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The Routledge Handbook of Neoliberalism seeks to offer a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of neoliberalism by examining the range of ways that it has been theorized, promoted, critiqued, and put into practice in a variety of... more
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    •   327  
      Critical TheoryBusinessManagementBusiness Ethics
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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    •   391  
      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
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    •   253  
      Critical TheoryLanguagesBiochemistryBioinformatics
This study documents the child welfare experiences of youth who are LGBTQ and their perspectives on how these experiences influenced their housing instability and homelessness. Youth detailed incidents of gender segregation,... more
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    •   68  
      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderFamily studies
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
The issue of “housing” has generally not been granted an important role in post-war political economy. Housing-as-policy has been the preserve of social policy analysis and of a growing field of housing studies; housing-as-market has been... more
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    •   36  
      Political EconomyIdeologyInternational Political EconomyComparative Political Economy
One of the significant developments in the interdisciplinary field of judgment and decision making is the classification of environments as a function of (a) their capacity to enable people to learn from experience (kind environments vs.... more
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    •   394  
      Critical TheoryBusiness EthicsDiscourse AnalysisLandscape Ecology
Existing research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth homelessness identifies family rejection as a main pathway into homelessness for the youth. This finding, however, can depict people of color or poor people... more
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    •   50  
      Gender StudiesSex and GenderSexual AbuseFamily studies
An analysis of how the integrated model of allostasis enables a more rigorous and detailed understanding of the mechanisms through which economic exploitation and social exclusion negatively affect well-being and health.
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsNeuroscienceSociology
A building construction project is a high risk activity which must be managed effectively in all stages, in order to avoid delays and cost overruns, which in most cases are part of it, and a common problem. These problems occur frequently... more
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    •   20  
      ArchitectureHousing in Developing AreasConstruction TechnologyConstruction Management
This chapter examines the plight of homeless peoples in Phnom Penh, Cambodia as a consequence of their enmeshment in a new logic of urban governance being effected by city officials and municipal planners. I argue that the widespread... more
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    •   43  
      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyGeography
Shimla town, popularly known queen of hills in Himachal Pradesh, is facing the problems typically faced by any hilly region like unplanned urbanization, illegal encroachments, violation of planning/ building norms, soil erosion, flooding,... more
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    •   31  
      Urban GeographyHousing in Developing AreasPovertyWater resources
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    •   825  
      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
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    •   925  
      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
The state of cities in North-western India including in Haryana leave much to be desired. Faridabad, the largest class I as well as million plus metropolitan city of Haryana state, selected for the study is not an exception to the general... more
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    •   26  
      Urban GeographyPovertyDisaster StudiesUrban Planning
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    •   842  
      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorHistoryEuropean History
Rapport de recherche financé par le Ddass 06, remis en février 2010. Prenant appui sur les travaux de T. Paquot, la tripartition habitation/habitat/habiter est transposée à la clinique de la rue. Cette transposition a un double intérêt :... more
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    •   10  
      HomelessnessJacques LacanMartin HeideggerSocial Exclusion
The study of Srinagar metropolis located in northern province of Jammu and Kashmir, highlights that there deficiencies in urbanisation; planning and governance; infrastructure and services; housing, slums and urban poverty; disaster... more
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    •   22  
      Urban GeographyPovertyEnvironmental StudiesUrban Planning
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    •   36  
      Gender StudiesSocial WorkTransgender StudiesHomelessness
Garland, C. (2014) ‘As Barriers Fall, Contingency Becomes Possibility: Protest Resisting and Escaping Containment and Categorization’, Part II Identity, Embodiment and Categorisation in Eds. Lamond, I. and Spracklen, K. 'Protests as... more
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    •   878  
      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorCollective Behavior
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    •   492  
      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
No Brasil, há um contingente significativo de pessoas em situação de rua.
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      Social SciencesHomelessness And Housing Exclusion
"This course focuses on the planning and design of cities from a radical perspective. It investigates how the planning of urban space has been critiqued in the literature and the everyday approaches to planning that have been employed by... more
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    •   41  
      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographySocial Geography
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    •   7  
      PovertyImmigrationHomelessnessSocial Capital
Delhi is a city of opportunities but also a city of glaring inequities. The most marginal contours of the urban inequity are inhabited by groups, such as the homeless, that are almost dehumanized and live in subhuman conditions. As the... more
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    •   6  
      HomelessnessUrban PlanningSocial ExclusionUrban Poverty
Although planned as the " City of Tomorrow " , the Bijlmer district in Amsterdam quickly became the quintessential symbol of urban decline. Today, even with half of the planned renewal of the Bijlmer completed, the alleged success of this... more
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    •   30  
      Drugs And AddictionHomelessnessGentrificationModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
This is a paper prepared by me for the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore-CRERI Real Estate Research Initiative. The paper is intended as a overview of the affordable housing sector with special emphasis on India. Affordable Housing... more
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    •   55  
      Public FinancePublic ManagementHousing & Residential DesignHousing in Developing Areas
Around 2 million youth experience homelessness each year, and LGBTQ youth are estimated to make up at least 40 percent of the population of youth experiencing homelessness in the United States, despite being about 5-8 percent of the U.S.... more
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    •   34  
      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderTransgender Studies
Homelessness complicates the educational experiences of students. The article provides a look at how residential instability impacts their engagement in college. The author gives insight into how campuses can support these youth.
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    •   23  
      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationSocial Sciences
La consapevolezza comune è che la globalizzazione imponga stress da cambiamento, sradicamento e spaesamento. Ma è proprio così? Oppure, a fronte delle rinegoziazioni spazio-temporali e delle sfide multiformi che la globalizzazione genera,... more
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Chandigarh, the first planned city of North-west India saw the growth of slums and segregated growth of the poor settlements in the past. Although Chandigarh has been taking some initiatives to provide housing and basic services to the... more
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    •   20  
      Housing in Developing AreasPovertyHousing And SustainabilityPoverty Reduction Strategies
At the heart of this proof of evidence is an evaluation of the regeneration benefits and disbenefits of the First Development Site (FDS) proposals for the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Land. In my evidence I will describe, explain and... more
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    •   62  
      Urban GeographyHousing & Residential DesignEvaluation ResearchPoverty
This study examined the experiences that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and 2-Spirit (LGBTQ2S) homeless youth have in shelters and the disjunctures that occur for this population in Toronto’s shelter system. The... more
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    •   20  
      Youth StudiesHomelessnessGay And Lesbian StudiesLGBT Issues
This course introduces students to some of the major thematic concerns that have traditionally shaped urban geography, with a particular emphasis on the implications of planning and development. It also allows students to engage with... more
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    •   70  
      Human GeographyUrban GeographyCriminal JusticeDevelopment Studies
Authors: Billie Allan & Izumi Sakamoto.
Pages: pp. 57-85
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      HomelessnessIndigenous KnowledgeHomelessness And Housing ExclusionArts-Based Research
This is an ethnographic study of a marginal neighbourhood of Hong Kong, Sham Shui Po. It focuses on the everyday lives of Hong Kong’s urban poor in Sham Shui Po. By taking an insider’s point of view, this study examines how... more
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    •   35  
      Human GeographyUrban GeographyAnthropologyEthnography
Dans les sociétés occidentales modernes, les personnes exclues du logement de droit commun sont très minoritaires mais leur nombre a augmenté ces dernières années. Elles se retrouvent dans diverses situations d’habitat : hébergements chez... more
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    •   32  
      SociologyStatisticsSocial Research Methods and MethodologyPoverty
This article addresses the topic of the current issue of the journal (processes of poverty and social exclusion) by (re)framing the working class position of dispossessed Roma through a case study conducted in Romanian localities. The... more
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    •   7  
      RacializationHomelessness And Housing ExclusionSocial deprivationInformal Labour
This report examines the dynamics of how socio-spatial exclusion and how it plays out around homeless shelters in the Indian city of Hyderabad. Using the concept of NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back_Yard), the analysis reveals how exclusion is based... more
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      EthnographyPovertyIndian studiesCommunity Development
Since the end of the Second World War, housing exclusion is ruled by a central standard time: The turnover of the poor inside the social services. The duration of stay in relief accommodations is indeed very often restricted. As many... more
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    •   22  
      SociologySocial WorkSocial PolicyMobility/Mobilities
This paper argues that access of the poor to a home is a precondition of their ability to benefit from development practice. Besides being an ideological construct, a home also provides space for the daily survival of its dwellers, who... more
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    • Homelessness And Housing Exclusion
Storia e immagine della diversità urbana: luoghi e paesaggi dei privilegi e del benessere, dell’isolamento, del disagio, della multiculturalità / History and image of urban diversity: places and landscapes of privileges and welfare, of... more
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    •   39  
      Modern HistoryContemporary HistoryLandscape History And ConservationMonastic Studies
En soixante ans, les conditions de logement n’ont cessé de s’améliorer grâce à un effort sans précédent de construction et de rénovation de l’habitat encouragé par les pouvoirs publics. Aujourd’hui, pratiquement tous les logements... more
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    •   13  
      PovertyHomelessnessHousing PolicyHousing
Homelessness is among the most urgent crises facing the United States. In addition to tents or sleeping bags on urban sidewalks, many people experiencing homelessness exist outside of public view, along rivers and other waterways, and... more
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    •   14  
      Criminal JusticeHomelessnessSystems ThinkingEmergency Shelter
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      HomelessnessHomelessness And Housing ExclusionHousing Policies
When are we morally obligated as a society to help the homeless, and is coercive interference justified when help is not asked for, even refused? To answer this question, we propose a comprehensive taxonomy of different types of... more
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      EthicsEarly InterventionPrivacyMental Health
The "refugee" notion in the international law means the persons who are outside their native countries and who do not desire to return or could not get back to their native countries by reason of the fact that "they are afraid of being... more
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      Solid State PhysicsRefugee StudiesHomelessnessHomelessness And Housing Exclusion
The aim of this paper is to investigate conflicts against Roma settlements by considering not only the decision-making processes and relations of force, but also the complex dynamics of the attempts to define the assets that are the... more
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    •   14  
      Urban PoliticsMediationRomani StudiesSocial Exclusion
There is now a significant body of research literature on the meaning of home within philosophy, architecture and the social sciences, including some areas of law (especially British housing law). However, the extent to which this body of... more
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      Children and FamiliesFamily LawHomelessness And Housing ExclusionDivorce