Home Schooling
Recent papers in Home Schooling
Since the start of the pandemic, schools around the world have closed their doors to children to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. This meant that many parents were forced to start home schooling their children which requiring... more
There is currently no Australian research literature available on educational professionals’ experiences with home educated students when they make the transition into various mainstream educational institutions. Seventeen educational... more
Powerful moral, social justice and political arguments have convinced parents that it is their democratic right to place their children on the autism spectrum into mainstream educational environments so that their children may eventually... more
An analysis of ‘Australian home education and Vygotskian learning theory’ investigates the practices of Australian home educators in light of Vygotskian learning theory. Australian home education research began in 1978 when a young... more
To get more insight into how people were affected by and fared during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Swiss Household Panel launched an additional Covid-19 Survey among participating households. It was fielded between May and... more
In this interview-based project, the author examines the post-secondary transition of six predominantly home-schooled students who profess the importance of their Christian faith. The author analyzes their writing for hints about how they... more
Evde eğitim (Homeschooling) uygulaması, zorunlu örgün eğitim çağındaki çocukların eğitimlerinin bir bölümünün ya da tamamının ailesi ya da ailesinin tayin ettiği kişiler tarafından yürütülmesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Evde eğitim... more
"Throughout the course of its history, Thailand has thrived on international commerce and interacting with global forces. During the past two centuries, Thailand has faced a progression of events threatening its self-definition requiring... more
►► APA citation: Nowakowski, P.T. (2021). Cracks in education: alternative schooling in cultic groups. Roczniki Kulturoznawcze, 12(2), 95-107. ◄► Zapis bibliograficzny: Nowakowski P.T., Cracks in education: alternative schooling in cultic... more
Desde el Principio de Parto Humanizado describimos en este documento la importancia del acompañamiento durante el trabajo de parto. Una doula es una mujer con experiencia que acompaña y conforta a la madre gestante durante su proceso de... more
The worksheet is helpful for not only comprehension purposes but for conversation practice too.
המאמר עוסק בזכותם של הורים לחנך את ילדם בבית, הדיון בזכות לחינוך מן הבית מעלה שאלות הנוגעות בהיקפה של הזכות לבחור חינוך ובהגבלות שראוי להטיל עליה. שתי שאלות עיקריות נדונות ברשימה זו: הראשונה היא אם זכותם של הורים לבחור חינוך בעבור ילדם... more
Christians, more than ever, need a basic introduction to Bible doctrine that is systematic and true to Scripture. This book is a popular introduction to the study of Bible doctrine firmly in the evangelical tradition. Each chapter covers... more
Paper introduces, upon the context of gender-role divisions, current parental ethnotheories applied to childhood learning in the Czech Republic. It illuminates work-or-care dilemma women are still facing and pinpoints different life... more
From the perspective of alternative education philosophies, compulsory schooling seems ridiculous. Firstly there are the human and children's rights issues. The lack of care for the dignity of the person, the physical violence, the... more
In this article I relate how I studied grade 12 at home: Planning, study schelule, review, homework and study strategies.
For several years, Czech mothers of young children have faced the same dilemma: their child, due to low capacity, was not accepted in a state Kindergarten and the family has to decide what to do next. Only few alternatives to a state-run... more
Many today are seeing the need and importance of teaching Christian apologetics in a variety of different settings. This is intended to help fulfill that need. Following Dr. Norman Geisler’s Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True,... more
To buy for £26.99 go here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Education-without-schools-Helen-Lees-ebook/dp/B00N2XRWX0/ref=sr_1_2_twi_kin_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1455892004&sr=8-2&keywords=education+without+schools This book addresses issues around elective... more
Home education in the UK is dominated by interpretations of education law. On the one hand it seems this is a permissive place to conduct home education yet, on the other hand, vague interpretations of the law lead to confusions,... more
Basic introduction to Thomistic Moderate Realism.
Análisis del proceso de recepción en nuestro ordenamiento de la jurisprudencia del TEDH entorno al Derecho a la Educación y la educación no reglada.
An interactive workbook on World Religions for the middle school level. This is the Teacher Edition.
Student Edition: https://www.academia.edu/15306786/World_Religions_Workbook_A_Christian_Approach_Student_Edition_
Student Edition: https://www.academia.edu/15306786/World_Religions_Workbook_A_Christian_Approach_Student_Edition_
Glenda Jackson Monash University Home education is a well established phenomenon in Australia but little is known about the movement of students between home schooling and formal education and how students view and handle the transitions.... more
This exploratory, descriptive study investigates the nature of the writing instruction that Pennsylvania's parents offer the high school level students they homeschool. Such knowledge is significant for several reasons. First, during the... more
Across OECD countries, education choice is proliferating as parents seek and governments permit choice both inside and outside public education systems. The movement of students out of the common public school, however, varies... more
A detailed overview of the author and the book, chapter summaries, explanation of key concepts, introduction to the books and works mentioned in the book and other useful resources.
Schooling is a form of misopedy and a fundamental structure in conditioning societal acceptance of domination in other registers. The subordination of children begins with the misguided notion that they are incapable of autonomy,... more
Home education is a growing phenomenon in Australia. It is the practice whereby parents engage in the full time education of their children at home. This study used a phenomenographic approach to identify and analyse how home educating... more
A workbook on World Religions for middle school students. Teacher edition available here: https://www.academia.edu/15254286/World_Religions_Workbook_A_Christian_Approach_Teacher_Edition_
Abstract: Being unnecessarily disturbed by the schooling system of the West Bengal, India and consulting the statistical reports of National Crime Bureau on the bleak scenario of schooling, a father withdrew his son from the Ideological... more
This is a defense of evangelical theology for the beginning student. It certainly is also a primer for students already familiar with theology. Contained here–in is a glimpse into the classroom of the authors. This, as closely as... more
Research on home education in Australia has a small but growing presence. Parent reasons for home educating have been extensively explored while student academic success has not attracted much Australian research. Socialisation has been... more
This article introduces and discusses the findings of the Canada School Choice Policy Index (CSCPI). This is the first index of its kind that measures the development of school choice policies across the Canadian provinces from 1980 to... more
"'Who, knowing the facts of our history,' asks the epigraph to the 2000 edition of The American Republic for Christian Schools, a junior-high textbook, "can doubt that the United States of America has been a thought in the mind of God... more
Paper presented at: Woman in the Cultural Mosaic: Dimensions of Live-space and Active Citizenship Cracow, 14 – 15th of November 2013 Paper introduces, upon the context of gender-role divisions, current parental ethnotheories... more
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more