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" | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: "The Pacific Coast of the Americas linked Pre-Columbian complex societies from Mexico to Peru, facilitating exploration, communication, and transportation in a way that... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyIndigenous StudiesPre-Columbian ArtCeramics (Archaeology)
Curayacu, a Chavinoid Site. Archaeology 9 (2), 98-105, AUTOR: Federic Engel (1956) Traducción: Rodrigo Padilla Sinchi. Febrero 2020. primer artículo que presenta información sobre el sitio arqueológico de Curayacu localizado en el... more
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      ArchaeologyArqueologíaFormativoFormative Period
Maya Blue is a colour that is more than a pigment; it had roles in status, ritual and performance, being daubed onto pots and people before sacrifice. Here researchers use experimental and historical evidence to discover how it was made,... more
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This dissertation focuses on Preclassic Olmec society (ca. 1400-400 B.C.) within the Tabasco Coastal Plain of Mesoamerica. I develop a revised regional chronology for the Grijalva river delta, including the important Middle Preclassic... more
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      GeomorphologyGeoarchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologySculpture
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      ChileTextile TechnologyArchaeological textiles and clothingFormative Period
The Olmec: People of Rubber Studies of early man in the Americas have revealed that a great number of cultural traits and practices prevailed among the diverse people that called these lands home. Perhaps the most significant cultural... more
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      PaleoanthropologyAmerindian StudiesMesoamerican ArchaeologySculpture
¿Cómo se organizaban económicamente las personas antes de que existieran los sistemas financieros y comerciales globales? ¿Cómo se aseguraba el suministro de materias primas y se organizaba el intercambio de mercancías en el pasado?... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Economic archaeologyAndean studies
This article advances an archaeological theory of the state on the prehispanic andes, specially in the central and south central Andes based on their conditions and specific features of historical development. To develop this theory we... more
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      ArchitectureAndean ArchaeologyIrrigationArqueología
editors. p. cm. -(Dumbarton Oaks pre-Columbian symposia and colloquia) Includes bibliographical references and index.
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      IconographyArchitectureMesoamerican ArchaeologySculpture
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      ArchaeologyCaribbean HistoryCaribbean StudiesCaribbean Archaeology
A partir de la información contenida en la Visita de Íñigo Ortiz a los Chupachus y Yachas, Murra planteó la existencia de una economía de “control vertical de pisos ecológicos” por medio de colonias que se establecían lejos del centro... more
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      History of saltArchaeology of saltFormativoFormative Period
Tesis de licenciatura (2012). Estudio acerca de las reocupaciones en sitios cuya ocupación principal se desarrolló durante el periodo Arcaico Tardío, específicamente los sitios de Caballete y Huaricanga, ubicados en el valle de Fortaleza,... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFormative PeriodFormative Andean archaeologyTesis de Licenciatura
La presente tesis comprende el estudio de las representaciones rupestres presentes en el centro poblado de Macashca, cuyas representaciones se pueden adscribir al Periodo Formativo (1700-200 a.c.). Se analizan los motivos de este periodo... more
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      Rock ArtFormative PeriodInitial Period Peru
El presente artículo realiza una descripción analítica del periodo Formativo ecuatoriano (4500-300 ANE) teniendo como base comparativa los procesos descritos y conocidos para el Formativo peruano (1800-300 ANE), estableciendo los... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyState FormationAmazonian ArchaeologyComparative Civilizations (Archaeology)
This study evaluates how prehispanic central Mexicans made stone tools—primarily from obsidian—and used them in their homes over a period of 3,000 years. Mesoamerican scholars have often assumed the functional purposes of different lithic... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyEconomic AnthropologyAztecsObsidian
This paper presents textile pieces from archaeological sites in Northern Chile that were made by using the tie-dying technique. They first appear at the end of the Archaic and beginnings of the Formative periods (ca. 1500-1000 BC), their... more
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      ChileArchaic PeriodArchaeological textilesFormative Period
This is a graduate research paper written for a seminar on Andean ecology taught by Izumi Shimada at Harvard University.
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionEcuadorAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
Economic directness is a new model of socioeconomic organization for the Paracas culture (800–200 BC) in southern Peru, with wider implications for economic theory of the prehispanic Andean past. Using an archaeoeconomic approach to... more
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      ArchaeologyObsidianAndesMobility (Archaeology)
This article explores the relationship between craft production, exchange, and power in the pre-Incaic Andes, with a focus on recent archaeological evidence from Chavin, Nasca, Tiwanaku, Wari, and Moche. I argue that craft production and... more
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      ArchitectureAndean ArchaeologyIrrigationAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
El presente trabajo pretende analizar la manera en que la interpretación historiográfica ha construido el relato de muchas de las sociedades del pasado. Al introducir el género como categoría de análisis, se pretende identificar posibles... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEcuadorFeminist ArchaeologyEcuadorean Archaeology
Reconocimiento del Conchero la Islita del Pozón, Cartagena
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      ZooarchaeologyColombiaFormative PeriodShellmound
This thesis describes excavations at Formative Period sites on the perimeter of Lake Arenal in eastern Guanacaste, Costa Rica. defines and describes the Early to Middle Formative Tronadora Complex, interprets the nature of the Zoned... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCosta RicaCeramics (Archaeology)Chibchan Archaeology
El Formativo tarapaqueño será visto a través del análisis textil, sintetizando su desarrollo en la región para complementar el marco cronológico cultural, definiendo indicadores temporales, espaciales y culturales y, evaluando la... more
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      TextilesFormative PeriodNorte Grande de ChilePeriodo Formativo
editors. p. cm. -(Dumbarton Oaks pre-Columbian symposia and colloquia) Includes bibliographical references and index.
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      ArchaeologyIconographyArchitectureMuseum Studies
The Central Andes of South America boasts a rich history of complex societies and sophisticated economic networks. Reconstructing patterns of diet across time is important to understanding the relationships between subsistence and food... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPaleodietStable Isotopes
In this dissertation I address the timing of and interrelatedness between initial Early Formative period (2000–1500 BCE) transitions in residential mobility, subsistence, and social organization in Mesoamerica. I approach these topics... more
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      Central America and MexicoMesoamerican ArchaeologyOaxaca (Anthropology)Oaxaca (Archaeology)
"From new archaeological research on Caserones site and his cemetery (Tarapacá 40) in north Chile, and particularly trough the textile analysis we extend the vision of this site in the regional context and bring new interpretations of... more
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      Power (social)Social InequalityArchaeological textilesFormative Period
Nociones mínimas para conocer el Centro Arqueológico de Arte Rupestre: Toro Muerto. Arequipa, Perú / Minimal notions to know the Archaeological Rock Art Center: Toro Muerto. Arequipa, Peru (Sp) Eloy Linares Málaga. 485 Evaluación de la... more
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      ArchitectureIrrigationArte RupestreFormative Period
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologySculptureOlmec archaeologyMaya
Se sintetiza la investigación del cementerio y sus resultados, entre ellos 9 dataciones C14 AMS con un rango de 850-190 años años AC, que lo sitúan dentro del Período Formativo del Loa Medio. De igual modo, se analiza la funebria del... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionFunerary ArchaeologyChilean and Andean Archaeology
This is a report on the author's excavations at the Machalilla site of La Ponga on the south coast of Ecuador and a synthesis of information on the Machalilla Phase of the Formative Period.
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      ArchaeologyEcuadorFormative PeriodMachalilla
This paper attempts an iconographic analysis of the Formative Period in northern Chile (ca. 1300 BC to 600 AD), drawing primarily on images found in textiles, but also on images depicted in rock art, geoglyphs, gold laminae and basketry.... more
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    • Formative Period
The Mesoamerican Formative period (1600 BCE-CE 250) saw the establishment of sedentism, dietary transformations and the development of ceramic technologies for subsistence, artistic representation and the region's earliest preserved... more
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El trabajo presenta los resultados de análisis químicos semi-cuantitativos de identificación de restos de contenidos orgánicos e inorgánicos (carbohidratos, ácidos grasos, residuos proteicos y fosfatos) y análisis de pH realizados en... more
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      ChileCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Formative Period
El principal objetivo de este trabajo es compartir los últimos datos y fechados de radiocarbono obtenidos para el cementerio Tarapacá-40 (norte de Chile). Estos son evaluados y discutidos en relación a recientes estudios de sus restos... more
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      BioarchaeologyRadiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Cultural changeFormative Period
During the Formative period, the area between the Azapa Valley, the coast and the Loa River (northern Chile) saw the construction of ritual/ceremonial tumuli which are reminiscent of structures found in the Bolivian highlands. On the... more
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      Mortuary PracticesFormative PeriodFormative Andean archaeologyNorthern Chile
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      PhotogrammetryMesoamerican ArchaeologySculptureClassic Maya (Archaeology)
This paper summarizes recent progress made in researching early formative occupations (700 B.c. - 500 A.D.) in Quebrada del Toro (Salta, Argentina). Recent studies have documented a large number of archaeological sites with this... more
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    • Formative Period
En la microrregión de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Puna Argentina) se vienen desarrollando desde hace muchos años estudios orientados a la comprensión del proceso sociocultural formativo (ca. 3000-1100 años AP). En recientes actividades de... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyFormative Period
Con la presentación de estos datos se pretende aportar al entendimiento del norte peruano, el cual tiene una relación de contacto continuo con el sur de Ecuador. Se toma una muestra de sitios arqueológicos en la zona de Ayabaca para ser... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyState FormationArchaeology of Architecture
In 2006, The World Monuments Fund added the archaeological site of Chalcatzingo, in the Valley of Morelos, Central Highlands Mexico, to the World’s 100 Most Endangered Monuments Watch List. Chalcatzingo is an important Formative Period... more
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      Central America and MexicoMegalithic MonumentsOlmec archaeologyMesoamerica
Resultados preliminares de las investigaciones realizadas en el oasis de Quillagua en el Norte Grande de Chile evidencian que este espacio fue ocupado por diferentes entidades culturales a lo largo del período Formativo. Con miras a... more
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      PotteryFormative PeriodQuillagua
En el Período Formativo el valle de Quillagua parecía ser un territorio en el coexistieron varias tradiciones culturales, lo que se había visto confirmado por su comportamiento como espacio de frontera e interacción cultural entre las... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyTumuliFormative PeriodNorthern Chile
Bağdat'ta Cüneyd-i Bağdâdî ve Tasavvufî Düşüncenin Gelişimi Üzerine Bazı Dikkatler
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      TasawwufFormative PeriodBaghdadJunaid al-Baghdadi
The site of Chavín de Huántar, Peru, lies at the heart of developing social complexity in the Andean Formative period. The archaeological contexts on the site's immediate periphery are assessed to investigate the nature of occupation,... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCraft production (Archaeology)Social Complexity (Archaeology)Formative Period
Applications of agency approaches in archaeology have often failed to sufficiently delineate the cultural constructs that signified the motivations, actions, and outcomes of agency. In the case of the Olmecs of Formative period... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyAgency TheorySculptureSymbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)
Un conjunto de dataciones, síntesis de excavaciones y análisis de materiales asociados de la cuenca alta del valle de Azapa, en torno al río Tignamar (2.800 - 3.800 msm) nos permiten discutir la ocurrencia de procesos socio-culturales,... more
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      Hunter-Gatherer ArchaeologyFormative PeriodNorthern Chile
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyCentral America and MexicoMesoamerican Archaeology
Dentro de las objetos singulares de los individuos pertenecientes al sitio Formativo Cementerio Regimiento Chorrillos de Calama en la Región de Antofagasta, se presentan exiguos colgantes laminares de oro y numerosas cuentas de collar... more
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      ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Region