Arts-Based Research
Recent papers in Arts-Based Research
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
Ever since William Henry Fox Talbot used his plaster replica of the Bust of Patroclus (from 1842) as a model for the photographic invention he was developing, photography has had a long and entwined relationship with sculpture. It was not... more
In this paper, I discuss how dance can operate as a method in the collaborative performance ethnography to explore the sensory and emo- tional dimensions of the embodiment of young womanhood. Drawing on one dance workshop where we... more
Photographs are often used in educational research, particularly studies using visual arts research methodologies. The visual and conceptual relationships established between the pictures themselves in a research report are decisive for... more
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
This book contributes to the field of arts-based methods in education with general theoretical perspectives and original cases, reviewing the journey of learning in connection to the arts, and the contribution of the arts to societies... more
Outdoor facilitation can be problematic. In some of its late 20th century pedagogical guises, some scholars hailed it as an effective alternative/addition to mainstream education due to its possibilities as a developmental tool, for... more
From a societal point of view, art has a key relevance: Art is a means to pursue the cultural questions posed about interrelations, perceptions of realities and meanings (critique and value formation) in an aesthetic mode of working. It... more
This article explores how dwelling—a mindful unfolding of thinking and being within the cosmos as a whole—can offer a useful lens to look at the deeper layer of mental health service users’ lived experiences, specifically in regards to... more
Bonne analyse des enjeux de la recherche-création, bien recherchée-Pour pousser l'analyse plus loin, il faut porter plus d'attention sur les spécificités processuelles de la science et des arts (D/G développent une telle tentative dans... more
The research entitled Photography: conversation with pictures, between light and darkness, aims to answer the question : What are the ways of seeing and how are they given? Thus, the proposal is to discuss what is the seeing and what are... more
PhD Dissertation The primary objective of this dissertation is to disentangle and arrange a number of issues particular to the sphere of activity designated as artistic research. A bimodal conception of artistic research is proposed as a... more
Looking on, in, and under scarred skin, problematizes understandings of memory, subjectivity, and self/other relations. Using arts-based inquiry, I investigate my scarred life stories while connecting it to feminist perspectives that... more
Social work educators have found a variety of experiential and creative methods to be valuable aids in teaching culturally sensitive social work practice. By utilizing experiential/creative methods as tools of self-reflection, faculty can... more
View from footpath, reiteration of N/o/w/here (2005/2010) in situ.
Conversing by e-mail and mediated by an imaginary cyber-moderator
This paper (in press) is part of a collection asking questions about research-creation, creation as research. It began as a poem performed publicly while walking around a colleague, whose paper I was responding to, with a tensor bandage... more
Samtidens interesse for 'kunst som forskning' kan knyttes til den velkjente og gamle antagelsen at lek og drama er en erkjennelsesmåte. Ved å følge noen av de historiske kildene til kunst-basert forskning møter man en konstruktivistisk... more
What if there was a way of thinking about our own teaching as an art practice, and what if our teaching-as-art-practice was the most radical form of expression to ever exist? This book presents an argument for this possibility in two... more
This study contemplates one facet of academic motherhood through the use of artful research approaches in qualitative research to examine the (im)balance of being a mother writing academic works while raising and caring for a young child,... more
Summary of Issues in Responsible Conduct in Research-Creation and Proposed Tools for Reflection This Toolkit was produced as part of the research project Responsible Conduct in Research-Creation: Providing Creative Tools to Meet the... more
Paper about using art to co- produce knoweldge in social work in international aid
Inequality in Bronze is a two-year project (2018–20) reckoning with the history of slavery at Stenton, a plantation house museum in Philadelphia, by commissioning a new memorial to Dinah, a woman enslaved at the property in the mid-1700s.... more
"By inviting educators from diverse backgrounds to participate in creative conversations I had hoped to reflect on experiences that had helped construct our theories of environmental education, and inform practice. I sought consistency... more
El vídeo-ensayo como forma de pensamiento audiovisual tiene sus máximos re- ferentes en el denominado cine de ensayo y algunas de sus producciones pueden ser incluidas dentro del ámbito del videoarte. Sus características pedagógicas lo... more
Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts take readers on an accessible and inspiring journey to critically self-reflect on current or future research practices to encourage and facilitate greater equity,... more
In ihrem 2005 veröffentlichten Buch „Kunst aus dem Labor“ thematisiert die Medientheoretikerin Ingeborg Reichle die engen Verbindungen zwischen Kunst und Naturwissenschaften. Standen lange vor allem technische Medien im Zentrum... more
We examine some new ways of imagining carbon, energy, and energy futures as a possible option for motivating public desire to stop climate change. We argue that refram-ing how we see carbon is core to the project of stopping climate... more
Enlivened by queer and feminist enactments of new materialist, posthuman and affect theory, this chapter explores what has become possible with speculative pARTicipatory activist encounters with young people, educational practitioners and... more
As a strong pedagogical movement worldwide seeks to introduce Arts-based pedagogy, Arts-based research and Arts-integration in all areas of knowledge in order to do away with the divide between art/science and art/education, this paper... more
Art is not created from standardization or schedules imposed from external forces, rather the artist determines the appropriate methodology and process. Children need the freedom and agency to experiment with alternative materials and... more
Önmagunk, társaink megismerése, a körülöttünk zajló élet és élettelen megtapasztalása érzékelésünk összetettségén alapszik. A művészetek gyakorlása és fogadása teret ad az emberi lét és érzékelés sokféleségének megélésére. Ebből fakadóan... more
Este texto aborda una serie de ideas que son el germen y los primeros planteos de mi trabajo de tesis de Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica, que apunta a explorar los terrenos que la práctica artística y la... more
"My inquiry will focus on an attempt to locate an ethos of music education. Because I acknowledge that the ethos of a society must logically precede a study of ethics (Ryan, 1972, p. 291, Miller, 1974, p. 309), and given the dramatic... more
This user-friendly book provides a step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and communitybased participatory research. Chapters on each approach follow... more
Abstract This paper describes the use of a creative genogram that combines the client's objective and subjective phenomenological experience of his family constellation. The creative genogram includes personal symbols, colors, and... more
A purpose for this study is to explore creative interventions that can help women on their individuation path, based on personal exploration. This exploration utilizes the Jungian concepts of myth and archetypes, in connection to Jean... more
El vídeo-ensayo, como forma de pensamiento audiovisual puede considerarse una forma aislada de creación audiovisual experimental, aunque también conforma una estructura pedagógica de aprendizaje hábil para la alfabetización audiovisual, y... more