Most cited papers in Kashubians
The paper relates the results of an ethnolinguistic vitality (ELV) survey among the Kashubs in Poland. The results reveal two interrelated layers of ELV: (1) an individual ELV reflected in language use and shaped by personal experience,... more
West Pomeranian Kashubians and the Polish State in 1918–1939. An Attempt at a New Perspective.
"God out in the field. The iconosphere of the Kashubian shrines" The article focuses on the Kashubian small sacred architecture. Out in the field God has a face of the Blessed Virgin Mary (most of the shrines are dedicated to Mary,... more
The paper is devoted to the development of the nasal vowels in the Kashubian dialect of Strzepcz. Taking modern analyses of their pronunciation in other Kashubian dialects, one can assume that older description are highly outdated. The... more
Przesuwanie się nazwy "Kaszuby" w kierunku wschodnim to powszechnie znany fakt historyczny, jednak znaczenie tego ruchu nie doczekało się stosownego wyjaśnienia. Uważam, że kwestia ta pozostaje nierozwiązana z powodu ograniczeń... more
This article presents current situation of Kashubian language, (Upper)-Silesian dialect and Podhalean dialect of Polish in Poland. The author describes the current status of the above-mentioned ethnolects / regional languages both from... more