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Post-modern theology is highly suspicious of social theory and its secular origins. After all, the founder who gave us the word “sociology” also coined the term “positivism.” An alternative strategy is that of Bernard Lonergan, a... more
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      Social TheorySociology of ReligionMax SchelerSocial Physics
SOSYOLOJİYİ KURMAK Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Comte, Durkheim “Tarihi bilinmedikçe, bir bilim tam olarak anlaşılamaz”. Comte’un bu aforizması belki de en fazla, bizzat kurduğu ve “sosyoloji” adını verdiği bilim için geçerlidir. İsim... more
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      DurkheimEmile DurkheimAlexis de TocquevilleMontesquieu
En el presente ensayo haré una breve semblanza de la impotencia metafísica y teológica y el positivismo como alternativa para la revolución en el trabajo de Auguste Comte 1 , así como una del racionalismo e irracionalismo como lo delimita... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Political Thought
Beginning classical social theory introduces students and educated general readers to thirteen key social theorists by way of examining a single, exemplary text by each author, ranging from Comte to Adorno. It answers the need for a book... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryTheodor AdornoMax Horkheimer
Öz Auguste Comte'dan bu yana, yani başlangıcından beri bilim tarihi çalışmaları 'ilerleme' kavramı üzerine odaklanmıştır. Akademik bir disiplin olarak bilim tarihinin kurucu babası George Sarton bilim tarihini bilimsel bilginin gelişim... more
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      Thomas S. KuhnPhilosophy of Thomas KuhnAuguste ComteBilim Tarihi
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      SociologyBiologyHenri BergsonEmile Durkheim
Springer Handbook of the Historiography of Science - Call for Contributions. A new book in the Springer Series on the Historiographies of Science seeks proposals for chapters. Title: Handbook of the Historiography of Science Guest... more
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      History of ScienceLéon BrunschvicgTheory of HistoryAlexandre Koyré
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      Benedict de SpinozaThomas HobbesThomas AquinasGabriel Tarde
This paper explores the intellectual influences that Auguste Comte and Harriet Taylor Mill had on John Stuart Mill's work, the essay "The Subjection of Women" in particular. Also discussed is the impact of Positivism on Mill's thought and... more
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      Intellectual HistorySocial SciencesNineteenth Century StudiesLiberalism
This chapter examines the constitution and evolution of reflexivity in International Relations (IR) in the wider socio-epistemic context of the history of reflexive thought. This dual reading of the genealogy of reflexivity aims to... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
*Volumen intermedio EL DISCURSO SOBRE EL ESPIRITU POSITIVO, publicado en 1844 como introducción a un «Tratado filosófico de astronomía popular», es una incomparable exposición, a la vez densa y clara, del pensamiento de AUGUSTO COMTE... more
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Published in L. McIntyre & A. Rosenberg (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science, Oxford: Routledge, 2017, p. 7-17.
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      PositivismAuguste ComteHistory and Philosophy of Social Sciences
Verga verista
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureDarwinism - International receptionDarwinism
İbn Haldun, G. Vico, Monteisguie, Saint-Simon, Aguste Comte, K. Marx, E. Durkheim ve M. Weber'in eğitime dair görüşleri.
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      Giambattista VicoEmile DurkheimKarl MarxMontesquieu
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      GnosticismPhilosophy of ScienceEric VoegelinErnst Mach
1. Posición enciclopédica de la sociología: su relación con la biología; 2. Las dos partes de la sociología; 3. La Estática: 3.1. Teoría elemental del consenso social; 3.2. La cooperación; 4. La Dinámica; 5. El método sociológico: 5.1. La... more
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      PositivismoSociologíaAuguste ComteHistoria de la sociología
Madrid: Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso, 2017
ISBN 978-84-16639-56-4
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsEthicsJurgen Habermas
Comte Montesquieu Marx Tocqueville
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      SociologyKarl MarxAlexis de TocquevilleMontesquieu
Negara indonesia memiliki kebudayaan yang sangat melimpah, selain itu indonesia juga memiliki suku yang sangat beragam. Salah satu suku yang ada di indonesia adalah Suku Toraja yang berada di Sulawesi Selatan. Suku toraja ini merupakan... more
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      Social TheoryAuguste ComteJurnalArtikel
En esta unidad vamos a desarrollar las transformaciones económicas, sociales, políticas y culturales que se sucedieron en Europa desde la crisis del siglo XIV, momento en el cual el sistema feudal entra en una fase de disolución después... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesCapitalismPositivismo
Positivismo, Neopositivismo y Racionalismo Crítico.
Saint Simon, Auguste Comte, John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spencer, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Rudolf Carnap, Hans Reichenbach, Karl R. Popper
Unidad didáctica. Módulos de Epistemología Social.
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      Rudolf CarnapJohn Stuart MillPositivismoHerbert Spencer
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    • Auguste Comte
Negara indonesia memiliki kebudayaan yang sangat melimpah, selain itu indonesia juga memiliki suku yang sangat beragam. Salah satu suku yang ada di indonesia adalah Suku Toraja yang berada di Sulawesi Selatan. Suku toraja ini merupakan... more
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      Social TheoryAuguste ComteArtikelPositivisme
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      ReligionGeorg SimmelEmile DurkheimJean Jaques Rousseau
Positivisme adalah filsafat awal dan dasar munculnya ilmu pengetahuan serta hadir sebagai kritik atas pemahaman yang menjamur pada abad pertengahan yaitu metafisik. Positivisme mendasarkan pembuktian kebenaran menurut metodologi ilmiyah... more
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      Auguste ComteFilsafatFilsafat Ilmu
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      Gaston BachelardGeorges CanguilhemMichel FoucaultHistorical Epistemology
Penulisan ini akan cuba menelusuri tentang falsafah positivisme dengan menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan berbentuk kualititatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kesejarahan terhadap latar belakang Comte dan analisis kritis terhadap pemikiran... more
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      PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyPositivismAuguste Comte
In this text will be analyzing three important definitions of primitive thinking that have been realized by scholars of sociology, culture and psychology: the definition of Auguste Comte, who explained from positivism that primitive... more
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      Carl G. JungCarl Gustav JungAuguste ComteBronislav Malinowski
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryGeorges CanguilhemHistory and Philosophy of Ecology
Abstract: "Religion" is one of the focus points of the criticisms of the intellectuals who steered towards the West and tended to reject all traditional values in Turkish world going through modernization period after Tanzimat. The... more
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      PositivismAuguste ComtePozitivizmTanzimat Edebiyatı
Suku Mandar merupakan salah satu dari etnis terbesar yang ada di Sulawesi selain daripada etnis Toraja, Makassar, dan Bugis. Suku Makassar. Suku Mandar tersebar diseluruh provinsi Sulawesi Barat, mulai dari Kabupaten Polewali Mandar... more
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      Auguste ComteTeori Sosiologi
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      Emile DurkheimAuguste ComteSosialFilsafat Sosial
ABSTRAK Masyarakat suku bugis yang mana dalam masyarakat sekarang masih terdapat realitas berupa ritual pesta panen atau biasa juga disebut dengan tradisi mappadendang, dimana tradisi tersebut merupakan tradisi yang menggambarkan rasa... more
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    • Auguste Comte
Texto traducido para divulgación. Una edición electrónica basada en el libro Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon, La physiologie sociale. Obras seleccionadas. Introducción y notas de Georges Gurvitch, profesor de la Sorbona. París: Presses... more
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      TraducciónSociologíaAuguste ComteSaint Simon
Guiões das aulas de Sociologia (comum às licenciaturas em Economia, Gestão, Finanças, MAEG e Estudos Gerais) leccionadas durante o primeiro semestre do ano lectivo 2018/2019.
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      SociologyThomas HobbesJohn LockeGeorge Herbert Mead
This article seeks to demonstrate that implicit within Weber’s writings on charisma are tools that can enable a processual, social constructionist understanding of charismatic formation. A corollary of this point is that Weber’s writings... more
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      New Religious MovementsCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
ANA AKIM VE İLETİŞİMİN TEMELLERİ VE İLETİŞİM PARADİGMASINI DÖNÜŞTÜREN ETKENLER İletişimin tarihi insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Paradigma olay ve olgulara ilişkin temel inanç ve varsayımları yansıra genel perspektif ve düşünüş biçimi... more
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      John LockeAdam SmithAuguste ComteKultura
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      Bertrand RussellHerbert SpencerAuguste ComteMantıkçı Pozitivizm
En junio de 2005 se aprobó en España el matrimonio homosexual. La medida provocó una polémica intensa y caótica. El autor examina las razones esgrimidas por progresistas y conservadores, e intenta indagar la raíz de cosas que se dijeron... more
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The idea that the occult or esoteric sciences - in particular magic, alchemy, and astrology - have played a significant role in the birth of modern science has gained a solid position in the metascientific literature of the last two... more
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      History of ScienceMagicFriedrich NietzscheSchopenhauer
The mental, the mind, psychology, brain science, and evolutionary, developmental, and comparative psychology, as well as the philosophical analysis of action and thought, are all topics that interact in complex ways with social theory.... more
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      Social TheoryKant & neo-KantianismNeo-KantianismVygotsky's Sociocultural Theory
This work analyses links between philosophy and sociology by rendering a picture of Émile Durkheim's works and ideas. The focus is set on "collective" and "individual" representations which Durkheim largely made his first and most... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyPierre BourdieuDurkheim
Victor Egger, philosophe spiritualiste méconnu du XIXe siècle lu par Henri Bergson alors qu’il était étudiant, fournit l’occasion d’un questionnement sur les différentes manières d’écrire l’histoire de la philosophie aujourd’hui, et sur... more
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      HistoriographyHenri BergsonHistory Of PsychologyEpistemology of the Social Sciences
Although Whitehead’s particular style of philosophizing--looking at traditional philosophical problems in light of recent scientific advances--was part of a trend that began with the scientific revolutions in the early 20th century and... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceEmpiricismAlfred North Whitehead
1. L'histoire est-elle une discipline scientifique : le classement des sciences (une démarche caractéristique du positivisme du XIXe s.)
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      HistoryWar StudiesHegelSociology of Science
Cet article se propose d’examiner les rapports entre l’œuvre de Michel Houellebecq et la philosophie positiviste développée par Auguste Comte dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Rapport de présence : citations des textes essentiels... more
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      Michel HouellebecqAuguste ComtePositivisme
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasFrench History
Devenir philosophe est la principale ambition de Daniel Eyssette durant la longue période de formation qui vade la fin de l'enfanceaux débuts de l'âge adulte-celle qui nous est racontée dans la première partie du roman Le Petit Chase d '... more
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      SchopenhauerArthur SchopenhauerLittérature FrançaiseEtienne Bonnot, abbé de Condillac
9 " Le prix qu'on attacha à cet état synthétique dut concentrer l'attention sur la manière de l'instituer. On fut ainsi conduit, prenant le moyen pour le but, à transporter le nom de religion au système quelconque des opinions... more
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      PositivismoPositivismAuguste ComtePhilosophie, Epistémologie et Histoire Des Sciences
Resumo: O artigo aborda algumas das diferenças entre a "história epistemológica" de Georges Canguilhem e a "história arqueológica", tal como praticada por Michel Foucault. Prioriza-se o estudo do conceito de a priori biológico (ou... more
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      Georges CanguilhemMichel FoucaultEpistemologíaBiologia