white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) is the largest freshwater fish in North America. Because of the unique life history characteristics of sturgeon, including longevity, late maturation and long spawning intervals, their... more
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Artificial cross between two genetically different populations of Japanese Misgurnus loach was made to examine the reproductive capacity of the artificial inter-populational hybrid females. Ploidy status and microsatellite genotypes of... more
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Secretario de Prensa y publicaciones JOSÉ ANTONIO PORTELA Vocales Titulares IGNACIO PAUNERO SUSANA ROTHMAN Vocales Suplentes RICARDO MURRAY FERNANDO FERNANDEZ Revisor de Cuentas Titular GONZALO CUNHA... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBiologyEcology
Main Points: 1. Zebrafish embryos at the end of pronuclear fusion and before initiation of zygotic mitosis are resistant to teratogenic effects of heat. 2. The teratogenic heat resilient window exists transiently during the maternally... more
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      BiologyCell BiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
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      BiotechnologyCryopreservationAquacultureChromosome Biology
El Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza (IBAM) tiene la misión de generar conocimientos en aspectos básicos y aplicados a la agricultura de regadío y pertenece a la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo y al CONICET. El objetivo de este... more
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      Research FundingH IndexCiencias BiológicasCONICET
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pola elektroferogram, 2) homosigositas dan heterosigositas ikan mas strain Punten gynogenetik dan 3) mengevaluasi metode gynogenesis yang telah dilakukan serta 4) untuk mengetahui jumlah... more
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Production of heterozygous and homozygous clones of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) was successfully carried out. An outbred clonal line was produced by cross-breeding between a viable mitotic gynogenetic female and male... more
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Background: A recent systematic review and meta-analysis was realized to determine the impact of intraoperative transfusion goal directed protocols with viscoelastic methods on postoperative outcome in children. This study is part of a... more
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      PediatricsPediatric PsychologyEarly ChildhoodChildren
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      BiotechnologyBiologyPlant BreedingMedicine
The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax is a very important commercial fish in Europe, the production of which by aquaculture has increased several fold during the last decades. Studies on biology, control of reproduction, broodstock... more
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      BiotechnologyBiologyPlant BreedingMedicine
Ikan hias merupakan salah satu komoditi yang banyak diminati karena mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri baik warna, bentuk  maupun tingkah lakunya yang unik. Komet (Carassius auratus auratus) pertama kali dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat Cina... more
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The European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax is a very important commercial fish in Europe, the production of which by aquaculture has increased several fold during the last decades. Studies on biology, control of reproduction, broodstock... more
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Ikan hias merupakan salah satu komoditi yang banyak diminati karena mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri baik warna, bentuk  maupun tingkah lakunya yang unik. Komet (Carassius auratus auratus) pertama kali dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat Cina... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kuning telur unggas  dan jenis yang terbaiknya terhadap laju pertumbuhan larva seurukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang... more
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      Animal ScienceBiology
Carassius auratus complex is believed to originate from East Eurasia and consist of diploid and triploid forms. Diploid form reproduces sexually, whereas triploid form possesses mixture modes of unisexual gynogenesis and sexual... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsGeographyBiology
In this study, a 3x2 factorial feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding rate on growth performance, feed conversion ratio and meat yield of sterlet reared in a recirculating aquaculture system. The diet... more
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      Animal ScienceBiologyFisheries SciencesFeed Conversion Ratio
The Acipenser ruthenus (Linnaeus, 1758), albino variety, in the second summer rearing to Brates sturgeons station from Galati was experimented. A number of 513 one year old sterlet were stocked in three Ewos fibreglass tanks, at an... more
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      Animal ScienceBiologyFisheryAcipenser
Goldfish (Cyprinus carpio L) is a very popular type of fish and has been widely known by people throughout Indonesia. Goldfish is one type of consumable fish that includes inland fishery commodities, namely freshwater fisheries that have... more
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Onion suffers from high inbreeding depression and, as a result, inbreds that are developed lack genotypic and phenotypic uniformity. Gynogenesis has emerged as a potential strategy to address this drawback. Efforts have been made since... more
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      BiologyAllium CepaGynogenesisHorticultural Sciences
The objective of the present stady was to determine the optimum level of feeding rate for peres fish (Osteochilus vittatus) . The experimental fish fed with a commersial diet contains 48% crude protein. The fish sample was 1.0 cm in... more
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      Animal ScienceBiologyWeight GainFeed Conversion Ratio
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Thyroid hormones (THs) play important roles in regulating growth, development and physiological functions in vertebrates. To study the role of short-term effects of thyroxine (T4) on metabolism and growth in female Sterlet sturgeon,... more
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      BiologyAquacultureFisheries SciencesSturgeon
Doubled haploid onion (Allium cepa L.) plants allow the production of completely homozygous lines for a later production of hybrids. The haploid plants are normally produced using in vitro gynogenesis. The obtained haploid plantlets must... more
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      Allium CepaGynogenesisGene DuplicationHybrids
Ikan patin (Pangasius pangasius) merupakan salah satu spesies ikan air tawar yang potensial untuk dibudidayakan karena memiliki performa reproduksi yang baik, salah satunya yaitu fekunditas tinggi. Namun telur ikan patin bersifat lengket... more
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    • Biology
Anemone is an allogamous species marketed as a cut flower. Pure lines formation in this species is expensive and inefficient because progeny suffers from inbreeding depression. Pure lines obtained from plant anthers are a widely used... more
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      Plant BiologyBiology
Fish meal is an important part of raw material for fish feed. However, the use of fish meal is considered unsustainable, compete with human being and expensive. By product of Anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) which contains high protein is... more
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Effect of colchicine and amiprophos-methyl on the production of in vitro doubled haploid onion plants and correlation assessment between ploidy level and stomatal size Efecto de la colchicina y del amiprofos-metil en la producción in... more
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Carp is a freshwater fish, body shape is long and somewhat rounded with a small head, the high back and across large scaly body. The development of aquaculture carp (Cyprinus carpio) is progressing very rapidly with cultivation system are... more
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Effect of colchicine and amiprophos-methyl on the production of in vitro doubled haploid onion plants and correlation assessment between ploidy level and stomatal size Efecto de la colchicina y del amiprofos-metil en la producción in... more
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14 hari (56,25%). Persentase ikan terkolonisasi sel donor pada hari ke-21 pascatranplantasi pada benih umur 7 dan 10 hari adalah sama (80%), sedangkan transplantasi benih umur 14 hari sebesar 60%. Berdasarkan keberhasilan transplantasi... more
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