Healthcare Financing
Recent papers in Healthcare Financing
This analysis of the Austrian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health-care provision, health reforms and health-system performance. The Austrian health system provides universal... more
Anecdotal evidence on hidden inequity in health care in North African countries abounds. Yet firm empirical evidence has been harder to come by. This article fills the gap. It presents the first analysis of equity in the healthcare system... more
The HiT profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of a health system and of policy initiatives in progress or under development. HiTs examine different approaches to the organization, financing and delivery of... more
Yemen is a low-middle-income country where more than half of the population live in rural areas and lack access to the most basic health care. At US$40 per capita, Yemen's annual total health expenditure (THE) is among the lowest... more
China has made remarkable progress in strengthening its primary health-care system. Nevertheless, the system still faces challenges in structural characteristics, incentives and policies, and quality of care, all of which diminish its... more
A B S T R A C T Background: The Ethiopian health care system is under tremendous reform. One of the issues high on the agenda is health care financing. In an effort to protect citizens from catastrophic effects of the clearly high share... more
No two markets for voluntary health insurance (VHI) are identical. All differ in some way because they are heavily shaped by the nature and performance of publicly financed health systems and by the contexts in which they have evolved.... more
This analysis of the Austrian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health-care provision, health reforms and health-system performance. The Austrian health system provides universal... more
This analysis of the Lithuanian health system reviews the developments in organization and governance, health financing, health-care provision, health reforms and health system performance since 2000.The Lithuanian health system is a... more
The protracted LRA war in northern Uganda was characterised by the abduction and abuse of an unknown but significant number of girls and women. These girls were forced to carry guns and become wives to rebels, among other roles during... more
Background To achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, particularly reduction in child mortality (Millennium Development Goal 4), effective interventions to address severe and moderate acute malnutrition (SAM and MAM)... more
This analysis of the Lithuanian health system reviews the developments in organization and governance, health financing, health-care provision, health reforms and health system performance since 2000.The Lithuanian health system is a... more
Stakeholder analysis is widely recommended as a tool for gathering insights on policy actor interests in, positions on, and power to influence, health policy issues. Such information is recognized to be critical in developing viable... more
Background Progress in tuberculosis control worldwide, including achievement of 2015 global targets, requires adequate fi nancing sustained for many years. WHO began yearly monitoring of tuberculosis funding in 2002. We used data reported... more
Background The primary care system in Vietnam has been shown to play a crucial role in disease prevention and health promotion. This study described the primary care system in a selected rural area in Vietnam in terms of its capacity for... more
Building health systems commensurate to the challenges of st century Africa requires action in the critical areas of: people-centred health systems, universal health coverage, the social determinants of health, and health outcomes ... more
Background In September, 2012, the UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities (UNCoLSC) outlined a plan to expand availability and access to 13 life saving commodities. We profi le global and country progress against these recommendations... more
This thesis examines the introduction of compulsory medical insurance in the Russian Federation in the 1990s as part of the re-structuring of welfare in the years after communism. The reforms brought in strong decentralisation of... more
Universal health coverage (UHC) has been defined as the desired outcome of health system performance whereby all people who need health services (promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation) receive them, without... more
Community-based care (CBC) can increase access to key services for people affected by HIV/AIDS through the mobilization of community interests and resources and their integration with formal health structures. Yet, the lack of a... more
Arnab Mukherji (arnab@ and Gita Sen ( are with the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
This paper will review three recent papers that discuss the future prospects of public health finance in the United States. Most commentators agree that the current long-run growth path of public healthcare spending in the US is... more
In Germany risk adjustment is a core element of the regulatory framework of competition between sickness funds. It shall create a level playing field between funds with very heterogeneous risk structures. Prior to 2009 risk adjustment was... more
In Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa, health care financing is progressive overall. However, out-of-pocket payments and health insurance for the informal sector are regressive. The distribution of health care benefits is generally... more
The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of a health system and of policy initiatives in progress or under development. HiTs examine different approaches to the... more
Background: Implementation of quality improvements in palliative care (PC) is challenging, and detailed knowledge about factors that may facilitate or hinder implementation is essential for success. One part of the EUfunded IMPACT project... more
Background: Preterm birth is now the leading cause of under-five child deaths worldwide with one million direct deaths plus approximately another million where preterm is a risk factor for neonatal deaths due to other causes. There is... more
Background: As a tropical depression in the East Sea, Vietnam is greatly affected by climate change and natural disasters. Knowledge of the current capacity of the primary healthcare system in Vietnam to respond to health issues... more
This analysis of the Estonian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. In 2017, the Estonian government took the... more
The main aim of this work was to identify and present the situation and changes in the level of expenditure on healthcare in the European Union in the years 2013–2017. This involved an analysis of the available literature on healthcare... more
Medicines are important in health care services delivery. Frequent stock outs of medicines have been a major challenge in public health facilities in low-and middle-income countries like Kenya. This research aimed at determining the... more
In Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa, health care financing is progressive overall. However, out-of-pocket payments and health insurance for the informal sector are regressive. The distribution of health care benefits is generally... more
Introduction: Rational decision making on malaria control depends on an understanding of the epidemiological risks and control measures. National Malaria Control Programmes across Africa have access to a range of state-of-the-art malaria... more
ÖZ: Dünya tıp literatüründe yaygın bir uygulama olan triyaj sistemi Sağlık Bakanlığı mevzuatı gereği Türkiye’de de uygulanmaktadır. Sosyal güvenlik mevzuatı yönünden özellik arzeden bir uygulama olan triyajın uygulanma esasları Sağlık... more
Background Progress in tuberculosis control worldwide, including achievement of 2015 global targets, requires adequate fi nancing sustained for many years. WHO began yearly monitoring of tuberculosis funding in 2002. We used data reported... more
Zimbabwe's public health financing model is mostly hospital-based. Financing generally follows the bigger and higher-level hospitals at the expense of smaller, lower-level ones.... more
For Americans experiencing illnesses and disabilities, crowdfunding has become a popular strategy for addressing the extraordinary costs of health care. The political, social, and health consequences of austerity--along with fallout from... more