History of Islamic science
Recent papers in History of Islamic science
More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and... more
The 1001 Inventions traveling exhibition (London, Istanbul, New York, Abu Dhabi, Los Angeles, and now Washington DC) displays a representative sample of popular myths about medieval science and technology in Muslim lands. A prominent... more
فبعض هذه الأمور إنما يجب عليه من جهة ما هُوَ طبيب أن يتصوره بالماهية فقط تصوراً علمياً، ويصدّق بهليته تصديقاً عَلَی أنه وضع له مقبول من صاحب الْعِلْم الطَّبِيعِيّ ، وبعضها يلزمه أن يبرهن عليه فى صناعته، فما كان من هذه كالمبادئ فيلزمه أن... more
Recent work has shown that Islamicate philosophers engaged meaningfully with Ibn Sīnā's transformation of Aristotelian physics, particularly his new understanding of motion at an instant and his new category of positional motion. Although... more
رجوع به احاديث در فهم آموزههای دين مبين اسلام، عملکردی همواره آشنا در فضای انديشه دينی است؛ از همان صدر اسلام، نه تنها عالمان مسلمان برای فهم ژرفای دين به سراغ احاديث میرفتهاند، بلکه حتی برای تنظيم زندگی و آداب آن برای عامه مردم، در... more
İnsanoğlu, tarih boyunca kendisine bahşedilen akıl ve duyu organları ile doğayı anlama ve anlamlandırma çabası içerisinde olmuş, gördüğü olay ve olgulardan hareketle teoriler kurmayı ve yasalara ulaşmayı, bunu yaparken de bir takım teknik... more
This work is in two parts. Part II, presented here, contains the illustrations. Part I contains the overview of historical sources. This version is dated SEPTEMBER 2020 and replaces all earlier versions.
The Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī by Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī is known to have survived in several dozen manuscript copies in different parts of the world. At present, however, we do not have a full list of the preserved manuscripts-or any record that... more
Çalışmaları dünya çapında kabul görmüş ünlü bilim tarihçisi Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, İslâm bilim tarihi konulu sayısız esere imza atmıştır. Sezgin çalışmalarını, İslâm biliminin 800 yıl süren yaratıcılık devresinin tüm yönleri ile ortaya... more
This work is in two parts. Part I, presented here, contains an overview of the historical sources. Part II contains the illustrations. This version is dated SEPTEMBER 2020 and replaces all earlier versions.
My aim here is to shed light on the origins of magic squares in the Islamic world. This question has often been tentatively addressed, but previous studies have considered only part of the evidence. The earliest Arabic texts presenting... more
We are looking for applicants whose research is focused on the pre-modern history of the MENA region with a mastery in at least two languages of the region, one of which must be Arabic. The candidates should be specialized in any of the... more
Last Call: Two three-year research assistant/teaching assistant positions for graduate students (MA in hand), aiming to pursue a doctorate in historical Islamic Studies at the University of Bonn. Deadline: 6 March 2022 For more... more
With economic relations and conquests, Muslims have spread to a very wide geographical area. Consequently, they have encountered many different cultures. Muslims have had great interest and curiosity towards new cultures especially those... more
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts at St John’s College (with contributions by Geert Jan van Gelder, Peter E. Pormann, Samira Sheikh, Tim Stanley and Edward Ullendorff). Oxford. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
The „Book of Plants“ by Abū Hanīfa ad-Dīnawarī (d. 282/895) is not only an extraordinary contribution to Arabic philology and lexicography, but also a milestone in the world history of botany. In scholarship – both in Arabic studies as... more
The Ṭabaqāt al-umam opens with an account of the seven primeval nations taken from Masʿūdī’s Tanbīh. At the end of Ṣāʿid’s version, however, we are told that “these seven nations, which together constituted the whole of mankind, were all... more
In this brief essay I dwell on the question concerning the threshold of modern change as it relates to the historiographies of Islamic civilization in general, and of Islamic art and architecture in particular. My aim is to go beyond the... more
Tulisan ini pertama kali dipublikasikan tanggal 29 Oktober 2021 di halaman academia ini.
The 1001 Inventions traveling exhibition includes a sample of popular myths about medieval science and technology in Muslim lands. A prominent example is its claims about flight achieved by the ninth-century Andalusian Ibn Firnas and the... more
Since the nineteenth century, much research has been published in various languages about Ibn al-Haytham and his works in optics and mathematics. Since then, we have found in the writings of scholars that he has had extensive knowledge... more
Ausschreibung im Bereich Islamwissenschaft: Zwei Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innenstellen (jeweils 50%, 3 Jahre: Qualifikationsstellen mit dem Ziel der Promotion) an der Universität Bonn Bewerbungsschluß: 6. März 2022... more
کتاب " مفهوم علم در تمدن اسلامی وسیاست علمی دول مسلمان " دکتر محمد رضا شهیدی پاک دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی تهران مرکز کتاب مفهوم علم در تمدن اسلامی بررسی هزار سال فعالیت های علمی و پژوهشی و تمدنی ملل مسلمان در شرق و غرب دنیای اسلام... more
eds Liana Saif, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki, and Farouk Yahya (Leiden: Brill, 2020).
In the modern age, the conflict between science and religion manifests itself in the debate between evolution and creation. If we adopt a creationist's reading of the Qur'an, we discover an interesting anomaly. Reading the Qur'an... more
Islamic astrolabes and astronomical tables (zijes) were improvements on Greek antecedents, and were employed both to educate non-specialists about basic astronomical concepts, and to enable faster calculations of planetary positions and... more
Motivated by Talal Asad and Peter Harrison’s critiques of universalizing secular categories like “science” and “religion,” this essay problematizes their use in histories of “Islamic science,” focusing on the correspondence between Ibn... more
Muhammad Perla et Andreas Eppink. -Les pionniers niés de la science moderne: 1001 savants arabes au berceau des sciences modernes ; une histoire des contacts de cultures. -Málaga, 2013 [2007] (2ème édition). -ISBN-13: 978-1463592233. Les... more
The subject of my dissertation is a group of scientific Arabic manuscripts pertaining to the Arabic translations of Zacut’s Almanach Perpetuum. The fifteenth-century astronomer and astrologer Abraham Zacut composed in Hebrew an almanac... more
Tarih yazıcılığı, diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi bilim tarihi sahasında da önem arz etmektedir. Tarih boyunca ortaya çıkan farklı medeniyetlerin farklı bilim dalları ortaya koyduklarını tespit etme gayesi güden bilim tarihi çalışmalarında... more
Applications are invited for Final Year Dissertation Write-up Fellowships at the Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg for the Islamicate Intellectual History of the Later Middle and Early Modern periods at the University of Bonn, to commence on... more