Historical Demography
Recent papers in Historical Demography
Las escasas aportaciones existentes sobre la evolución de la población en Tabasco desde la conquista hasta finales del siglo XVII, sumado a la imposibilidad de aceptar algunos datos y resultados de los trabajos realizados al respecto, nos... more
In controtendenza con gli attuali orientamenti della storiografia italiana sull’Età moderna, questo libro ripropone una ricerca di prima mano su aspetti e problemi di argomento economico e sociale. Esso si segnala inoltre per l’area di... more
Šire bihaćko područje je od središta hrvatskog etničkog prostora u srednjem vijeku, zbog osmanlijske invazije i dugotrajne okupacije postalo u novom vijeku rubno područje na granici velesila, država i različitih civilizacija. Demografske... more
Do dolaska Turaka u Bosnu, a kasnije i u Hercegovinu, migracije su imale lokalni karakter. Život je bio vezan za rodovske i plemenske zajednice. Turska osvajanja su sasvim promijenila prilike. Promjene su i u političkom, društvenom i... more
(Cet exposé n'est qu'une esquisse sans pretention) (This presentation is simply an unpretentious sketch) Métis Unions & Weddings in Quebec; is an analysis of researches conducted from 2006 to 2009 containing the results of genealogical... more
The book contains and present a copy of the Parish Duvno register 1750 -1758, the oldest register in the area of west Herzegovina. It was written in Croatian Cyrillic (from the end of 19th century called Bosanica, later also Bosančica) by... more
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This is an anthology on the current use in Denmark of historical maps within a large number of subject areas and topics. Each of the articles focus on one such area. The book is published electronically within the series of Geoforum... more
The paper is devoted to the study of sex and age structure of the Old Believed population of Kharkiv province. The influence of the features of legal status of Old Believers and the changes of statistics on the sex ratio among registered... more
Aim Our aims were to test whether morphological species of mountain pines were genetically supported in the western part of the distribution range of the Pinus mugo species complex (Pinus mugo Turra sensu lato), to resolve genetically... more
Health status is a key dimension of well-being. This chapter describes long-term trends in life expectancy at birth by combining a wide variety of international databases, while maintaining some coherence in the methods used. In addition,... more
Genealogy and historical demography? Theoretical and practical possibilities of research into the network of social relations, as exemplified by a village in South Bohemia The paper is divided into two parts. The first part summarises... more
Abstract: The paper analyses the developmental cycle of a family household in a chronological perspective, on the example of the village of Gostilje in western part of Serbia. The analysis draws on population censuses of 1849, 1857 and... more
Cтатья посвящена результатам анализа купеческих сказок VI ревизии (1811), которые являются важным источником для изучения исторической демографии. Ревизские сказки содержат информацию о 4069 купеческих семьях, в том числе, о 1696 семьях... more
The world population is now half urban, and this paper examines the growth of the very largest cities in the world mega-cities, that is cities with a population of 10 million and above. The paper then goes on to critique the shifting and... more
Apresenta-se uma caracterização sócio- económica e demográfica do concelho de Loulé em 1699. Transcreve-se também o documento coevo que serviu de base a este estudo.
Die Monographie stellt akademische Geschichtsforschung, demographisches Denken und Bevölkerungswissenschaften in wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontexten dar. Sie analysiert Forschungen und Expertisen zu ‚Volkstumswechsel‘ und... more
Αντικείμενο της μελέτης είναι η εξέλιξη του πληθυσμού στη Λευκάδα τον 19ο αιώνα. Από τη διερεύνηση αυτής της ιστορικής διεργασίας προκύπτουν δύο θεμελιώδη πορίσματα: Πρώτο, η Λευκάδα αντιπροσωπεύει έναν πρώιμο πυρήνα της δημογραφικής... more
Summary Short article in Dutch about epidemics of plague and dysenteria around Breda in the periode 1660-1680. The original version dates from 1973 and was a result of my master thesis for a study in history at the University of Utrecht.... more
The presented paper gives an overview of studies on historical demography and family in early modern Japan. It illustrates the efforts for a new interpretation of Tokugawa early modern period. The paper starts with a description of... more
In 1831, the Ottoman Empire implemented administrative changes, as a result of which, Tayk, one of the provinces of historical Armenia, became a part of the Erzurum Eyalet. Among the regions of Tayk, the Kaza (district) of Kiskim, located... more
In a context of stark opposition between supporters and opponents to the wolf, the extent to which this particular predator is dangerous for humans is still an open question. What lies beneath the negative perception of the wolf? What... more
O estudo visa mostrar a importância dos conhecimentos antropológicos sobre as diferentes sociedades indígenas nas análises de suas dinâmicas demográficas.
I 1743 sende Danske kanselli ut ei spørjeliste med 43 spørsmål om geografiske, økonomiske , historiske og kulturelle forhold. Mottakarane var embetsmenn og geistlege i Noreg. Lista gjekk ut i ein periode der Noreg var prega av uår og... more
"שני מנגנונים שולטים בגודל האוכלוסייה: תוחלת חיים בגילאים שונים ושיעור הפריון". במאמר זה נבחן התפתחות הפריון הכולל בקרב קבוצות האוכלוסייה המתגוררת בארץ ישראל לפי לאום, דת ואזורי ההתיישבות השונים. נשווה את ההתפתחות הזאת עם התפתחות... more
Thilo Sarrazin - Der wissenschaftliche Paradigmenwechsel hinter seinen Sachargumten Dieser Aufsatz von Andreas Vonderach umreißt in einer Dichte wie bislang kein zweiter bekannter deutschsprachiger Aufsatz den wissenschaftlichen... more
This article provides a general chronology of Italian famines, incorporating earlier chronologies as well as recent research on preindustrial mortality crises and covering the whole period from circa 1250 to 1810. Hypotheses about the... more
Hrvoje Petrić student: Tomislav Habdija U Zagrebu, rujan 2014. 14 J. Donald Hughes, Što je povijest okoliša?, Zagreb:Disput, 2011., str 9. (dalje: Hughes: Povijest) 15 Isto, str.10 16 Hrvoje. "Što je povijest okoliša" u Historični seminar... more
This analysis assesses urban mortality change in Imperial Germany, when the country was going through a process of accelerated industrialization and urbanization. Urban mortality reached its peak after the middle of the century,... more
Comunicacao apresentada na Reuniao Cientifica realizada na Faculdade de Humanidades da Universidade de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, 2003.
Cet article s'intéresse aux enfants de Nicolas Lebel, ce pionnier de Nouvelle-France né près de Rouen vers 1633. Le nombre de Québécois actuels qui descendent de ce Normand est estimé à près de deux millions. On découvre toutefois qu'au... more
Introducción on varias las respuestas que se han formulado a la pregunta de qué es la historia y para qué sirve: a conocer algunas de ellas hemos dedicado nuestros primeros años entre los claustros universitarios. No queremos aquí... more
Este texto analisa estratégias e dinâmicas familiares de elites paroquiais no processo de formação do Estado Imperial no Brasil.
"Data on vital events of medieval women are extremely scarce. We use a dataset based on a necrology of nuns in late-medieval Holland to arrive at estimates for the development of life expectancy and mortality. The first study of its kind... more
В статье описана история населения станицы Кособродской за период с 1804 по 1874 гг.
Résumé : L’histoire des populations recèle des métissages anciens que la recherche par ADN parvient aujourd’hui à détecter. Cet article démontre la pertinence de cette méthode pour l’étude de l’Acadie, de son ethnogenèse et de son... more