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Trade shows and other temporary clusters have recently emerged as key sites of theoretical relevance for scholars who are interested in the spatial consequences of interactive learning. Recent research has viewed these events as... more
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      Economic GeographyInternational TradeKnowledge-based EconomyTemporary Organizations
Repliker och kommentarer strider mot en hypotes som Braconier söker härleda ur vår artikel, nämligen att” den regionala utvecklingen inom en nation blivit alltmer ojämn som en följd av att lyckade klusterbildningar utvecklas i vissa... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomic GeographyRegional EconomicsIndustrial Clusters
Publication for Professor Michael Porter's Microeconomics of Competitiveness capstone project at the Harvard Business School.
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      Labor EconomicsInnovation PolicyTrade and Industrial PolicyIndustrial Clusters
Though (regional) economic development based on innovation clusters and regional systems of innovation is gaining prominence throughout the EU, (public) funding institutions are still reluctant to provide development guidelines to the... more
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      Clusters & NetworksRegional innovationGovernmentGovernance
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      Institutional EconomicsClusters & NetworksTrustContemporary China
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      Evolutionary EconomicsClusters & NetworksClustering and Classification MethodsCompetitive advantage
The necessity of differentiation within industrial-profile companies, correlated with the high importance granted to environmental problems, have led to the development of new ways of obtaining the competitive advantage ,within the... more
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      BusinessManagementEnvironmental Management SystemsCompetitive advantage
The main question in Porter article “The capitalism is under siege” is: “How to reinvent capitalism”? Business has fallen and caught in a vicious circle. Government and civil society have often exacerbated the problem by attempting to... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial EntrepreneurshipEnvironmental SustainabilityValue Chain
Zusammenfassung in Zeiten der Globalisierung und des strukturellen wandels hin zu einer wissensbasierten industrie-und dienstleistungsgesellschaft verschärft sich die weltweite Konkurrenz der regionen um Betriebe und Arbeitsplätze. eine... more
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      Economic GeographyRegional developmentUrban And Regional PlanningCreative City
Strategic Plan for Portuguese Textile, Clothing and Fashion Cluster until 2020. Diagnosys of the sector, SWOT analysis, action axes and recommendations. Macro trends. Edition 2014. Portuguese Language
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      Industrial ClustersFashion & Textiles and clothing industry
This chapter will examine the development of Taiwan’s vibrant industrial districts through case studies of arguably the four most successful industrial districts over time: bicycles, machine tools, information and communication... more
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      Taiwan StudiesPolitical Economy of DevelopmentIntegrated CircuitsTrade and Industrial Policy
Global dreams or local dynamics? An agenda for competitive clusters. In spite of economic globalization, sustainable industrial dynamics is increasingly developed and determined on a local and regional level. In this book, the dreams of... more
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      EntrepreneurshipGlobalizationRegional developmentIndustrial Clusters
The clusters, which are business systems created by firms concentrating on a specific geographical area, have attracted the attention of researchers from different fields since 1990's. This study aims to analyze the development,... more
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      Clusters & NetworksIndustrial Clusters
In peer-to-peer content distribution the lack of a central authority makes authentication difficult. Without authentication, adversary nodes can spoof identity and falsify messages in the overlay. This enables malicious nodes to launch... more
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      Clusters & NetworksUser-Generated ContentContent AnalysisContent
Durante las últimas décadas se han destacado, con distintos recortes geográficos y sectoriales, los enfoques de Polos Tecnológicos, Clusters, Parques Tecnológicos, Distritos Productivos entre las principales explicaciones sobre el... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeIndustrial ClustersDesarrollo tecnológico
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      Industrial ClustersCluster Theory
In The Netherlands, particularly in the Wageningen region, many requirements for a concentration of plant biotechnology firms were met. Ample scientific knowledge of plants and of biotechnology was available, thanks to the presence of... more
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      BiotechnologyRegional EconomicsIndustrial Clusters
Cities in East Asia are some of the world’s largest urban agglomerations. Their growth is a result of rapid economic and urban development, where little attention was paid to the environmental or social consequences in the past. In the... more
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      Community DevelopmentKorean StudiesUrban PlanningUrban Regeneration
Report on a study of the developing serious gaming sector in Rotterdam (in Dutch). The city holds a number of promising devloping companies in the game industry, operating internationally, like @Ranj, DPDK, VSTEP and Redmax. The study... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesRegional innovationSerious Games
Medikal Turizm
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      Medical TourismIndustrial ClustersTourism Clusters
The Kasongan pottery industry is one of the most competitive in Indonesia. It has been able to sustain its competitiveness despite a range of shocks: the Bali bombing in 2001, a devastating earth quake in 2006 and the financial crisis... more
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      Local Economic DevelopmentLocal Government and Local DevelopmentIndonesiaTrade and Industrial Policy
From the second half of 20 th century different development model was created. Today development model base on small and medium size enterprises 1 has become the centre of several countries consideration. In multifarious articles... more
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      ManagementBusiness ManagementIndustrial Clusters
This paper examines the dynamics of formation of two innovation-driven industrial clusters in Singapore: the biomedical sciences (BMS) cluster; and the offshore marine engineering cluster. The first represents an emerging technology... more
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      Innovation PolicySingaporeIndustrial ClustersIndustrial policy
Clustering is a very important business strategy in enhancing a firm’s performability. Porter provided a seminal theory in this field, but it has three limitations. First, the current theory cannot explain how cluster emerges. Second, a... more
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      South KoreaCompetitiveness (Economics)Industrial ClustersForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
Today economy is far more dynamic and clusters represent a new way of thinking about location, how companies should be configured, how institutions such as universities can contribute to competitive success, and how governments can... more
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      CompetitionPublic Private PartnershipsFootwear and Leather Garments and IndustriesIndustrial Clusters
Clustering is a very important business strategy in enhancing a firm's performability. Porter provided a seminal theory in this field, but it has three limitations. First, the current theory cannot explain how cluster emerges. Second, a... more
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      South KoreaCompetitiveness (Economics)Industrial ClustersForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
Este libro permite documentar el caso de la industria del dulce en San Luis Potosí bajo un enfoque en los agrupamientos industriales.
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      Economic policyDesarrollo Local / Local DevelopmentIndustrial ClustersCompetitiveness
Η επιλογή έρευνας του ζητήματος των σημαιών ευκαιρίας ανέκυψε λόγω του ενθουσιασμού των εκκολαπτόμενων νομικών για τους τρόπους που η πολιτική βούληση διαστρωματώνεται και επηρεάζει την επιχειρηματικότητα αλλά και τις διεθνείς νομοθετικές... more
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      Maritime LawIndustrial ClustersFlags of Convenience
The Nigerian industrial sector performance has remained far from impressive despite efforts to advance it. Industrial clusters have, however, thrived in the face of deindustrialisation in the country. This study probes the link between... more
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      EconomicsIndustrial EconomicsIndustrial ClustersIndustrial development
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      Industrial DistrictsIndustrial ClustersDefence and Strategic StudiesCluster
Simandan D (2009) Industrialization, In R Kitchin & N Thrift, (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography , Oxford: Elsevier, volume 5, pp. 419-425. ABSTRACT: This article (1) defines industrialisation and indicates ways in... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsHistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
Blockchain-technology promises to have far-reaching economic and social implications, which are not yet foreseeable in its extent. It threatens to disintermediate many well- established sectors of the economy, and incumbent businesses... more
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      Information TechnologyBankingTechnological InnovationFinancial Regulation
Esta publicación da a conocer algunas prácticas exitosas, estrategias o proyectos realizados, o conocimientos generados por algunos actores de la triple hélice (empresas-gobierno-instituciones de educación superior y centros de... more
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      Competitiveness (Economics)Management of InnovationEconomic DevelopmentIndustrial Clusters
UFV) Sebastião Décio Coimbra de Souza (UENF) Resumo: Diante da nova alternativa ao desenvolvimento econômico regional apresentada pelos Arranjos Produtivos Locais, buscou-se neste trabalho confrontar o... more
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      Industrial ClustersSistemas e arranjos produtivos locaisCompetitividadeCompetitividade Industrial
Dans le contexte économique mondial actuel, les pays développés et ceux en voie de développement ont fait le pari des pôles et des agglomérations d’entreprises, afin de consolider la compétitivité des territoires et ainsi de l’économie... more
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      Industrial ClustersMarocPolitique Industrielle
Abstrak Animasi adalah salah satu sektor industri kreatif yang memiliki potensi ekonomi yang sangat baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan terus meningkatnya pertumbuhan dari sektor ini, yaitu sekitar 10%-15% per tahun dengan market size sekitar... more
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      AnimationCreative IndustriesValue ChainIndustrial Clusters
is partner and the Head of Research and International Markets at Swedish place-branding consultancy Tendensor AB, leading research and consultancy projects in the Nordic and Baltic countries. He also serves as executive member of the... more
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      Technology transferIncubation Centers and Clusters for InnovationInnovation Systems and ClustersEntreprenurship
The paper describes One among the Cluster Development Projects in Tanzania that promotes national socio-economic development. The project used Cluster Based Approach that engaged academia, research and development organization in... more
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      Galaxy ClustersIncubation Centers and Clusters for InnovationSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESClusters
Il settore del mobile-arredamento è uno di quelli che maggiormente rispecchiano la connotazione distrettuale dell’industria manifatturiera italiana e la sua capacità di affermare in campo internazionale il vantaggio competitivo delle... more
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      Clusters & NetworksIndustrial ClustersClusterDistretti Industriali
The transformation of deprived urban areas is important for strengthening social sustainability in particular localities, and it is also instrumental in attracting new investments to cities. Speculative urban development, however, often... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationKorean StudiesUrban PlanningComparative Urbanism
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      Industrial ClustersKawasan IndustriRusunawaSmall & Medium Industry
La explotación de los recursos mineros en gran escala requiere de un volumen de inversión que el país no tiene capacidad de generar. Por ello, es necesario contar con inversión extranjera directa. La IED proviene de empresas que no son ni... more
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      Industrial Clusters- MineríaInversión Extranjera DirectaInversión Extranjera
This chapter presents the lessons learned from a series of cluster development programs (CDPs) implemented in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay drawn from detailed and carefully implemented case studies. These studies describe the... more
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      Industrial ClustersPublic Policy
En las últimas décadas, la industria aeroespacial ha tomado relevancia para los países desarrollados, ya que es uno de los pilares que mueven c éstas economías, dando empleo, además de ser un detonador de desarrollo tecnológico y... more
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      Industrial OrganizationIndustrial ClustersPorter’s 5 Forces Analysis
The report includes an analysis of cluster policies in Algeria and develops an approach to set up a cluster dedicated to Olive Oil in Algeria.
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      Innovation Systems and ClustersIndustrial Clusters
Master's theses.  What factors and conditions influence innovation clusters emerging in India and Ukraine?  Can and in which way innovation clusters spread an economic development of both countries and dedicate to their lifting from... more
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      Political EconomyTechnologyEmerging TechnologiesIndia
I examine the development and current situation of the woollen knitwear and woven fabric industry in the Scottish Borders. The paper opens with a brief theoretical exposition of the logic and dynamics of industrial clusters. An overview... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyRegional GeographyEconomic Geography
O livro Imagens Urbanas e Resistências: Das Capitais de Cultura às Cidades Criativas é uma adaptação da tese de doutorado de Claudia Seldin, vencedora do Prêmio Capes de Tese 2016 na categoria “Arquitetura e Urbanismo” e do VII Prêmio... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyUrban Planning
This chapter focuses on the Ontario Entertainment and Creative cluster, most of the firms of which are located in the greater Toronto region. The core components of this cluster are the book, magazine, film/television, music, and... more
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      Canadian StudiesMedia IndustriesCreative IndustriesMedia Geography