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      Ancient HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This paper examines the roles of culture and virtues in medical ethics. It argues that principlism, which is the general approach to medical ethics in Western societies, is not comprehensive enough to fully understand how medical moral... more
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      EthicsMedical EthicsIslamic EthicsCultural Philosophy
This thesis investigates the boom in private museum building from 1837 to 2015 and examines its development in the context of cultural philanthropy. It poses the question: why are today’s wealthy collectors of modern and contemporary art... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural PhilosophyPrivate Collections in Public MuseumsCollectors and Collecting
Post-modern dönemde yaşanan ve hem günümüz hem de gelecek yüzyıllara damgasına vuracak, doğanın ve insanın metalaştırılması meselesinin,Husserl‟in ortaya koyduğu yaşam dünyası kavramı ve Heidegger‟in bize hatırlattığı Varlık‟ın unutuluşu... more
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      HumanitiesEdmund HusserlEuropean cultureHeidegger
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      Philosophical AnthropologyMax SchelerMartin HeideggerErnst Cassirer
Explorative empirical research on the business school ethos. How do you learn to think and act if you study business? What is your learned perception of management, corporations and markets? With the use of MacIntyre, Hegel and Aristotle,... more
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      Business EthicsAristotleCritical Management StudiesHegel
The idea of cultural universals as articulated by Kwasi Wiredu is a sort of reaction to one of the issues that not only received wide attention but also elicited prolonged debate among scholars in African philosophy. The issue we are... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyAfrican PhilosophyCultural Philosophy
Feelings play an important part in general perception and in particular perception of pictures. Their relevance to the construction of meaning and actions that are cultural processes will be shown. By referring to traditions of philosophy... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyAestheticsVisual Studies
It may seem odd that the relationship between Leo Strauss and Walter Benjamin has been almost entirely disregarded. Upon a closer look, however, this is little surprising, for the two figures do not even have a common readership.... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFrankfurt School (Philosophy)
In this globalized, science and technology, market driven cultural dynamics what is lost is the peace and harmony and the disatanciation between hearts and heads are taking place in a cataclysmic way! In this context how it is possible to... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionCultural PhilosophyInterreligious and Intercultural RelationsAnthropology of Religion/ Theories of Conversion/ Religious Pluralism In Modern Africa/ Social Sciences and Missions Studies/ Photography and Anthropology/ Anthropology of Health/ Health, Medicine & Religions/ Alternative Movements.
Research on creativity is a relatively recent phenomenon in Africa. Following the many changes that have impacted on Africa in the past century, tensions have emerged between traditional and contemporary interpretations of creativity.... more
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      CreativityEthnomusicologyPhenomenology, Hermeneutics, contemporary continental philosophy, axiology (theories and applied research on values), philosophical and cultural anthropology, diversity managment, gender studies, intercultural communication, and translations studiesCultural Philosophy
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyArt History
In this paper I pursue the influences of Jakob von Uexküll’s biosemiotics on the anthropology of Ernst Cassirer. I propose that Cassirer in his Philosophy of the Symbolic Forms has written a cultural semiotics which in certain core ideas... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAestheticsPhenomenologyPoetics
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      Philosophy of CultureErnst CassirerAby WarburgCultural Philosophy
本文分三部分討論勞思光先生的文化哲學內「動態」與及「多元」這兩個概念:首部分對歷史動態觀的論析以表明歷史發展可因人的價值自覺而變動不居,並且順著這點進一步指出這種動態觀即可涵有後來文化哲學中自覺導向與自然發... more
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      Cultural PhilosophyLao Sze-kwong
This paper traces the development of “cultural philosophy,” distinguishes it from the “philosophy of culture,” discusses African and Filipino philosophical dimensions, and then makes the concluding remarks. This paper argues that... more
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      African PhilosophyCritical ThinkingPhilosophy of CultureEthnophilosophy
Despite its programmatic character Gadamer’s capital work Method and Truth from 1960 doesn’t offer any explicit program of philosophical hermeneutics. Instead of this we are confronted with the open question of philosophical hermeneutics... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageEthicsEpistemology
For over 60 years now, the phenomenon known as Integral consciousness has been fleshed out, studied, and promoted. Throughout this time the greatest minds have gone to tremendous lengths to speak of the "how" of human consciousness, in... more
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      BuddhismDevelopment StudiesJean GebserCognitive Neuroscience
The cultural attitude of the early 21st century may perhaps one day be known as “the assault on concentration.” In an endless stream of information, the “new” is what counts. And when the “new” is endlessly replenished, concentration is... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyModernity
Eingangszitat: „Man sollte denken, dass gerade diese Musik, der so oft vorgeworfen wurde, am Reißbrett entworfen zu sein, wie geschaffen dafür ist, theoretisch analysiert zu werden. Man kann Techno aber nicht gerecht werden, indem man... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryElectronic MusicPhilosophie
In einem Brief vom 4.1.1962 schreibt der jüdisch-schweizerische Philosoph Michael Landmann (1913 an Richard Wisser: "'Das Problem, wie sich Normativität mit Creativität vereinigen läßt, beschäftigt mich unausgesetzt.
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      PhilosophyMartin BuberPhilosophy of CultureGeorg Simmel
This paper examines the premises of decolonization in the Communication Studies and practice that challenges the West civilization based on the critical thinking of precursors and contemporary intellectuals of Latin America. The... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDialogueKnowledgeDecolonization
Der Gedenkband »Von Hegel zur philosophischen Anthropologie« versammelt Originalbeiträge aus dem Freundes-und Kollegenkreis der 2008 verstorbenen Philosophin Christa Hackenesch. Der Titel beschreibt das Spannungsfeld und die Richtung... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHegelKulturphilosophieCultural Philosophy
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    • Cultural Philosophy
This paper challenges the hitherto common distinction between Hermann Cohen’s early phase of Völkerpsychologie and his later phase as a critical idealist. Recently, it has been claimed that Cohen’s turn was not a rapid conversion but a... more
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      EthicsNeo-KantianismCultural PhilosophyHermann Cohen
Arthur Cardoso de Andrade, interviewed by Swantje Martach [English Version]
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      AestheticsFeminist TheoryFashion TheorySocial Philosophy
The May Fourth Movement in 1919 initiated a new era of study and reception of Western philosophy in China. Under this ethos, however, a most influential philosophical movement in Europe at that time was nearly overlooked by nearly all... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyPhenomenologyCultureMay Fourth Movement
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      Cultural HistoryTheory of HistoryCultural Philosophy
Comissioned by the Goethe Institute (Dept. Education and Discourses) in 2019/20 this deviant glossary contains 15 textual vignettes on new formations of contemporary culture – thereby simultaneously adressing contemporary forms of... more
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      Critical TheorySocial ChangeSociology of CultureMedia Studies
In the most general terms, "civilization" relates to the unique constitution of a "life-world", defined by a coherent "worldview" (Weltanschauung) on the basis of continuity. This includes a community's religious beliefs and metaphysical... more
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      International RelationsCross-Cultural StudiesCultural Philosophy
ste libro nos adentra en el difícil territorio del sufrimiento, que incluye los modos en que podemos conceptualizarlo, experimentarlo y gestionarlo hoy en día, desde un punto de vista filosófico y, por ende, crítico. Realiza un recorrido... more
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      Social PhilosophyPhilosophy of MedicineMedical HumanitiesCritical Posthumanism
Brasilien 18-4 Vilém Flusser in Brasilien : eine Anthropophagie des Geistes / Clemens van Loyen.-Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2018.-394 S. ; 24 cm.-(Film-Medium-Diskurs ; 91).-Zugl.: München, Univ., Diss., 2018.-ISBN... more
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      PhenomenologyBrazilExileVilem Flusser
Wo geht’s hier zum Abgrund? Auch wenn wir es nicht wahrhaben wollen: Wir leben in der besten aller möglichen Kulturwelten, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Jg. 238, 19. Juli 2017, S. 33
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      Cultural StudiesCultural TheoryPhilosophy of CultureKulturphilosophie
This book argues that the question of digital futures needs to leave the techno-centric imaginaries (as traditionally framed by computation and media theorists) and address the philosophical status of Being. If ontology and algorithms are... more
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      Future StudiesOntologyArchitectureComputational Modelling
Vladimir, toinen Samuel Beckettin näytelmän Huomenna hän tulee päähahmoista, käyttää pääosin lyhyitä repliikkejä. Eräässä pisimmistä vuorosanoistaan hän intoutuu toteamaan: ”Kysymys on siitä, mitä me teemme täällä. Ja saamme olla... more
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      Critical TheoryEducational TechnologyE-learningHistory of Education
Dit onderzoek handelt over het vraagstuk van onttovering. De onttovering van de wereld heeft een verlies aan zin en gemeenschap veroorzaakt. Omdat zowel zingeving als gemeenschapsvorming een noodzakelijk onderdeel vormen van een gezonde... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophical AnthropologyHistory of ReligionPostmodernism
Ο δυτικός τρόπος ζωής, διαμορφωμένος από πολυποίκιλους παράγοντες ανά τους αιώνες, έχει καταστήσει τη Δύση ένα κόσμο επιλογών τρόπου ζωής μεταξύ πολλών. Συγκεκριμένα, παρά τα πολλά κοινωνικά προβλήματα που εμφανίζονται, ο δυτικός κόσμος... more
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      Cultural StudiesAsian StudiesPhilosophyCultural Psychology
A redução do cultural ao visual parece hoje sustentar uma crítica negativa da imagem. Crítica essa que, ancorada na ideia de uma pretensa impotência da palavra perante a ascensão das formas imagéticas, tende a assumir, muitas das vezes,... more
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      Cultural PhilosophyPhenomenology (of Perception), Picture Theory, Photography
According to Antonio Negri, one may recognize the modern culture with hegemonizing power of the Empire or the superstate which is a mutual symbiosis of liberal democracy and modern capitalism. On the one hand the Empire attempts to... more
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    • Cultural Philosophy
A tanulmány elsődleges célja a kortárs német gloablizációs diskurzus Peter Sloterdijk nevéhez kötődő kultúrafilozófiai paradigmájának vizsgálata a filozófus három térpoétikai modellje segítségével. Az egyes modellek a globalizáció... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyPeter SloterdijkDostoevsky
Es propósito de este texto el disertar la posibilidad de establecer una cartografía de las estructuras para-lelas, de la polis paralela y de otra cultura. Esto es, una cartografía intersticial. No equidistante como en el caso del mapa y... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural Heritage ManagementCultural Philosophy
Avec une préface de Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Ce premier tome issue d'une thèse de doctorat à l'EHESS (1998, dir. d'études Cornelius Castoriadis) traite du passage du corps anatomique sexué aux rapports sociaux des sexes/genres. Il s'agit d'un... more
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      Feminist TheoryCornelius CastoriadisCultural Philosophy
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophy of CultureErnst CassirerCulture Theory
In this short essay I argue that Kendrick Lamar's work Untitled Unmastered appeals to a formless theory of art in relation to the culture that exalts it. It is thus able to carry a strong message of critique and reflection without... more
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      PhilosophyArt TheoryGeorges BatailleImmanuel Kant
Texte présenté lors du Colloque International ´De quoi rêvent les Européens ? 17-18 janvier 2013, Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Paris. Quand nous pensons la relation entre l'identité européenne et le projet d'unité politique nous ne... more
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      European StudiesPolitical PhilosophyIdentity (Culture)Philosophy of History
Notes and Bibliography for my Foucauldian Genealogy of Nature Paper
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural StudiesSocial Theory
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesCultural Philosophy
Arthur Cardoso de Andrade im Interview mit Swantje Martach [German Version]
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      AestheticsTeratologyEveryday AestheticsThe Other