Recent papers in Fortresses
Το Κάστρο Κιμώλου (Χωριό), αποτελεί έναν από τους σπουδαιότερους, αλλά και πιο παραμελημένους οχυρωμένους οικισμούς των Κυκλάδων. Η παρούσα εργασία περιλαμβάνει πληροφορίες για την ίδρυση και τη μορφή του Κάστρου. Στην εργασία αυτή... more
INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: Egypto-Levantine relations have varied from the Neolithic through Persian periods, ranging from overland and maritime commerce, diplomatic missions, emigrants, imperial expansion, and alliances, while at other... more
Preserving historic building is crucial to retain national heritage and history. It is not just that, preservation of historic building will lead to social, economic, and environmental benefits. It will increase the property value as well... more
This is an anthology on the current use in Denmark of historical maps within a large number of subject areas and topics. Each of the articles focus on one such area. The book is published electronically within the series of Geoforum... more
Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc Historia de una forta leza La Ergástula, Madrid, 2014 270 páginas; 25 euros Ediciones La Ergástula publica la primera traducción al castellano del 1 ibro Histoired'unefortresse, aparecido originalmente en... more
Engravings Depicting the Polotsk Campaign in 1579 as a Homogeneous Cartographic Composition Th e paper presents seven plans of fortresses (Polotsk, Sokil, Kazyany, Krasne, Turovla, Susza and Sitno) and a map of the principality of Polotsk... more
Kniha vyšla v Petrohradu roku 1984 / The book was published in St. Petersburg in 1984.
Коллективная монография: Албазинский острог: История, археология, антропология народов Приамурья / отв. ред. А.П. Забияко, А.Н. Черкасов., 2019. Albazin fortress: History, archeology, anthropology of the peoples of the Amur region.... more
The Bastion Fortress in Olomouc and the Phenomenon of Fortification Bricks This contribution discusses fortification bricks found in Olomouc from a less‑usual angle. It points out their importance as the building material of the local... more
Zusammenfassung Vydání publikace bylo podpořeno Ministerstvem kultury České republiky z programu Podpora projektů zaměřených na poskytování standardizovaných služeb muzeí a galerií.
On one of the highest rocky ledges above the Reka River, just a few kilometers from Famlje Village and near Škocjan Caves, Školj Castle is today one of the less known castles in Slovenia. For more than a century the castle is abandoned.... more
Célébré pendant des générations d’Égyptiens, vénéré à l’égal d’un dieu après sa mort, Sésostris III fut considéré par ses successeurs comme le modèle même du souverain égyptien. Ce très grand homme d’État perçut la nécessité de contrôler... more
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Charles Gates (Bilkent Univ. Archaeo)
"Fanno il deserto e lo chiamano pace." Così lo storico Tacito descrive i legionari di Roma, espressione rapace di uno Stato in espansione. In effetti, nell'immaginario collettivo, l'esercito romano rappresenta una compatta, inarrestabile... more
The Drachenfels (Dragon's Rock) in the Siebengebirge uplands between Königswinter and Bad Honnef in Germany. The hill is located in the North Rhine-Westphalia area. History The ruined castle Burg Drachenfels, on the summit of the hill,... more
The early history of the Gherla Fortress, located on the right bank of the Someșul Mic River, next to the main road leading to Cluj-Napoca, is closely intertwined with the fortress of Bálványos, which is about 15 km away as the crow... more
Obiekty architektury obronnej należą do najbardziej trwałych, materialnych świadectw działań wojennych. Ich powstanie z kolei jest emanacją obowiązujących w chwili podjęcia decyzji o budowie założeń doktryny wojennej państw. Z uwagi na... more
This paper presents some of the information obtained during the archaeological surveys carried out in 2019 in the stately fortress known as Torre de Isso, located in the municipality of Hellín (Albacete). These fieldworks have attempted... more
Kniha vyšla v roce 1986 v Praze / The book was published in 1986 in Prague.
"Contibutions to the Construction History of the Citadel of Braşov The present contribution aims to enrich our knowledge regarding the construction history of the Citadel of Braşov by exploiting new historical evidence on the subject.... more
Kniha vyšla roku 1981 v Praze / Books published in 1981 in Prague.
В работе исследуются бойницы в башнях шести памятников русского военного зодчества конца XV – первой трети XVI в.: Новгородского, Московского, Нижегородского, Тульского, Коломенского и Зарайского кремлей. Автор предлагает собственную... more
Heritage tourism in Oman is one of the main pillars of tourism in all of the tourism strategies that have been set in the last 10 years by the government of Oman. As the forts in Oman date back hundreds of years, the importance of... more
7 I libri dell'entrata e dell'uscita della repubblica di Siena detti del Camarlingo e dei quattro provveditori della Biccherna. Libro terzo (anno 1230), Siena 1915 (d'ora in avanti Biccherna III), pp. 185, 200, 212. 8 Quattro interi... more
This paper examines what it is possible to say about who commanded the non-Italian, auxiliary troops which frequently served in the armies of the Roman Republic. The discussion is restricted to land forces, looking firstly at the evidence... more
Kniha byla vydána roku 1983 v Praze / The book was published in 1983 in Prague.
The study seeks to highlight the main characteristics of the organization of the military construction sites in 16th-century Transylvania related to the recruitment of labour force (military engineers and architects, skilled craftsmen and... more
Sieben Wochen lang hatten die deutschen und ungarischen Verteidiger im eingeschlossenen Budapest den Angriffen sowjetischer und rumänischer Verbände standgehalten. Doch schließlich wurden sie im westlichen Stadtteil Buda auf engem Raum... more
The fortresses of the Peloponnese played a significant role during the Greek Revolution. They were main defensive positions, shelters for those escaping violence, and places of negotiation between the Ottoman forces and the Greek... more
cartographic history of Melilla
Abstract: The paper describes the development of small heritage towns, fortifications and their wealth as the real heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the description of selected examples of fortifications, the paper... more
"Fortifications in the Lusatian culture hill-forts constitute an excellent proof of the progress the people of that culture made in building. Building fortifications was a complicated and complex enterprise, requiring immense resources.... more