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      ReligionCultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritageColor Harmony
Desde un enfoque transdisciplinario, el objetivo de esta disertación es dilucidar el rol de la imaginería en una variante alternativa del patrimonio cultural de las misiones jesuíticas-guaraníes. La ponencia desarrollará diferentes... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHeritage Conservation
这篇作文是我们学习上的一个转变,是我们习惯上的一个惊喜,是我们兴奋的一个过程。在这个项目中,我们学到了关注问题而不仅仅是寻找答案的重要性。我们的教授强调,理解如何提出有意义的问题对于培养批判性思维能力至关重要。... more
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      EthnographyHistory of AnthropologyIndigenous KnowledgeIntangible cultural heritage
In the world in which we live, where permanence makes way for the ephemeral, temporary pavilions can provide a simple and low-cost opportunity to meet many of the needs that are created daily within a complex society. The paper aims to... more
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      TechnologyParametric ModelingSchoolSpace Research
Inclusività e accessibilità sono strettamente connesse in architettura: l’una racchiude l’altra, ampliandone il significato e le applicazioni. L’accessibilità è un requisito fondamentale nella progettazione e riguarda la rimozione di... more
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      AccessibilityInclusivityInclusivity and accessibility
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageCultureIntangible cultural heritage
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      Cultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritageTraditional KnowledgeIndigenous
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      AnthropologyFolkloreCultural HeritagePolitical Science
The paper analyses the conflicting issues that arise when dealing with Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) held in audio digital archives, when the demand for open access conflicts with ownership rights and ethical issues. It describes two... more
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      Cultural StudiesGeographyCultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritage
This study will be explored in the migration of the mask dance Ŭnyul T'alch'um from North Korea to South Korea after the national division took place. During and after the Korean War, refugees from the Hwanghae province settled in the... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageDiasporic IdentityMusic Preservation
Deneyimsel değer, bir ürüne ilişkin deneyim süreci ve sonrasında ortaya çıkan, tüketicinin zihninde deneyime ilişkin oluşturmuş olduğu değerlendirmeyi ifade etmektedir. Turizm ürününe ilişkin deneyim ve deneyim sonrası ortaya çıkan değer... more
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    • Humanities
Considering the Portuguese-Spanish border in the Guadiana River, as well as (with secondary relevance) the borderlands of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, this article aims to discuss some preliminary questions for the interpretation of... more
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      Cultural HeritageGlobal StudiesIntangible cultural heritageBorders and Borderlands
La presente memoria recoge los resultados del estudio “Espiritualidad en la practica asistencial: un estudio de caso” llevado a cabo por personal docente e investigador del Departamento de Psicologia de la Salud, miembros del Servicio de... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesEspiritualidadEstudio De Casos
This essay explores the profound connection between intangible cultural heritage and the digital realm, using metaphors to highlight the value attributed to heritage spaces and practices. It discusses how the metaphor of urban parks... more
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      Digital CultureCross-Cultural StudiesDigital HeritageDigital Cultural Heritage
Sebagai karya tulis ilmiah, gaya bahasa yang digunakan pun juga gaya bahasa ilmiah, lengkap dengan pembahasan dan analisis dengan menggunakan teori-teori sosial tertentu. Dengan demikian tentu tidak semua kalangan dapat memahami pesan... more
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Cultural heritage, both in its tangible and intangible dimensions, is a very influential element that is closely connected with history education and with identity-building. The present study seeks to identify the cultural iconic elements... more
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      Cultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritageHistory EducationTeaching History
Arab countries comprise communities and groups that are socially and linguistically diverse and different in size and prevalence. They have lived with rich manifestations of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) that have interacted through... more
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      FolkloreCultural PolicyIntangible cultural heritageArab world
This research explores the transformative potential of integrating machine learning with human movement learning in education, revolutionizing personalized learning experiences. An advanced system, nestled within a dynamic 3D virtual... more
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      Machine LearningMotionHuman Movement
The UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage includes but does not define practices and expressions such as music, dance, oratory, ritual, and the objects and spaces associated therewith. It states... more
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      GeographyEthnomusicologyCultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritage
In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the importance of heritage assets in urban settings. While tangible heritage sites like historic buildings and monuments receive considerable attention, intangible cultural... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageCultural IdentityUrban HeritageHistoric City
A brief talk of the development of RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign(3R) which bring IFLA-LRM to RDA
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Music has been used in sports events and competitions, as well as in sports education since ancient times. The relationship between music and sports, which are among the important elements of culture, has been going on for ages and this... more
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      HistoryCultural HeritageSpectacleIntangible cultural heritage
Although it is a fairly new issue discussed in Turkey, Fair Play means nice and fair play as a concept. Fair play can also be explained in the game and ultimately with the understanding of being principled and measured. However, within... more
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      SociologyCultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritageProfessionalization
Zaštita nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa predstavlja značajan aspekt zaštite prava nacionalnih manjina, a u našem kontekstu dobija poseban značaj s obzirom na osetljivo nasleđe međuetničkih konflikata i potrebu za prevencijom bilateralne... more
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawIntangible cultural heritageEuropean Union
The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourist potential of the folk celebration Piatrok in the village of Šypilavičy, Luban district. The customs and rituals of this celebration received the status of intangible cultural... more
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      Cultural TourismIntangible cultural heritageIntangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)Tourism
Resumo: O artigo objetiva apresentar uma leitura da trajetória das políticas patrimoniais na Bahia, desde a criação da Inspetoria Estadual de Monumentos Nacionais do Estado da Bahia, em 1927, até os dias atuais, a partir da relação dos... more
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Απαγορεύεται η αναδημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή του παρόντος έργου στο σύνολό του ή τμημάτων του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο, καθώς και η μετάφραση ή διασκευή του ή εκμετάλλευσή του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο αναπαραγωγής έργου λόγου ή τέχνης, σύμφωνα με... more
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บทความวิชาการเรื่อง "บัญชีรายการมรดกภูมิปัญญาทางวัฒนธรรมที่ขึ้นไว้ก่อนการประกาศใช้พระราชบัญญัติส่งเสริมและรักษามรดกภูมิปัญญาทางวัฒนธรรม พ.ศ. 2559"... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageInventoryUNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of ICH
บทความเรื่อง “มองเมืองผ่านมรดกมุขปาฐะ: จินตภาพและการประกอบสร้างบนฐานของมรดกภูมิปัญญาทางวัฒนธรรม เมืองเวียงสระ จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี” เป็นบทความที่มุ่งเน้นศึกษาอำนาจของมรดก มุขปาฐะที่ส่งผลต่อการประกอบสร้างเมืองในบริบทต่าง ๆ ในเมืองเวียงสระ... more
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      Oral TraditionsIntangible cultural heritageConstructionImagery
The traditional stone spouts (hiti) of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal dating back to the sixth century continue to fulfill the water demands of the population, especially the urban poor. These intricately carved stone spouts are fed by... more
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      ArchitectureCommunity ResilienceIndigenous KnowledgeIntangible cultural heritage
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento e a modernização da cidade de Florianópolis, capital de Santa Catarina, através das memórias de um pescador da comunidade periférica da Tapera, no sul da Ilha de Santa... more
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    • Geography
The talk addresses the following roundtable questions: "In che modo i suoni di un ambiente contribuiscono a definire identità collettive e a rafforzare il senso di appartenenza, e come possiamo analizzarli per comprenderne le implicazioni... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyAnthropology
This write-up explores the Rohingya Cultural Memory Centre's (RCMC) active involvement in preserving Rohingya oral traditions and expressions through continuous research, documentation, promotion, enhancement, and transmission, while... more
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      Mental HealthHistoric PreservationOral historyUnesco
An integral part of the common approach to safeguarding and developing intangible cultural heritage. It is public relations aimed at popularization and support from the public. Intangible cultural heritage refers to practices,... more
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      Public RelationsIntangible cultural heritageCommunity engagementTourism
Contexte Cette communication s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire et trinational (Allemagne, France, Italie) portant sur les routes touristiques promouvant des éléments relevant du paysage naturel (arbres,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGeographyTourism StudiesOnomastics
Zenička Čimburijada predstavlja višedecenijsku društvenu praksu građana Zenice, koja svoja ishodišta pronalazi u praksama koje se vežu za početak proljeća, buđenje prirode, te općenite društvene prakse druženja u prirodnom ambijentu.... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultureIntangible cultural heritageZenica
L’AMARO ITALIANO Anche il senso del gusto fa parte di una cultura, che è per definizione collettiva; la presunta predilezione del gusto amaro da parte degli italiani; i due ingredienti caratteristici della nostra cucina: la pasta, cioè... more
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      Storia Dell'AlimentazioneHistory of Cooking and Food Culture
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      ArchaeologyPerformance StudiesHistory and MemoryPerformance Art
This international workshop aims to bring together in a hybrid format experts of conservation in two domains: on the one hand, art and cultural heritage conservation; and on the other hand, nature conservation. In both domains the... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationEnvironment and natural resources conservation
Bu araştırmada, ilkokul üçüncü sınıf Hayat Bilgisi ders kitabı kültürel miras eğitimi kapsamında incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın ana sorusu, "Kültürel miras kavramı ilkokul üçüncü sınıf hayat bilgisi ders kitabında nasıl işlenmektedir?"... more
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This is a case study research that was aimed at examining the relationship between the politics of COVID-19 palliatives and intangible heritage resources in rural Nigeria. Fifteen (15) local communities were randomly sampled from rural... more
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      Palliative CarePolitical SciencePoliticsIntangible cultural heritage
The Karbis are an indigenous community scattered across the northeastern part of India. Traditionally, their ancestors relied on jhum cultivation, livestock rearing, and other subsistence practices as their main sources of livelihood.... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesIntangible cultural heritageEnvironmental Sustainability
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Since the provisions of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) began to be implemented in individual countries around the world, including Poland, various initiatives undertaken by... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyOral historyIntangible cultural heritageMemory Studies
The historic centre of the Iraqi city of Al-Najaf embraces a seasonal pilgrimage to its holy sites that forces unusual urban conditions. This paper examines the impact of development projects and studies on the heritage integrity of the... more
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    • Conservation
This paper focuses on the dramatic transformation of the inherited historical urban and architectural characteristics of the city of Al-Najaf in Iraq, seeking new ways of seeing the possibilities of preserving and revitalizing the... more
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    • Cultural Heritage
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    • History
Öz XIII. yüzyılda oluşan Ahilik teşkilatı ve Ahiler, sadece esnaf ve sanatkârlara yönelik mesleki bir yapı olarak kalmamış aynı zamanda bir kültür kurumu olarak varlığını devam ettirmiştir. Günümüzde Ahilik kültürünü yaşatmak, korumak,... more
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