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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismAdaptive ReuseMimamsaRamanuja
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      Indian PhilosophyIntertextuality And PlagiarismIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
This paper describes aspects of a research project which used linguistic and intertextual analysis of student writing to investigate the relationship between the academic curriculum and student voice in a first year economics course at a... more
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    • Intertextuality And Plagiarism
The sudden shift of schools to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has also impacted hospitalized children with severe medical, physical, or neurological conditions. We developed a system that enables children to attend classes... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic Integrity
The ubiquity of the internet, lavish content and adeptness of social-media applications arouses issues of social media plagiarism, where lines cross in WhatsApp messaging and academic plagiarism. Plagiarism and copyright infringement have... more
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      Intellectual PropertyPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic Writing
En este trabajo se estudian las características particulares del proyecto editorial y literario que, desde 1985, viene desarrollando Ediciones Vigía. La reflexión se centra en el análisis la obra Los graduados de Kafka (2008), del autor... more
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      Comparative LiteratureIntertextuality And PlagiarismCaribbean LiteratureIntertextuality
The creativity of an individual is only limited to the imagination span of an individual, in that there have been persons who have shaped and advance the world by only their creative imagination , but in contrast to that there is the... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismCreativityIntertextuality And PlagiarismCritical Thinking and Creativity
Janvier 2004 : "P.D. James, The Skull Beneath The Skin: Jeux de miroirs et palimpsestes" Colloque Illusion SAIT
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityDetective FictionIntertextuality and Allusion
Plagiarism is regarded as a heinous crime within the academic community, but anecdotal evidence suggests that some writers plagiarize without intending to transgress academic conventions. This article reports a study of the writing of 17... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesCheating and PlagiarismLanguages and Linguistics
Two kind of frequent written activities of Romanian advanced students are described in this paper: these are quotation and plagiarism in french dissertations done for research degree. Both are used by students for the production of their... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic WritingRomanian StudiesAcademic Literacies
Les relations unissant les Pensées aux Essais ne cessent d'occuper les études pascaliennes. La plupart des éditions disponibles des Pensées renvoient désormais en notes aux passages plagiés, visés ou commentés des Essais, et de nombreux... more
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      RhetoricIntertextuality And PlagiarismLiterary StylisticsMichel de Montaigne
Top Ten Reasons to read this Book 1. Show Christians and Jews the truth of the Quran while showing them the errors of the Bible! 2. You will see exactly which verses of the Quran correct those errors from the Bible! 3. Contains Islamic... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionJewish StudiesCheating and Plagiarism
El poeta ecuatoriano Ernesto Noboa Caamaño publicó en 1916 «Emoción vesperal», composición que, según parece, un año antes había salido a la luz en Argentina con la firma de Emilio Berisso y bajo el título de «Spleen». El presente estudio... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismModernismo, Spanish and Latin American ModernismPlagiarismLatin American Poetry
Over the past three decades, international trade agreements, intellectual property law, multinational business, and governmental (and nongovernmental) organizations have established administrative frameworks in which culture is treated as... more
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      Critical TheoryWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureIntellectual Property
This text is the result of a research process that has been carried out during the last five years on the realities and problems of plagiarism in contexts of higher education in different countries. We have observed eight groups of... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionTrustIntertextuality And Plagiarism
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I prepared for my online exposition at The X International Legal Forum "Legal Protection of Intellectual Property: Problems of Theory and Practice" HISTORY OF LEGAL SCIENCE: TRANSFORMATION OF IDEAS AND... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismPlagiarism studies
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      InfluenceIntertextuality And PlagiarismLiterary TheoryNorthrop Frye
Монография Л. Г. Пановой «Мнимое сиротство: Хлебников и Хармс в контексте русского и европейского модернизма» – попытка подвергнуть художественные произведения, манифесты и жизнетворческие практики первого авангарда непредвзятому... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismPoeticsFilippo Tommaso MarinettiModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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      French LiteratureIntertextuality And PlagiarismTrauma StudiesLife Writing (Literature)
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismLiterary CanonRereading and IntertextualityClassical Literature
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      French LiteratureLiteratureIntertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextuality
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      Cheating and PlagiarismIntertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic IntegrityAcademic Writing
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic IntegrityAcademic WritingPedagogy
O nce dismissed for its supposedly sloppy plot and poor prose or briefly lauded for its status as the first African American novel, William Wells Brown's Clotel; or, The President's Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryBook HistoryIntertextuality And Plagiarism
"Giornale storico della letteratura italiana", CXCIV (2017)
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismItalian LiteratureIntertextualityHistory of Italian Language
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismQualitative ResearchHip-Hop StudiesHip Hop Culture
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityThe Russian Silver AgeGogol
Les historiens des sciences accordent à Francesco Redi le mérite d’avoir réfuté, sur la base d’un rigoureux empirisme, la croyance millénaire dans la génération spontanée, c'est-à-dire l’idée que les êtres vivants pourraient se développer... more
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      Cheating and PlagiarismIntertextuality And PlagiarismHistory and Philosophy of BiologyHistory of Scholarship
... instruction, Pecorari supports “learning by doing” (p. 50), ie apprentice-type arrangements through which novices ... reporting of content from a source without distortion; (4) the effectiveness of using sources for ... to be called... more
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      English for Academic PurposesCheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And Plagiarism
Данная работа представляет собой исследование, посвящённое изучению поэтики интермедиальности в английской литературе начала ХХ века на примере романов "Куда боятся ступить ангелы" Э.М. Форстера и "Луна и грош" У.С. Моэма. Исследование... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntermedialityIntermediaIntertextuality
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityRereading and IntertextualityHypertext theory
A recent find in the Department of Early Printed Books and Special Collections at Trinity College Dublin revealed that George Shanks, the man who published the first English translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in January... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismPropagandaFascism (Revolutions)Conspiracy Theories
ظاهرة التناص بين الإمام عبدالقاهر الجرجاني وجوليا كريستيفا The phenomenon of intertextuality between Al-Jerjani and Kristeva من كتاب : بحوث المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول لكلية اللغة العربية بأسيوط، (الإمام عبدالقاهر الجرجاني وجهوده في... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextuality
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesIntertextuality And PlagiarismPoetry
Peu après sa parution en 1968, le roman Le devoir de violence, du Malien Yambo Ouologuem, fait scandale lorsque plusieurs passages s'avèrent «plagiés» d'écrivains européens. À partir du concept de «récriture», soit la... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismPostcolonial TheoryLittérature FrancophoneLe devoir de violence Yambo Ouologem
Plagiarism is a broad and multidisciplinary field of study, and within second-language (L2) writing, research on the topic goes back to the mid-1980s. In this review article we first discuss the received view of plagiarism as a... more
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      English for Academic PurposesIntertextuality And PlagiarismAcademic WritingSecond Language Writing
The present communication aims at creation of the Bessarabian poet Grigore Vieru in the broader context of the unique phenomenon of Intertextuality disseminated along the Romanian literature. The very genotextualisation thus appears as a... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismPoetryRomanian StudiesRereading and Intertextuality
Книга включает материалы, представленные на секции «Проблема автора в искусстве — прошлое и настоящее», проводившейся в рамках Третьего Российского культурологического конгресса с международным участием «Креативность в пространстве... more
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      CreativityIntertextuality And PlagiarismGothic LiteratureVirginia Woolf
Алгебра Хлебникова – числа, формулы, уравнения и таблицы – стала его визитной карточкой с середины 1910-х годов. С 1920-х годов в программе хлебниковедческих штудий она прочно удерживает второе место (первое – у словотворчества).... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityThe Russian Silver AgeVelimir Khlebnikov
Ethics of Scholarship, Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, Pagiarism
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologySocial PsychologyEthics
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      Cheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismTelecommunications
This thesis explores debates about plagiarism in post-apartheid South Africa, focussing on two highly-publicised cases, Antje Krog’s Country of My Skull and Zakes Mda’s The Heart of Redness. Through close reading, and by presenting such... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualitySouth African LiteraturePlagiarism
Análisis del caso literario-judicial suscitado en torno de ‘El Aleph engordado’, de Pablo Katchadjian.
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      LiteratureIntertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityLiteratura Latinoamericana
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      Cultural StudiesSpatial AnalysisJames JoyceIntertextuality And Plagiarism
Corruption and unethical issues in African higher education systems is a problem that requires urgent intervention. Plagiarism in publications is one of the ways this corruption manifests. Focusing on the usage of anti-plagiarism software... more
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      Plagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismPlagiarismUniversity Students
Many students are first introduced, during their orientations on a university campus, about the use of plagiarism in their academic writing. It is something all students have all had to deal with in their academic careers. However, not... more
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      Plagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And PlagiarismPlagiarism and PatchwritingDigital plagiarism & Academic dishonesty
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityLiteraturaEducación
Questo volume raccoglie gli atti di due seminari tenutisi nel 2010 presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento. I due incontri sono parte integrante della prima serie di seminari del gruppo LawTech (<>)... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCheating and PlagiarismPlagiarism DetectionIntertextuality And Plagiarism
Intertextuality in the Detective Fiction of P.D. James. Clues (Fall-Winter 2001) Bowling Green University Press. Among the British intellectual and political elite, the art of juggling literary references was, at least until the... more
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      Intertextuality And PlagiarismIntertextualityDetective FictionRereading and Intertextuality