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This thesis uses the psychodinamics of work approach to think the relations between health and work and the implications of the relation between organization of the work, management and worker, involving the intersubjectivity concept. It... more
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      Work and Organizational PsychologyPsicologia do TrabalhoSaúde e Segurança no TrabalhoPsychodynamics of work and organisations
This article explores, through a case study, the impact of a how a leader takes up his role in the organisation, its relevance to the particular stage in the organisational life cycle, and the ability or readiness of the leader to adapt... more
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      LeadershipCulturePsychodynamics of work and organisationsOrganizational Dynamics
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
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      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyApplied Psychology
This paper will use a psychodynamic lens to examine the policies of current and past Australian governments on the treatment of asylum seekers who have reached, and attempted to reach, Australia by boat. The paper contends that the... more
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      SocioanalysisAsylum seekersPsychodynamics of work and organisationsBoat People
Vocational guidance and counseling and vocational choice in particular becomes a topical research problem, due to the increased youth unemployment's levels in the last few decades on the one hand, and on the other – dropping out of... more
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      Career Guidance CounselingVocational PsychologyPsychodynamics of work and organisations
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      Organizational PsychologyPsychoanalysisOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Development
What the workers should resign in order to adapt themselves to the demands imposed by the organization of work? In this paper, of an essayistic and critical approach, we propose to establish an interface between the... more
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      PsychoanalysisTourism StudiesArtTourism
Il n'existe pas beaucoup de connaissances concernant le parcours professionnel des femmes noires diplômées et l'approche de la psychodynamique du travail permet de construire des connaissances sur leur vécu de la discrimination dans le... more
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      Social PsychologySelf and IdentitySociology of WorkSocial Identity
O texto apresenta e discute experiências de clínica do trabalho e da ação realizadas no Rio de Janeiro, utilizando como ponto de partida e eixo de discussões a questão “como escutar clinicamente as situações de trabalho?”.... more
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      Clinical PsychologySocial PsychologyWork and Organizational PsychologyPhilosophy of Life
Michael Keaton is just eerily perfect as the steely-eyed devourer of dreams and, possibly, the most potent symbol of the capitalistic mindset, ever.
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      BusinessReal EstateCultural HistorySociology
Supporting IAPT is often storied as simple common sense. How, after all, could one oppose a programme that has offered previously unavailable therapy to thousands? The assumption is that IAPT has revealed a hitherto unrecognised ‘ill’... more
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      Mental HealthPsychotherapy and CounselingNHSPsychodynamics of work and organisations
Neke ključne stvari koje treba znati o emocijama-a koje mogu bitno zakomplikovati život na poslu Za četiri decenije rada sa ljudima uvideo sam da se najmanje 50% "težine posla" i stresa na poslu dešavaju ne zbog opterećenja koje stvara... more
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      PsychologyEmotional intelligenceCoaching (Education)Executive Coaching
Prikaza executive coaching rada sa klijentkinjom uz analizu procesa
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      PsychoanalysisCoaching (Education)Executive CoachingOrganisational Psychology
Je cherche à construire des connaissances sur le parcours professionnel des femmes noires diplômées et leur vécu de la discrimination dans le travail. J'ai commencé à m’intéresser à cette question en 2007. Ce mémoire de M2 Recherche... more
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      Sociology of WorkDiscriminationOccupational PsychologyRacial and ethnic discrimination
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    • Psychodynamics of work and organisations
From John Maynard Keynes’s prediction of a fifteen-hour workweek to present-day speculation about automation, we have not stopped forecasting the end of work. Critical theory and political philosophy have turned their attention away from... more
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      Critical TheoryManagementWorkplace BullyingWork and Labour
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapyHistory Of PsychoanalysisPhilosophy of Psychoanalysis
With reference to your reading this year, explain what you understand by the psychoanalytic term the Unconscious. Illustrate and evaluate this, demonstrating your understanding of it with reference to a well-known piece of literature (a... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisPhilosophyArt History
En este trabajo se intentan pensar algunas conexiones teóricas que podrían establecerse entre la teoría del trabajo de Chiristophe Dejours y la teoría del reconocimiento de Axel Honneth, en particular con la forma de reconocimiento... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychodynamics of work and organisationsChristophe Dejours
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      Organizational PsychologyPsychoanalysisLegitimacy and AuthoritySelf and Identity
On Hyvän toveruuden kilvan juhlavuosi! Jo kuuden vuosikymmenen ajan oppilaat ovat saaneet äänestää keskuudestaan luokkatoverin, joka on ansainnut Hymypoikatai Hymytyttö-veistoksen. Palkinnon saaja on saanut luokkatovereiltaan... more
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      Group DynamicsWilfred BionPsychodynamics of work and organisationsRyhmädynamiikka
One of the most vexing questions in contemporary political philosophy and social theory concerns the framework within which to undertake a normatively well-grounded, empirically attuned critique of capitalist society. This volume takes... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of WorkPhilosophical AnthropologyCapitalism
Workplace mobbing is a global phenomenon with a complex and multicausal nature. This concept refers to violent behaviors which aim to humiliate, exclude and cause psychological damage to an individual or group in the work environment.... more
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      PSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS AT WORKWork and Mental HealthWork and Organizational PsychologyMobbing
This paper will use a psychodynamic lens to examine the policies of current and past Australian governments on the treatment of asylum seekers who have reached, and attempted to reach, Australia by boat. The paper contends that the... more
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      HistorySocioanalysisAsylum seekersPsychodynamics of work and organisations
Ergologia e Broadcasting: análise do trabalho de manutenção e suporte em televisão Ergología y Radiodifusión: análisis del trabajo de mantenimiento y soporte en televisión Ergologie et Broadcasting: analyse des travaux de maintenance... more
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      Television StudiesPSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS AT WORKWork and Organizational PsychologyBroadcasting
Несмотря на повышение внимания экономической и управленческой теории к теме эмоций и влияния эмоций на поведение индивида в организации и экономике в це-лом, роль эмоций как фактора, вмешивающегося в рациональность, остается ско-рее... more
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    • Psychodynamics of work and organisations
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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      Psychodynamics of work and organisationsIgnatian Spirituaiity
Understanding and evaluating human qualities at the hearth of managerial and leadership skills is one of the most intricate and challenging issues to be faced by both Organizational Psychology and H.R. Professionals
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyClinical Psychology
Feedback welcomed, and appreciated, re this paper still in progress . . .
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      Cultural HistorySociologyCultural StudiesPsychology
How did the French Revolution change ordinary lives? "Bureaucrats and Bourgeois Society" asks this question in relation to office clerks working in Parisian administrations. Under new masters, these clerks faced radical changes to work... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryFrench HistorySociology of Work
Psychoanalysis has both been enriched and suffered from an increasing diversity of theory since its Freudian inception over a century ago. This paper starts to think about the problem of how much of that diversity is useful, and how much... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysis
Clinical and literary examples from Othello and The Comfort of Strangers are used to look at the unconscious spoiling of the enjoyment of mutual giving and receiving - of generosity - in intimate relationships - commencing with the... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
L'ambition de cet article est d'éclairer le quotidien professionnel de cadres équipés en TIC: nous y interrogeons particulièrement le lien entre santé au travail et pratiques des artefacts communicants. À partir d'un double regard, à la... more
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      Health PsychologyCommunicationOrganizational CommunicationDigital Media
Neste artigo procuramos promover uma reflexão crítica acerca da articulação entre a dinâmica da terceirização e processos de subjetivação. Para tal, apresentamos os resultados qualitativos de uma pesquisa que tinha como objetivo principal... more
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      Psychodynamics of work and organisationsPsicodinâmica do TrabalhoPrecarização do TrabalhoJob Precariousness
Explores Melanie Klein's ideas re the child's acquisition of emotional knowledge, and how we get to know other people. Thomas Hardy's "The Woodlanders" is used to illustrate the different ways that we gain emotional knowledge of others,... more
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      British LiteratureSociologyPsychologyClinical Psychology
The increasing inclusion of the deaf in higher education requires actions that contribute to the learning process. In this scenario, the Brazilian Sign Language Interpreter (LIBRAS) enables communication between deaf students, teachers... more
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      Work and Organizational PsychologyPsicologia do TrabalhoPsychodynamics of work and organisationsBrazilian Sign Language - Libras
Celovitost objekta smo nazvali "lepak psihe". To je sposobnost koja nas čini sposobnim da opažamo kompleksnost ljudi, pojava, sebe, i procesa rada. Da taj proces doživimo kao celinu. Nesposobnost održavanja celovitosti objekta dovodi do... more
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      PsychoanalysisWork and LabourObject RelationsPsychodynamics of work and organisations
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how maternity doctors deal with anxieties generated through their interactions with patients. Design/methodology/approach – The authors juxtapose two critical stories, collected as part of... more
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      PsychoanalysisExistential PsychologyAnxietyPsychodynamics of work and organisations
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyEmotion
Increasing amount of work is performed today in geographically dispersed team settings that transcend the boundaries of time, space, culture, and territory. An in-depth comprehension of the complexities involved in leading and managing... more
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      PsychoanalysisCommunicationVirtual CommunitiesHermeneutic Phenomenology
The theme of this essay is how to engage with unconscious dynamics in our analysis of institutions. The essay clarifies the ways in which the unconscious influences institutional structures and organizational practices, and this is the... more
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      Institutional TheoryPsychodynamics of work and organisations
The literature on the lived experience of being female or male is as copious as it is diverse. There are different theoretical frameworks that offer varying theoretical accounts or understandings of masculinity and femininity. When one... more
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      EthicsFeminist TheoryMarxismFeminist Philosophy
This article explores, through a case study, the impact of a how a leader takes up his role in the organisation, its relevance to the particular stage in the organisational life cycle, and the ability or readiness of the leader to adapt... more
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      Psychodynamics of work and organisationsOrganizational DynamicsSystems Psychodynamics
Abstract shown in the journal article. Please note that "the frame problem" is a general challenge in AI/robotics as well as in computational neurobiology. Broadly speaking, as a robot drives outside of a familiar space, like a... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyEmotion
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      PsychoanalysisOrganizational LearningWisdomOrganizational Identity