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      CriminologyGerman HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of Social Welfare
The birth of criminology as a science at the end of the XIXth century led to the development of many observations and experiments. The purpose of all these researches was to find, in a positivist point of view, some means to fight or to... more
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      CriminologyCapital PunishmentDeath PenaltyHistory of prisons
A kötet és a kiállítás az NKA Közgyűjteményi Kollégiuma és a Budapest Bank Budapestért Alapítvány támogatásával jött létre
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      Urban HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of CrimeHistory of Budapest
"Az emberi élet elleni bűncselekmények közt kétségkívül a legvisszataszítóbb s legveszélyesebb a méregkeverés, mert véghezvitele rendszerint nagy rafinériát, körülményes, tervszerű előkészületet és alapos, minden eshetőségre és legkisebb... more
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      Social SciencesHistory of Crime and Criminology
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      CriminologyLegal HistoryGlobal HistoryComparative Legal History
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      CriminologyGerman HistoryGender HistoryHistory of Sexuality
O que fez com que hoje nós não tenhamos a correta noção de como lidar com o fenômeno “crime”? O que faz com que tenhamos hoje um quadro gravíssimo de insegurança pública, mesmo tendo nossos governos investido tantos recursos nessa área... more
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      CriminologyGreen CriminologyCritical CriminologyPeacemaking criminology
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      Juvenile JusticeJuvenile DelinquencyHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of Crime and Criminology
Exposé zum Th emenheft Alltag Notationen Alltägliche Dinge Dorothee Kimmich Extremistische Ästhetik. Solidarität als Widerstandsform im total(itär)en Alltag bei Daniil Charms und bei Ray Bradbury Sandra Evans Miniaturreisen. Reisen durch... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityHistory of SexualityHistory of Crime and Criminology
Birthmark and Pottage. The Murder of Elza the Magnate (1914) and the Problem of Identifying the Corpse Just before the outbreak of World War I, the Budapest public was shocked by a mysterious murder-case. On the morning of January 10,... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of BudapestHistory of Crime and CriminologyUrban Histoy
Greek Cypriots became a key feature of early post-Second World War London. This article focuses on the case of the penultimate woman hanged in Britain, Styllou Christofi, who was executed in December 1954 for the murder of her German-born... more
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      International MigrationBritish EmpireImmigration HistoryColonial and Imperial (British) Legal History
Report about the Maui-Molokai Adult Drug Court, which I created and which achieved over 12 years an 84% success rate for graduates, measured by whether a graduate committed another felony crime. The program has many innovative features,... more
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      CriminologyCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeRehabilitation Medicine
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      History of psychical research and parapsychologyAnomalistikGeschichte der ParapsychologieWissenschaftsgeschichte
This paper focuses on the contents and implications of the principle of social defence elaborated by the adherents of the Italian positive school of criminal law and on its criticism by the advocates of a more classical approach. This... more
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      CriminologyLegal HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWCriminologia
Halloween researcher blog for incoming undergraduate students to the University of Reading's English Department.
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureJournalism
This paper starts by examining the claims that are currently being made for the ability of AI systems to discern the character, including criminal propensities, of individuals from their facial biometrics. Apart from the methodological... more
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      History of PhysiognomyHistory and Philosophy of paleoanthropology and evolutionary biologyHistory of Crime and CriminologyRacial Anthropology
This article analyzes crime and punishment in the Timurid empire.
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      Criminal LawMedieval HistoryCentral Asian History (Area Studies)History of Crime and Punishment
Muurling, S., Pluskota, M. & Heijden, M. van der (2020). Introduction. In M. van der Heijden, M. Pluskota & S. Muurling (Eds.), Women's criminality in Europe, 1600-1914 (pp. 1-25). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Pres
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      European HistoryGender HistoryCrime HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
jewish Studies | medieval history and literature | european history Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe is a topic laced by prejudice on one hand and apologetics on the other. Beginning in the Middle Ages, Jews were often portrayed as... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJewish - Christian Relations
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      History of HungaryHistory of Alcohol and Drug Use20th century (History)Social History
Critique Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. McKay's criminology: delinquent autobiographies, crime and urban areas research and prevention programs (Chicago Area Projects).
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      CriminologyCriminological TheoryChicago School of SociologyHistory of Crime and Criminology
llelrr'ffrr H abc r r r tLts cle l'evolr-rtion des Pratiqtres ir-rcliciaires. Le tr.lit le p)us frap-1-r.trrt rle ces clenriöres est l'otrsession cie la tr.ltrscriprtiolt, cle la fix.rtittn cie l'dcrit docutneutaireqr-ri prrentl... more
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      German HistoryGender History19th Century German HistoryHistory of Crime and Punishment
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistorySociology of Crime and DeviancePolice HistoryHistory of prisons
The Limits of Criminological Positivism: The Movement for Criminal Law Reform in the West, 1870-1940 presents the first major study of the limits of criminological positivism in the West and establishes the subject as a field of... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeLegal History
Il titolo dell'incontro trae spunto da un passo dello scritto Governare la penalità che Massimo Pavarini pubblicò sette anni fa (nella rivista, 2013). Nella parte introduttiva di quel corposo contributo l'Autore constatava... more
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      CriminologyLegal HistoryCritical CriminologyCriminologia
Revised version (May 2017).
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      British HistoryJuvenile DelinquencyNineteenth Century British History and CultureCrime History
This article focuses on the individualization of punishment and the indeterminate sentence between the 19th and 20th century and their impact on the principle of legality in Europe and the United States. The preventive and rehabilitative... more
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      CriminologyHistory of Crime and Criminology
This book, often cited in the literature on the subject, has for the first time analyzed the work of Lombroso in the history of science. He probed the origins of the idea of ​​atavism. He then identified criminogenesis as the backbone of... more
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      History of ScienceHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWCesare LombrosoHistory of Crime and Criminology
Imprisonment is a widespread punishment all over the world, but prison is for most of us an unknown experience and anything we know is mostly through media and cinema representations. Therefore, it is very likely these representations... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
In an important 1984 paper, “The Moral Education Theory of Punishment,” Jean Hampton justifies the practice of inflicting painful criminal punishments if and only if punishment is morally educative. Hampton’s suggestion forms the point of... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeRussian LiteratureRehabilitation
The essay offers a quick look at the history of criminology in Italy
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory of Crime and Criminology
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWReligious StudiesHistory of Crime and PunishmentHistory of Crime and Criminology
The United States is at a pivotal moment in terms of rethinking class and racial inequality within the criminal justice system. However, there is a lack of shared conceptual tools to frame this debate. First, there is no clear or... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
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      History of Crime and CriminologyHistory of Penal LawStoria Del Diritto Penale
A partire dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento, le discussioni intorno alla natura femminile, alla collocazione della donna in società e al rapporto fra i sessi si fecero sempre più frequenti. All’interno della cultura scientifica... more
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      CriminologyWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryWomen and Gender Studies
Joseph Pierce writes "Jorge Salessi’s 1995 book 'Medicos maleantes y maricas' is a pioneering work [...], showing how Foucaldian historicism could be applied to a Latin American context. Using a heterogeneous archive including police... more
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      Police ScienceSex and GenderHistory of MedicineHistory of Sexuality
a pioneer psychiatrist and criminologist, established the first child guidance clinic in the United States in 1909. and was an early advocate of both the "team approach" and the "child's own story" in treatment and research. One of the... more
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      Criminological TheoryHistory of Crime and Criminology
This Article examines the gulf between sentencing knowledge and practice, and makes recommendations regarding measures that could be taken to bridge that gap, so that lawmakers bring sentencing practice into line with current knowledge in... more
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      United States HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWUnited States Political HistoryHistory of Law
Call for Papers
FORUM HISTORIAE _ Journal and Portal for History
and Related Disciplines
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      CriminologyLegal HistoryComparative Legal HistoryCriminologia
FORUM HISTORIAE - Journal and portal for history
and related disciplines
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      HistoryCriminologyLawCriminal Law
English title and abstract: Races and Degeneration. The Emergence of the Knowledge on the Abnormal Man. This Ph-D thesis develops the twofold history of the notions of “race” and “degeneration” between the XVIIth and the XIXth century.... more
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      HistoryCriminologyPsychiatryForensic Anthropology
Seven articles published in professional criminology journals originally chapters in the author's Ph.D. Dissertation, "The American Criminological Tradition: Portraits of the Men and Ideology in a Discipline," University of Pennsylvania,... more
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      Criminological TheoryHistory of Crime and Criminology
On December 22, 1926, an opening ceremony of the so-called Gypsy school was held in Uzhhorod, the capital of the Czechoslovak administration in Carpathian Ruthenia. Czech officials who gave talks pointed out pedagogical significance of... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityRomani StudiesInterwar Period History
International Conference, The East Slovak Museum (Východoslovenské Múzeum), Námestie Maratónu Mieru 2, Košice, Slovakia, 24th – 26th May 2022
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      Economic HistoryEuropean StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
SOMMARIO: 1. Beccaria criminologo? – 2. La legalità processuale e i poteri ‘restituiti’ al giudice. – 3. Il ruolo del giudice nel processo penale criminologico. – 4. Penologia e contraddizioni con lo stato di diritto: dalla legalità alla... more
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      CriminologyLegal HistoryCriminology (Social Sciences)Criminology/sociology of Deviance
El último forajido del salvaje Oeste murió en un barrio residencial de Asunción en agosto de 1947. A Roberto Steward no lo traicionó algún miembro de su banda, tampoco hubo tiroteos con la policía. El reporte de muerte del consulado de... more
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      CriminologySociology of Crime and DevianceParaguayan HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
This paper addresses the history of social scientific work on crime after World War II. We argue that the mid-1960s marked a turning point that profoundly transformed the way in which the public discourse, policy programs, and social... more
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      History of Crime and CriminologyHistory of the Social Sciences
Il saggio si propone di illustrare le posizioni favorevoli al mantenimento della pena di morte da parte di alcuni esponenti della Scuola positiva (Lombroso, Garofalo, Ferri). A tali posizioni fanno coppia quelle che vedono nel... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of CrimeHistory of Crime and PunishmentCriminal Law, Criminal Procedure, History and Theory of Criminal Law
El presente estudio fue realizado en el marco de la maestría 2 en Investigación del Instituto de Altos Estudios de América Latina, Universidad París 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle en 2008-2009. Este estudio lo integran tres partes que desarrollaron... more
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      Cultural HistorySystem IdentificationAnthropometric historyRace and Racism