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Is the primary function of an educator to elucidate and convey their own knowledge? French philosopher Jacques Rancière demonstrates that an incidental experiment by Joseph Jacotot presents an alternative paradigm: the ignorant... more
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      EducationPhilosophy of EducationRanciereContinental Philosophy
This article aims at contrasting salient ideas of Ludwig Wittgentstein’s Tractatus logico- philosophicus with some theoretical insights that are prevalent in the academic field of social sciences. Many of these have adopted the form of... more
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      SociologyEpistemologyAnálisis del DiscursoSalient
Hegel insists that the category 'nature', expressed in relation to the ideal of aesthetic beauty, is not nature as such but a supplementary deviation coloured by the subjective position from which this 'nature' is posited. We cannot... more
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      Louis AlthusserStructuralism/Post-StructuralismStructuralism (Philosophy)French philosophy
Jacques Rancière ile Röportaj, 82-99
Entretien avec Jacques Rancière
Şilan Kesler
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      Jacques RancièreJacques Ranciere
(Çeviri) İnsan Onuru Kavramı ve İnsan Haklarının Gerçekçi Ütopyası, 47-65 The Concept Of Human Dignity and the Realistic Utopia of Human Rights Görkem Birinci (Çeviri) Direniş, 66-73... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismHuman RightsPolitical Science
Demokratie ist eine sich immer wieder neu und aus sich selbst heraus entwickelnde Praxis. Was aber könnte handlungsorientierendes Wissen für eine solche demokratische Praxis bieten? Christian Leonhardt gibt hierauf eine... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical TheoryAnarchismJacques Ranciere
Çeviriye esas alınan röportaj, Éditions Association Le Lisible et l'illisible tarafından yayımlanan ve çoğunlukla felsefe ve düşünce tarihi alanında makalelere yer veren Le Philosophoire dergisinin 2000 yılındaki 3. sayısında (2000/3-13.... more
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      Jacques RancièreMichel FoucaultAntonio NegriBourdieu
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      LiteratureLiterary TheoryLiterature and PoliticsMaurice Blanchot
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    • Aesthetics and Democracy
El presente trabajo propone generar una serie de reflexiones sobre cómo opera la autoridad en los aparatos del Estado, y cuáles son sus efectos en las prácticas, instituciones, discursos y disciplinas que se colocan como instrumentos del... more
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      AlthusserAnálisis del DiscursoFilosofía PolíticaMichel Pêcheux
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A ideia desse texto, é traçar as relações possíveis entre os livros A literatura nazista na América e La vida de los hombres infames, escritos respectivamente, por Roberto Bolaño e Michel Foucault. Nessas duas escrituras, os autores... more
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Mehmet Akkaya'nın üsyapılar hakkındaki düşünceleri eleştiriliyor.
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      MarxismMarxist theoryMarksizmSuperstructure
Marksizm'e dair kısa bir yazıdır.
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      MarxismMaterialismMarxist theoryDialectical Materialism
L’histoire des hérésies et de leur répression par l’Inquisition tient une place de premier plan dans l’œuvre de Jean-Louis Biget, non seulement parce qu’un tiers environ de ses publications y ont été consacrées, mais aussi et surtout... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriographyInquisition
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    • Art
Bu yazıda yabancılaşma ve “insanın üretimi” kavramlarını Marksist teorinin gündemine taşıyan düşünürlerden Henri Lefebvre’in Diyalektik Materyalizm (Le Matérialisme Dialectique) isimli kitabı incelenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, düşünürün... more
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    • Sosyal Teori
Participation politique et mise à l'épreuve de la communauté démocratique. 9h30-12h00 : De la participation politique à la désignation du dèmos et de la communauté égalitaire. Panel présidé par Javier Bassas Vila.
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      Political PhilosophyJacques RancièreDemocracyJacques Ranciere
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      PlatoThomas S. KuhnGeorg SimmelPaul Klee
Öz: Bu makalede Louis Althusser’in felsefesi bağlamında ideolojilerin kurucu kategorisi olan özne kategorisinden bahsedilmiştir. Althusser’e göre öznesiz bir ideolojiden bahsetmek söz konusu değildir. Bu sebepten Althusser’in ideolojisini... more
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The purpose of this work is to reflect on the effects that the dynamics of capital present to forms of social relationship, such as love. It is argued that, through the market and the consumption of goods and services, processes of... more
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Building on my previous exploration of the role of dance in the contemporary French political philosopher Jacques Rancière's Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art, first published in French in 2011, the present essay turns to... more
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      Film StudiesDance StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
Partiendo de mi exploración previa sobre el papel de la danza en la obra del filósofo político francés contemporáneo Jacques Rancière en su libro Aisthesis, publicado por primera vez en francés en 2011, el presente ensayo se centra en... more
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      Dance StudiesCommunismJacques RancièreCapitalism
A popular view of contemporary New Zealand politics is that it is devoid of ‘religious’ dynamics, but the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic showed that religious ideals, cosmological paradigms, doctrinal discourses, and... more
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      IconographyNew Zealand StudiesDisaster StudiesSovereignty
Cette contribution vise à jeter la lumière sur l'«affaire Gilles Mersault». Ce dernier était un propagandiste hussite originaire de Tournai qui fut arrêté dans cette ville à la mi-mars 1423 après y avoir disséminé un tract hussite. Par la... more
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      Medieval FlandersHeresy and InquisitionMedieval TownsTournai
Dans Cahiers critiques de philosophie Cahiers critiques de philosophie 2022/1 (n°24) 2022/1 (n°24), pages 135 à 145 Éditions Hermann Hermann
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      PolíticaMiguel AbensourUtopía
Şilan Kesler , (Türkçe Çeviri / Turkish Translation), Christophe BOUTON Çeviren: Şilan Kesler Récit, événement, sujet: La théorie de l’histoire de Jacques Rancière, pp.7-28 Doi : Elif... more
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      Jacques RancièreJacques RanciereCarl SchmittCarl Schmitt (Political Science)
La teoría de la hegemonía y la concepción discursiva de la política permiten romper con la forma esencialista de entender el concepto de homogeneidad. Así, es posible concebirlo como un mito político sostenido sobre una construcción... more
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      Political PhilosophyHumanitiesPolitical TheorySovereignty
Anketa mezi signatáři a signatářkami Otevřeného dopisu ministru kultury ve věci udržitelnosti a nerůstu v kultuře o tom, jak by měl podle nich nerůst v kultuře vypadat.
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      Theatre and Eco-criticismDeGrowthSociology of the Theatre
Marksist Düşünce Sözlüğü
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      MarxismMarxist theoryMarxism (Political Science)Marksizm
Publicado en el dossier temático “Literatura, migración y transnacionalismo en América Latina (siglo XXI)”, coordinado por Tatiana Calderón Le Joliff y Carlos Yushimito del Valle para la revista Pléyade.... more
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      Migración centroamericanaLiteratura Comparada (Comparative Literature)FronteraLiteratura mexicana
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      Russian PoetryPoetry and PoeticsTheory of Proper Names
Bu yazıda "Tarihî Materyalizmin İzinde" yola devam eden Perry Anderson düşüncesi analiz edilmiştir. Anderson'ın temel görüşlerini simgelediği düşünülen başlıca yapıtlar üstünde durularak, onun geniş entelektüel dünyasına ulaşılmaya... more
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    • Humanities
Heft 30 der Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft ist ein Glossar, ein unvollständiges und undiszi- pliniertes Wörterbuch, das auf Erweiterbarkeit angelegt ist. Unter 52 Lemmata versammelt es in alphabetischer Reihenfolge kurze Beiträge von... more
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      Herman MelvilleFlexibility and the new forms of (work) organizationBartlebyOffice Management and Technology
Çeviri çalışmalarım sırasında bilgeliğiyle yolu aydınlatan, en zorlandığım anlarda önerileriyle katkıda bulunan Google Translate babaya teşekkürü borç bilirim. Onun dahi, "valla bi'şey anlamadım" dediği bir veya iki (uzun) cümle dışında... more
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      Michel FoucaultKarl Marx
Jacques Rancière, filósofo francês, é reconhecido como uma figura influente na filosofia contemporânea. Sua obra central, "A partilha do sensível" (2000/2009), aborda a interseção entre política e estética, introduzindo o conceito de... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPoliticsJacques Rancière
The question of aesthetics in film-theoretical discourse today is split between, on the one hand, a film-phenomenological or “filmosophical” approach that values the putatively immanent relation between film and the mind and, on the... more
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      Film TheoryRancierePhilosophy of FilmFilm-Philosophy
Este ensaio argumenta que a imaginação histórica do romance Foe (1987), de J. M. Coetzee, extrapola a noção de metaficção histórica. Mostra que o entrelaçamento entre o literário e o histórico reside na ficção de um futuro do passado,... more
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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a perspectiva dos direitos a partir do dissenso de Jacques Rancière. Apesar de seu potencial de resistência, os direitos humanos têm sido instrumentalizados como formas de classificação e hierarquização... more
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      Jacques RancièreFilosofía PolíticaDireitos HumanosIgualdade
Este trabalho busca mostrar, a partir de vários exemplos selecionados, como a obra em prosa do escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño, especialmente o romance 2666, ecoa linhas de pensamento desenvolvidas em ensaios do filósofo alemão Walter... more
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      FascismLatin American literatureFrankfurt SchoolRomance
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são acusados, por parte da crítica, de escreverem mal. Ambos exerciam a função de colunistas de jornal como meio de amparar a família. Esta dupla jornada, a dedicação às artes e, ao mesmo tempo, à sobrevivência, suscita a discussão sobre... more
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      MythologyInstitutionNewspaperThe Arts
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      SociologyArchitecturePoliticsArt and Politics
Criticar os dispositivos biopolíticos convocadores das sociedades de controle não significa cair num determinismo apocalíptico. A partir de Didi-Huberman e Rancière, pensaremos, na trilha benjaminiana, o conceito de imagem dialética, a... more
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Desde hace mas de medio siglo en las teorias de la politica y al interior del gran campo de la ciencia politica, el termino democracia esta disponible para hablar de la construccion y tramitacion de los asuntos comunes. Sin embargo,... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesJacques RanciereChantal Mouffe
Desde hace mas de medio siglo en las teorias de la politica y al interior del gran campo de la ciencia politica, el termino democracia esta disponible para hablar de la construccion y tramitacion de los asuntos comunes. Sin embargo,... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesJacques RanciereChantal Mouffe
Firstly, I would like to thank Associate Professor Charles Green, who facilitated my entry into the PhD program at Melbourne University and directed my anxious research toward this rigorous structure. I am particularly grateful for his... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArtContemporary Art
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      Historia Literatury PolskiejLiteratura Polska