Intergovernmental Relations
Recent papers in Intergovernmental Relations
En el texto se explica la situación existente en las Haciendas Locales y cómo este nivel administrativo se encuentra regulado en las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas. Se hace hincapié en el caso de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco,... more
The aim of this research paper is to analyze the processes taking place within the EU, to explain the essence of the theory of Intergovernementalism, its validity and portray the impediments which form a constant dichotomy between the EU... more
Local governments in Georgia are empowered to levy a 1 percent local option sales tax (LOST), approved by referendum at the county level and is distributed to the county and qualified municipal governments (The terms city and municipality... more
[Published in INDIA REVIEW: Vol 16, No.1. pp 14-41] Abstract: Despite the extensive literature on distributive politics, we still lack a theory of how political and fiscal institutions interact to shape the pork‐barrelling ability of... more
ABSTRACT A broader understanding of Federal system calls for the study of the compartment on which the state to state relationship is based. In the context wherein multilevel governments persist; studying the way how horizontal... more
The doctrine of separation of powers, an essential prerequisite of a presidential democracy, provides for a division of powers of government into three distinct arms; the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The importance of... more
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Section 154), stipulates that national and provincial government must support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to operationalise their constitutional mandate. The... more
To answer these complex needs, a regional initiative has been proposed to integrate National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) of all state members of the ECO region in order to develop a Regional Biodiversity Plan of... more
While ‘new frontier’ discourses portray the transformation of Isiolo and Northern Kenya as a process of conversion and integration into the ‘nation proper’, and in particular through the formalisation of its land, it is our view that... more
This study was carried out to examine best strategies to enthrone all round development in the local government areas with Ezza North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State as a point of reference. To achieve the lofty objective of the... more
A presente pesquisa busca compreender quais são as instituições, ou seja, quais são as estruturas, processos e instrumentos das relações intergovernamentais existentes em diferentes sistemas federativos, para então analisar... more
In Pakistan in recent times so much is written on the federal structure of the country, still research on Inter-Governmental Relations (IGR) is scarce. Nevertheless, some studies are available on the role of Council of Common Interests... more
Addressing the needs of underperforming central city schools is one of the most perplexing questions in contemporary educational research. At least two approaches have emerged as paradigms shaping the nature of reform efforts: (1)... more
The amalgamation of local government units to achieve some economies of scale and service delivery efficiencies by local governments has been a widespread practice over the past several decades. It has been widely promoted by the... more
El objetivo de este capítulo es examinar la evolución y el perfil actual de las relaciones fiscales entre la Federación y los gobiernos estatales en México. El texto se estructura en cuatro secciones: en la primera se reflexiona sobre la... more
This study seeks to proffer a deep review and interrogation of the present clamour for political restructuring in Nigeria and the role that federalism plays and can play in the desire for the restructuring of the Nigerian system. It... more
Directores: Marcelo Bernal y Calógero Pizzolo. Coordinador: Gonzalo Gabriel Carranza. Editorial: UNC y Astrea de Argentina. El libro puede adquirirse en:... more
In the last decades Italy faced a long political transition, which displayed its effects also on the institutional policy of this country. The changes occurred in these years on local and meso-governments will be scrutinized in this... more
Modimowabarwa Kanyane argues that failures of Interplay of intergovernmental relations as a result of weak accountability, monitoring and evaluation - breed corruption and consequently poor service delivery. These consequences continue to... more
said "the cardinal question of our constitutional system" is the relationship between the national government and the states, and observed that this relationship constantly changes. Some changes are modest; others are of the landmark... more
The victory of APC at the 2015 general elections was the first time since 1999 any other political parties would have control of the federal government. What is more, the victory was total, controlling the executive with the presidency as... more
Abstract Analyses on contemporary welfare states have paid a predominant attention to the ‘autonomous’ intervention of the public administration in order to provide protection and security to the citizenship. The historical arrangements... more
This article examines the reasons why the Israeli government chose not to apply for membership in the International Energy Agency (IEA), though it has been eligible to do so since 2010. The many benefits the IEA has to offer Israel in... more
Over time, the predominant tendency of many governments’ agencies has been to evaluate a programme or policy investing large amount of resources in supporting policy evaluation. However, recommendations suggested by policy evaluators are... more
The role of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in shaping the arts and cultural sector is not well understood. In this paper, I focus on the development of the governance of the creative placemaking policy to unpack the complexity... more
Op basis van kwalitatief onderzoek wenst deze thesis een inzicht te verschaffen in welke onderliggende mechanismes een grensoverschrijdende samenwerking tussen Vlaanderen en Brussel kunnen bemoeilijken en vergemakkelijken binnen een... more
Family is the natural and fundamental unit of a society. Marriage is one of the essential ways to form a family and it is usually concluded with the assumption that it will last a lifetime. However, in reality, many marital relations end... more
This chapter contributes to the growing comparative literature on the effect of the 2008–9 financial crisis on federal systems, their stability and their fiscal sustainability – while simultaneously engaging with the ongoing debate on the... more
This study is the result of a rigorous academic trip that took place at the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. In October 2015, the student body of the American University of Rome visited the European Union, the World Trade... more
The paper contends that bicameral systems, irrespective of their differences in composition and powers, are unfit to represent territorial interests in the national decisionmaking process, except in some residual cases. What subnational... more
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Section 154), stipulates that national and provincial government must support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to operationalise their constitutional mandate. The... more
The paper contends that bicameral systems, irrespective of their differences in composition and powers, are unfit to represent territorial interests in the national decisionmaking process, except in some residual cases. What subnational... more
The article explores the main features of Canadian federalism from a European perspective, looking at Canada as an "importer" and an "exporter" of federal solutions. First, it considers the relationship between federalism and... more
Federal, state, and local governments are major polluters of the environment. They account for more than 7% of SO2 air pollution emissions and more than 5% of all NO2 air emissions in the United States. Public entities are more likely... more