International Human Rights Education
Recent papers in International Human Rights Education
(2007) Interights Bulletin, Volume 15, No. 4, pp. 172-176, International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, London, UK,
When the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, it called upon member-states to publicize the declaration and for it to be disseminated, displayed, and read in... more
This research report investigates the extent to which Child Rights Education (CRE) is being implemented in countries where UNICEF conducts its fundraising activities. The headline findings indicate that, whilst there has been some... more
In 2002, I published three models for categorizing human rights education practice in the formal and nonformal education sectors: Values and Awareness, Accountability, and Transformation (Tibbitts 2002). I Infused within these models of... more
Full Citation: Bajaj, M., Cislaghi, B., and Mackie, G. (2016). Advancing Transformative Human Rights Education. Appendix to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century, Report of the Global Citizenship Commission. UK:... more
Today's educational challenges in Africa have their roots in the colonial education system. The article explores the consequences of linguistic choices for quality education, self-determined development and children's rights in education.... more
The practice of child protection plays a key role in protecting every child, whether privileged or less privileged. Also, it plays a major role in the work of professionals such as human rights organizations, social workers, civic... more
The authors look at ways in which we can support moves to oppose the death penalty in all places through the prism of campaigning to save the lives of Myurun Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. International human rights law and leaders who are... more
This article examines the experiences gathered by the author in his work at the Memorial of the Wannsee-Conference in addressing issues of human rights education with professional groups.
La pandemia en la que nos encontramos ha suscitado desigualdades sociales, económicas, educativas, laborales, sanitarias, etc., en la vivencia diaria y el acceso de las personas a los diferentes ámbitos vitales. Los menores y la familia... more
Francisco, the collection explores some specific possibilities and challenges of Human Rights Education (HRE) in various contemporary settings, particularly from the standpoint of governmental education policy. A multitude of locations on... more
En este trabajo aspiramos a ofrecer una visión general sobre las principales transformaciones que ha experimentado el derecho educacional chileno durante las últimas décadas. A este respecto, nos centraremos en tres hitos relevantes. En... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT Human Rights Education is still quite a new educational field where the development of theoretical and practical aproaches unfolds especially since the beginning of the 1990s. The aim of this study is... more
This response to Anja Mihr’s article, “Why Holocaust Education Is Not Always Human Rights Education,” argues that despite their differences, Holocaust education and human rights education are more similar than Mihr suggests and face... more
An updated version of the HRE Models is forthcoming as a book chapter. The Table 1 overviews their key features, building on the original Values & Awareness, Accountability and Transformation Models. The models are now entitled Values &... more
Human rights are statements of values and putting them into practice can present a range of challenges. In Australia, these challenges are compounded by the widespread belief that human rights are only at issue somewhere else. In 2006... more
Rights and responsibilities are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. These rights are the basic rights of every human being. This study focuses on the rights and responsibilities of Grade 3 learners across... more
This study used task-based group interviews with young adolescents in four countries to investigate their understanding of the causes of human rights violations, means for protecting human rights, and their own potential role in ensuring... more
The study was set to elicit teachers’ perceptions of adopting a new curriculum integrating Human Rights Education (HRE) into most school subjects and developing textbooks which could address the mainstreaming of the Syrian children into... more
This article briefly defines the meaning of the right to basic education within South Africa's current post-apartheid constitutional framework. It argues that educational rights cannot be divorced from wider socioeconomic rights and... more
Este artículo parte de la base de la necesidad del derecho a la educación en las sociedades contemporáneas, siendo el principal instrumento para la consecución del pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana. Para ello, utilizaremos los... more
This book addresses the question of human rights education in a world that is witnessing a resurgence of religion in public life, and a continuation of religion across much of the globe, long after secularization theories predicted its... more
W hil e ma ny l ingui sts a nd educ at iona li st s oft en r efe r t o a "ri ght to l angua ge" or to a "ri ght t o be educ at ed i n one's own language", and have done s om e e xtr em ely det ail ed a nd w el l-re sea rche d w ork (S kut... more
Propelled by the global dominance of human rights discourse and the well-established international consensus on its importance, Human Rights Education (HRE) has proliferated from the mid-1990s onwards. Instead of advancing criticality as... more
Since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the discourse of human rights has expanded to include not just civil and political rights but also economic, social, cultural, and, most recently, collective rights.... more
El discurso actual sobre los derechos humanos tiene su origen en las elucubraciones fantasiosas del "parti philosophique" del siglo XVIII. De ahí provienen todos sus problemas. El problema jurídico, porque no siempre la retórica de los... more
In an effort to support the curricular institutionalisation of human rights education (HRE) as a school subject, Walter Parker has proposed a curriculum model based on the powerful knowledge (PK) thesis developed by a group of social... more
Problem Statement: Transferring technology from university labs to startups at techno-parks is expensive and takes time. Therefore, blended learning has been using to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of technology transfer.... more
Human rights and democracy education is a form of education which includes furnishing individuals with social behaviors, and learning through experience should be considered as the grounds in order for it to make permanent changes and... more
Synthesis of international research on the role of knowledge in students' understanding of human rights, and the importance of social context.
Review of Paula Gerber, Understanding Human Rights: Educational Challenges for the Future (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2013), ISBN 978-1-84844- 883-4, 261 pages.
Published in Human Rights Quarterly, Vol, 37, 2015, pp. 277-283.
Published in Human Rights Quarterly, Vol, 37, 2015, pp. 277-283.
Throughout history individual and collective narratives have been used in struggles for justice. We draw on Sen’s theory of justice to examine the potential of narratives in teaching and researching for social justice. Human rights are... more
Propelled by the global dominance of human rights discourse and the well-established international consensus on its importance, Human Rights Education (HRE) has proliferated from the mid-1990s onwards. Instead of advancing criticality as... more