Recent papers in Karaim
Zachowany w rękach prywatnych diariusz trocki opracowany z okazji wizyty w Trokach prezydenta Ignacego Mościckiego przez przedstawicieli władz samorządowych jest cennym dokumentem życia społecznego miasta, w tym społeczności karaimskiej,... more
For a long time Peringer’s short passage (Gen 1:1--3) was the oldest known text written in Western Karaim and it has justly received substantial attention in the scholarly literature. Nevertheless, Peringer’s quotation of Genesis 1–3 has... more
This book is a concise grammar of Western Karaim, which can be used also as an academic coursebook.
This paper is a critical edition of Jehoszafat Kapłanowski’s (a Trakai-born Karaim-speaking Odessan) two letters written in Hebrew script that were sent in 1868 to Lutsk. The critical apparatus that accompanies the transcription and... more
What do Jews think scripture is? How do Jews view the anthology they variously call Tanakh, Miqra or “the Bible? Until now, no book has surveyed the answers Jews through the ages have given to these questions. This is the more surprising,... more
This monograph presents the contents of a Crimean Karaim manuscript of Samuel, son of rabbi Kohen in the second half of the nineteenth century, namely in 1876 with short fragments copied in 1875 and 1879. The manuscripts of this type are... more
VIII. yüzyılda Anan ben David tarafından kurulan Karai mezhebi, Orta Çağ’da büyük bir coğrafya da hüküm süren Hazar İmparatorluğu egemenliğinde en parlak dönemini yaşamıştır. Talmudist İbranilerin karşısında olan Karailer, Hahamların... more
Conversion to a religion usually has a positive impact on the written culture of a given community. The conversion may or may not result in the adoption of a new writing system. In the Turkic world, we find examples for both cases. The... more
The work presents – as far as is now possible – the language spoken by Lutsk Karaims in the second half of the 19th and in the first two decades of the 20th centuries. This is attempted by means of editing 16 letters written in Lutsk... more
In this article two manuscripts are compared: the oldest known Western Karaim and the oldest known Eastern Karaim translation of Biblical texts — both found by the present author. These texts are juxtaposed with the Eupatorian printed... more
This volume offers the first comprehensive study on the history of Middle Western Karaim dialects. The author provides a systematic description of sound changes dating from the 17th–19th-centuries and reconstructs their absolute- and... more
The role of the grammatical cases’ category expressing the relationships between the nouns and other words, especially verbs, within the word groups and sentences is very important in the agglutinative languages. The number and functions... more
This paper provides a brief review of the manuscripts originating from the Crimea and constituting a part of the collection of Karaite manuscripts assembled in the 1950s and 1960s by the Turkologist Józef Sulimowicz. An inventory list... more
The report gives a summary of the talks presented at a workshop on Karaim studies which took place in November 2010 at the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University. The report also contains a selective list of the... more
A Krím félsziget kedvező földrajzi helyzetének köszönhetően mindig is vonzó területnek számított a különböző népcsoportok számára. A történelem folyamán számos nép lakta (az ókorban többek között szkíták, szarmaták, görögök, gótok, hunok,... more
В статье рассматриваются разные точки этнической истории караимов, специфические особенности их языка и религии. The article discusses different points of the ethnic history of the Karaites, the specific features of their language and... more
This article is an attempt to establish the time-frame and relative chronology of the š > s and ö, ü > e, i changes that occurred in south-western Karaim. The sample material used for the present article comes from Halych Karaim... more
Kayrat BELEK 111-128 9 SÖZLÜKLERİN ORTAYA ÇIKIŞIYLA İLGİLİ TEORİLER ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME An Analysis on Theories about the Emergence of Dictionaries Pelin KOCAPINAR 129-141 10 KARAYCADAKİ ALINTI KELİMELER The Loanwords in Karaim... more
Karaim Turkic, which is classified geographically amongst the Northwestern group of Turkic dialects and within the Kipchak group in terms of its ethnic structure, is one of the present-day Turkic dialects with dramatically declining... more
The present article is a continuation of a description of manuscript III-73, which contains the earliest known Western Karaim Torah translation (from 1720) along with the North-Western Karaim translation of four books of Ketuvim – more... more
העברית הלשון לחקר עת כתב לה הסמוכים והתחומים התשע"ו א-ב, חוברת ושמונה, שבעים כרך העניינים תוכן ם י ר מ א מ תופעות של ולקסיקליות טקסטואליות משמעויות על קיסטר מנחם 7 לשוניות 21... more
In this article an early Bible translation into north-western Karaim is described. The man-uscript, written in Hebrew script (in its Karaim semi-cursive variant), dates back to 1720 what makes it the oldest western Karaim Bible... more
During more than a century of investigation, northwestern Karaim has been labelled as being consonant-, vowel- and syllable-harmonical. The present paper attempts at summarizing the debate and drawing some conclusions from it. Views of 36... more
This short review-article contains a number of observations regarding the new Crimean Karaim–English dictionary authored by Aqtay and Jankowski (2015) and the state of Crimean Karaim lexicography, as well as remarks on the discussion of... more
On December 12, 2021 the Karaim National and Cultural Association “Fidan” held its third international conference entitled “Issues in the protection of Karaim cultural heritage“, in Sevastopol. Due to the pandemic, the conference had to... more
Sie heißen Achmatowicz, Chazbijewicz und Musatowicz, Besikowitsch oder Firkovičius. Es sind alte Familiennamen aus Osteuropa, von Angehörigen kleiner muslimischer und jüdischer Minderheiten turkstämmiger Herkunft, die bis heute auf dem... more
Sayın okuyucularımızın Enstitümüze gönderdikleri istek yazılarında adresleri ile birlikte posta kod numaralarını da bildirmeleri rica olunur.
Gazi Türkiyat, Güz 2019/25: 253-258
In the first part of this study (Karaim Letters of Jehoszafat Kapłanowski. I. A Critical Edition) a critical edition of two Karaim letters is presented. They were sent in 1868 from Odessa to addressees living Lutsk by a citizen born in... more
Józef Sulimowicz (1913–1973), a Polish Karaite, Turkologist and passionate bibliophile, collected a large number of Karaite manuscripts, books and documents in his lifetime. His collection, which includes items originating from both... more
A considerable part of the Karaim manuscripts stored in the loft of the kenesa in Łuck until the First World War were destroyed during the war and the Russian Revolution in 1917. Luckily for us, some of those manuscripts, mostly private... more
Karaim is oft en treated as an exceptional Kipchak Turkic tongue in which certain, otherwise widespread Turkic verbal constructions are not present. Philological discoveries of recent years show, however, that some of these categories did... more
La storia e gli usi della minoranza etnico-religiosa dei caraiti rendono arduo affermare che il giudaismo sia scisso prevalentemente fra ashkenaziti e sefarditi, differenziati dalla provenienza geografica. All'interno del giudaismo... more
A short history of the Karaim language
Karaim Settlements in Villages and Farmsteads around Lutsk The Karaim community in Lutsk appears to have been widely dispersed in the 19 th century and beginning of the 20 th , with its members living not only in the town of Lutsk and its... more
Recent research results have substantially broadened our knowledge regarding existing translations of the Hebrew Bible into Karaim. In the past few years numerous Biblical texts have been discovered that are among the oldest texts written... more