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För att förstå hysterin om Putin måste vi titta på Rysslands historia sedan Sovjetunionens upplösning år 1991. När Boris Yeltsin hade tagit makten var en av hans första handlingar att få in en grupp ekonomer från det... more
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      George W Bush adminstrationSt PetersburgNATO-Russian RelationsVladimir Putin
An exposition of the view that the Sceafa or Sceaf (Sheaf) legend, found in Anglo-Saxon chronicles, indicates that the term Viking is derived from the Estonian word vihk, 'sheaf', and the suffix -ing, signifying 'Sheaf's descendants,... more
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The paper analyses a small wodden and painted relief in Castello Sforzesco, MIlano, representing a miracle made by St. Dominic and attributed to the De Donati brothers, two preminent sculptors in Milano at the end of 15th century and... more
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      CremonaCastello SforzescoKievWooden Sculpture
A. Torpusman defends the opinion of the publishers, Norman Golb and Omelyan Pritsak, about the authenticity of the Kievan letter, and objects to the skeptics who regard it as a certified copy of a lost original. In his opinion, the Letter... more
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      EgyptCairo GenizahCairo GenizaJewish community in Bessarabia
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      Old Rus'Vikings in the EastVarangiansKiev
Book review. The file attached is an early unedited version. For the final text and to cite, please see the link from Taylor&Francis above
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyUrban Politics
Als gleichsam gebautes Manifest sowjetischer Geschichtspolitik ist das 1982 eingeweihte Kiewer Denkmal der Völkerfreundschaft eine aktuell sehr umstrittene Hinterlassenschaft. Abb. 1, 2 Auf einem Höhenzug über dem Dnepr gelegen, erhebt es... more
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      Eastern EuropeRussiaUkraineUSSR
An article in The SAGE International Encyclopedia of
Travel and Tourism
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      Eastern European StudiesUkraineKiev
Иванюк С. Крепостные сооружения города Киев в период Великой Северной войны (1700–1721 гг.) // Альманах «Вопросы истории фортификации». № 2. СПб-М.: Изд-во ООО «ИТД «Остров»», 2011. С. 56–64.
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      Military HistoryFortressesGreat Northern WarKiev
Sinaia Monastery has a very old library, with over 300 old books printed between 1564-1830. 30 of them are Slavonic and slavo-romanian. Four titles are from Lviv (Gospel of 1636, Octoih of 1639, The Divine Liturgy of 1646 and Psalter of... more
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      Book Reviewісторія українирецензияKiev