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All papers published in this conference proceedings have been peer reviewed through a peer review process administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards... more
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      Political ScienceScientometricsGeography of ScienceSocial Studies Of Science
Biobanks are crucial institutions in the infrastructure of contemporary life sciences. They depend on the participation of donors who give tissues and data. Through their participation, donors can build identities and form biosociality.... more
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      STS (Anthropology)Social Studies Of ScienceSocial studies of BiomedicineSociology of Medicine
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesIndigenous Studies
This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringEuropean StudiesExpert SystemsNuclear Physics
Abstract This collection addresses two different audiences: 1) historians and philosophers of the life sciences reflecting on collaborations across disciplines, especially as regards defining and addressing Grand Challenges; 2)... more
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      InterdisciplinarityHistory and Philosophy of BiologyTransdisciplinaritySocial Studies Of Science
MODERA Niccolò Guicciardini (Università degli Studi di Milano) LIBRI PRESENTATI Marta Cavazza, Laura Bassi: Donne, genere e scienza nell'Italia del Settecento, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano 2020 Massimo Mazzotti, Maria Gaetana Agnesi e... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySocial Studies Of ScienceGender and Women's StudiesWomen and Gender
Cornerstones of Attachment Research [ free to download ] re-examines the work of key laboratories that have contributed to the study of attachment. In doing so, the book traces the development in a single scientific paradigm through... more
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      HistoryDevelopmental PsychologyDevelopmental PsychopathologyMental Health
This review essay of two edited volumes sketches how STS scholars have analyzed scientific representation and visualization in recent work. Several key foci have emerged, among them attending closely to materiality, engaging the digital... more
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      OntologyVisualizationEmbodimentArt and Science
You have to have a good cell to repair the heart. (Researcher B) Stem cell treatments, in many cases, are 'technologies of hope' for patients suffering from a severely disabling, sometimes mortal, health condition (see ; also Leibing and
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      SociologyMedical SociologyAnthropologyMedical Anthropology
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      Human-Animal RelationsSociology of EmotionAnthrozoologySociology of Science
This paper is a short response to a paper by sociologist Pablo Shyfter, "Functions by Agreement." He argues that philosophers have been short-sighted in thinking about functions because they tend to approach the issue through a set of... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologySocial Studies Of ScienceTeleology
This course examines the dynamic relationship among environment, technology and society in Asia. During the first seven weeks the students would be exposed to the major theoretical, conceptual and analytical frameworks for the study... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyAsian StudiesEnvironmental ScienceTechnology
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceHIV/AIDSSocial Studies Of Science
In this book, sociologists, philosophers, and economists investigate the conceptual issues around the performativity of economics over a variety of disciplinary contexts and provide new case studies illuminating this phenomenon. In... more
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      ManagementEconomic SociologyOrganizational TheorySociology of Knowledge
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      Philosophy of ScienceStructural BiologyHistory of ScienceComputer Networks
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      RiskBuilt EnvironmentSocial Studies Of SciencePower
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAfrican StudiesWorld Literatures
The purpose of this study is to critically analyze unique stories nested in flesh to exhaustively help readers and future researchers expand their appreciation and understanding on the expansive value of tattoos, its importance more than... more
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    • Social Studies Of Science
Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma análise de algumas das dimensões sociais da ciência, analisando o modo em que foram apresentadas pelo cinema e seguindo algumas categorias de análise e os principais tópicos abordados pela... more
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      Social Studies Of ScienceCine Y Ciencia
Cet article est une invitation à discuter la place de la science dans l'étude des relations anthropozoologiques. Nous soutenons que la « science », en tant qu'elle fait partie du fond culturel commun de l'Occident contemporain, doit être... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsSocial Studies Of ScienceAnimal Assisted Therapy
El artículo describe y analiza algunos procesos por los que la ansiedad y la vida cotidiana son transformadas en blancos farmacológicos por los profesionales de salud pública en Uruguay. Durante 2013 y 2014 se realizaron entrevistas en... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPsychopharmacologySocial Studies Of ScienceBenzodiazepines
Se han realizado diversos estudios sobre la percepción infantil de la ciencia y de el/la científico/a en países desarrollados, tanto en Europa como en Norteamérica. Sin embargo, aún falta conocimiento empírico sobre dicha materia en... more
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      Social RepresentationsSocial Studies Of ScienceScience StudiesScience Popularization
En la última década, la difusión social a gran escala de las llamadas nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación-TICs- se ha hecho más que evidente. Computadoras, redes, módems, dispositivos de telecomunicaciones, y sobre... more
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      Information TechnologySocial Studies Of ScienceSoftware Studies (Communication)
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      Philosophy of ScienceSocial Studies Of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Despite their relative semantic proximity, the fields of public understanding of science (PUS) and social studies of science (SSS) / science and technology studies or science, technology and society (both STS) 1 appear to acknowledge... more
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      Public Understanding Of ScienceScience, Technology and SocietySociology of ScienceSocial Studies Of Science
The process of informed consent is fundamental to basic scientific research with human subjects. As one aspect of the scientific enterprise, clinical drug trials rely on informed consent documents to safeguard the ethical treatment of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedical SociologyGender StudiesSexual and Reproductive Health
O texto original de John Law aproxima a atividade científica da atividade empresarial, através da gestão que justapõe elementos heterogêneos para obtenção de determinados fins: Law, J. (1989). Le laboratoire et ses réseaux. la science et... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceSocial and Cultural AnthropologyHistory of ScienceSociology of Science
""She is best known for her curve, the witch of Agnesi, which appears in almost all high school and undergraduate math books. She was a child prodigy who frequented the salon circuit, discussing mathematics, philosophy, history, and music... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistorySociology of CultureGender Studies
Between 2003 and 2009 the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) delegated a team of World Bank–appointed management consultants, Castalia Advisors, to reform and “improve” the distribution regime in one ward of the city. This... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyAnthropology
What happened, in the years leading up to Valentine's Day 2014, that made a canister of nuclear waste burst open and spew out fire underground at a US facility for the long-term disposal of radioactive military waste? According to one... more
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      Organizational BehaviorNuclear EngineeringHistory of Science and TechnologySociology of Disaster
Resumen El artículo plantea que la pedagogía praxeológica constituye una propuesta teórica, metodológica y política de transformación social que puede dialogar con apuestas similares en el Sur Global. Este diálogo la potencia en al menos... more
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      Social Studies Of ScienceSocial StudiesBiopolitical Production
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingSocial Studies Of ScienceOnline Academic Publishing
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      History of Science and TechnologyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of TechnologyHistory of Science
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      History of ScienceSocial Studies Of ScienceScience and Technology Studies
The collapse of cod stocks in the waters off Newfoundland in the early 1990s was widely understood as an ecological disaster and the death of a rural way of life that had endured for centuries. While many areas have remained closed to... more
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      Political EconomyClimate ChangeEthnographyPolitical Ecology
In recent years, science studies scholars have critically examined several methods used by the pharmaceutical industry to exert control over knowledge about drugs. Complementary literatures on "medical neoliberalism" and "neoliberal... more
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      Clinical TrialsPoliticsChicago SchoolSocial Studies Of Science
In this paper, I discuss the many contributions of a versatile black technician, Vivien Thomas, to surgical animal research between 1930 and 1979 at Vanderbilt University and Johns Hopkins University. Thomas' experimental work led to... more
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      PediatricsSocial Studies Of ScienceGeneral SurgeryUnited States
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
T he culture of modern societies seems, on first glance, to be imbued with science. Technological change rushes forth at an increasingly swift place even as advances in the hard sciences like chemistry and biological sciences seem to be... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyEthicsApplied Ethics
Nanoscale research in Venezuela is briefly reviewed, with emphasis on research groups, research lines, and institutions involved. A summary exploration is made of international collaboration through scientific co-authorship, as well of... more
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      EthicsSocial Studies Of ScienceEthics and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and EngineeringSocial Studies of Science and Technology
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      Gender StudiesSocial Studies Of ScienceToleranceThe Netherlands
Synonyms - Introduction - History of the Concept - Aims and Limits of Disciplinary Research - Innovations: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries - Interdisciplinary Epistemology: The Need for ID Models - Organizing Interdisciplinary Research... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceInterdisciplinarityEpistemology (Anthropology)
Are criminals at the mercy of their malfunctioning brains? Adrian Raine, professor for criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, is known to answer this question in the affirmative and sets out to convince readers of his position in... more
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      Sociology of Mental Health & IllnessScience, Technology and SocietySocial Studies Of ScienceCritical Neuroscience
Revista CTS, nº 4, vol. 2, Enero de 2005 (pág. 73-95)
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      Social Studies Of ScienceSocial impactScience, Technology and Innovation Indicators
In the last decade, a controversy has arisen over a specific type of herbo-mineral ayurvedic preparations called bhasmas (Skt. bhasman). The controversy mainly concerned serious complications or even the death of patients after having... more
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      South Asian StudiesHistory of ScienceAyurvedaSocial Studies Of Science
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      Social SciencesComputer NetworksSocial MediaSocial Studies Of Science
The ongoing political drama of ecological regime shift as enacted by J. lalandii (also known as West Coast Rock Lobster, or reef) offers a way in to thinking about how creatures are going to negotiate the conditions of their survival in... more
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      Political EcologySocial and Cultural AnthropologySociology of Fisheries and AquacultureFisheries Management
Mirabile è sempre il paradosso.
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      History of Science and TechnologyAestheticsItalian StudiesIntellectual History of the Baroque Period
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      South African Politics and SocietyEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental PoliticsSocial Studies Of Science
This chapter outlines the problem that the Yearbook volume addresses – the science/mass media relation in modern societies – and introduces the medialization concept as an approach to the study of mass media related changes in science... more
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      Media StudiesScience CommunicationSocial Studies Of Science