Identity and Identification
Recent papers in Identity and Identification
Two empirical studies investigated the relation between different types of social groups and four core types of ingroup identification. It was hypothesized that particular types of group would be associated with particular types of... more
In The Oxford Handbook of Performance and Politics, edited by Milija Gluhović, Silvija Jestrović, Michael Saward and Shirin Rai. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020.
Den 25 januari 1744 lämnade Annika Åqvist sin välbeställda rusthållargård i Roslagen för att ta sig till Hamburg och förena sig med sin make Olof. 1 Ett drygt halvår tidigare hade Olof hastigt tvingats lämna landet misstänkt för att ha... more
La trajectoire d’Albert Widders, Aborigène australien, permet d’historiciser le modèle ségrégatif qui a dominé le Sud-Est de l’Australie au XXe siècle. Sa vie semble en effet avoir été coupée en deux par l’apparition d’un ordre... more
Este novedoso libro aborda la historia del proceso de identificación de las personas. Los autores subrayan en la introducción que se proponen tratar la dimensión histórica de la identificación, un concepto para el que resulta difícil dar... more
Facial image identification is an area of forensic sciences, where an expert provides an opinion on whether or not two or more images depict the same individual. The primary concern for facial image identification is that it must be based... more
At fiPSt glance, any connection between professional wrestling and school-based literacy practices might seem far-fetched, or incongruous at best. This seeming incongruity, however, is what intrigues us most. It is also what drives us to... more
The ongoing refugee crisis presents a plethora of challenges and requires systematic contributions from public and private entities—e.g., governments, non-governmental organizations, community organizations and businesses. Relative to the... more
Despite enormous resources spent on sex education, the United States faces an epidemic of unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among young people. Little research has examined the role sex educators play in alleviating... more
PhD thesis investigating implicit and explicit attitudes towards non-native (Asian) speakers of English in China, Japan and South Korea using a cross-cultural research instrument for direct comparison. The study also investigates factors... more
Pre-publication, English language version of the review in ‘Revue des livres’, Politique Africaine, 2017/3, No. 147, p. 171-173.
Consumer behaviour in the field of art museums appears to be influenced both by the identity of the public and the art museum and by the context. It is a matter not of changing museum content, but of bringing its identity closer to that... more
This article engages with Archer's call to further research on reflexivity and social change under conditions of late modernity (2007, 2010, 2012) from the perspective of existing work on reflexive discourse in the language disciplines... more
Problematyka tożsamości podmiotów gospodarczych jest stosunkowo rzadko poruszana w obszarze nauk o zarządzaniu, niemniej jednak w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu zwiększyła się liczba opracowań naukowych poświęconych tej tematyce. Studia nad... more
L'educatore ed il riabilitatore, nella misura in cui rinunciano ad un rapporto esclusivamente formale nei confronti del bambino (che trasformerebbe se stessi in staff ed il bambino in internato) non possono non vivere nei confronti del... more
У артыкуле аналізуюцца асноўныя прынцыпы і інструменты этнічнай ідэнтыфікацыі і катэгарызацыі беларусаў і літоўцаў у ХІХ ст. Метадалагічным падмуркам даследавання сталі палажэнні тэарэтыкаў канструктывісцкага напрамку вывучэння феномена... more
In a social context of ethnic adversity wherein several identity dimensions are involved, the question of belonging reveals itself problematic. In American society, African Americans had been denied elementary constitutional rights and,... more
This article analyses the development of three EU migration databases and their significance for the internal control of irregular migrants. Because borders and immigration policy alone cannot stop irregular migration, many governments... more
In this chapter we document and discuss the major societal and ethical issues raised by biometrics in an ageing society.
An analysis of the debt negotiations between the Greek government and the EU partners in the months January-July 2015. The paper uses discourse analysis and international relations, identity and negotiation theories to claim that Greek... more
The lesbian thinker Monique Wittig, in questioning the binary sex relations that define two opposite social classes – men and women – argues that "lesbians are not women", because they are not subjected to the same oppressions as the... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
La longévité de la Nation de l'Islam, une secte de Musulmans Noirs fondée aux États-Unis au début des années 1930, intrigue d'autant plus qu'elle maintient son adhésion au séparatisme ethnique, à en juger par les déclarations récentes de... more
The importance of a theory of identification to media research and communication research, more broadly, is presented.
Storytelling has been part of human activity for thousands of years. Stories have the power to inform, persuade, elicit emotional responses, build support for coalitions and initiatives, and build civil society. This essay describes the... more
This paper aims to develop an instrument to measure Player-Avatar Identification (PAI) in video game playing. Survey studies were conducted with over 1000 students in Singapore primary and secondary schools. The results of the studies... more
The process of spectator’s engagement with the character is one of the most multidimensional studies in film theory. In his study on the character engagement, Murray Smith states that: ‘Characters are salient elements of narrative... more
Mozart Applied Anthropology Inquest 2019___ ____ The short life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ended in brutal circumstances followed by a mass grave burial. After the exhumation of the... more
In 1948, a peaceful people underwent a prolific tragedy with the rupture of their homeland. Having welcomed with open arms the victims of a terrible tragedy in a distant land to a place where people of multiple faiths lived in social... more
Tiraillés entre leur appartenance politique (à la République de Chine, donc à Taïwan) et leur localisation géographique (à quelques kilomètres seulement des côtes de la province chinoise du Fujian), les archipels de Kinmen et Matsu... more
This article evaluates provincial documentary culture in the Deccan (south-central India) prior to the incorporation of this region into Mughal Hindustan in 1687. It investigates the production and content of ʿarz-o-chehrah (muster... more
This chapter discusses the ways in which mythical stories of the origins of subcultures and the authenticity of subcultural identities have influenced subculture research since the 1970s. It states that neither the origin stories nor the... more
I examined David Lynch's masterpiece Blue Velvet in psychoanalysis, voyeurism, gaze, identification, sexuality, feminist theory, fethishism and symbolism topics.
Followers’ identification with the leader and the organizational unit, dependence on the leader, and empowerment by the leader are often attributed to transformational leadership in organizations. However, these hypothesized outcomes have... more
The Israeli state apparatus mandates differentiated IDs to Palestinian citizens of Israel, Palestinian non-citizens in East Jerusalem, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. The bureaucracy of Palestinian ID cards since 1948 has rendered... more