Vladimir Putin
Recent papers in Vladimir Putin
This article argues that accounts of the Russian media system that tend to view the time from Vladimir Putin’s rise to power in 2000 as a single homogenous period do not capture major qualitative shifts in state-controlled media coverage.... more
L’intento di questo lavoro è presentare un quadro che sia il più completo possibile nell’analizzare il percorso dell’Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche dalla sua nascita, nel 1922, fino al suo crollo, nel 1991 e,... more
Russian World 2.0 and Putin's Spirituality religioninpraxis.com/russian-world-2-0-and-putins-spirituality In my publications since 2014, I have repeatedly stressed that the first wave of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine was... more
The Syrian war will allow Russia to recover its naval presence in the Mediterranean. The Russian Navy will have more facilities at the same time that the Chinese Navy will appear in this scenario. This new situation will give us a new... more
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
Why is so little known about the KGB career of Russia's acting President Vladimir Putin? Most reporting on both sides of the Atlantic is thinly sourced, if sourced at all, and often conflicting. Was Putin a professional foreign... more
Bibliographic outline of the following book:
GESSEN, Masha (2012). The Man Without a Face-The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin. Riverhead Books, 322 pp.
GESSEN, Masha (2012). The Man Without a Face-The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin. Riverhead Books, 322 pp.
In The History of Ukraine, Paul Kubicek takes on the daunting task of covering roughly thirteen centuries of Ukrainian history in just 180 pages. The book contains ten concise chapters, as well as a chronology, bibliographical essay, and... more
В 1996 р. Чеська Республіка вступила до НАТО, а ще через шість років – до Євросоюзу. Ці два головні чинники привели до формування у чехів враження, ніби вони живуть в цілком безпечному просторі, що їхню свободу та демократію вже не... more
Cold War was the way of life between the Soviet Union and the West for many years. Since the war was not actual, battles were fought in buffer countries, sports arenas and last but not least in the media. Many today might still remember... more
In an age where nothing seems clear-cut it is wonderful to have a hero and an even clearer villain. Putin is the new Hitler, an obsessive maniac with no respect for human life. The Ukrainians, by contrast, remind us of our parents and... more
The crisis in Ukraine, which began in 2013, has had significant implications for European security. Cristian Nitoiu identifies three perceived security threats implied by developments in Ukraine and how these threats may develop in future... more
Kreml og det russiske propagandamaskineriet beskriver annekteringen av Krim som et trekk for å beskytte etniske russere, og den pågående konflikten i Øst-Ukraina som en borgerkrig. Man kan ikke være lenger unna sannheten.
Hat die derzeitige politische Ordnung in Russland mittel- und langfristig Bestand? Die fundamentale Herausforderung der Fortexistenz des heutigen kleptokratischen Regimes Russlands in den kommenden Jahren wird das Zusammenfallen zweier... more
Analysis of the tension in the Putin-Medvedev tandem and the reasons to think that Putin has used the selection and election of Medvedev as part of his own scenario of power.
May 21, 2021 Cambridge Central Asia Forum in collaboration with the Centre of
Development Studies and GCRF COMPASS Project, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK
Development Studies and GCRF COMPASS Project, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UK
The forum was the largest event on econom cs n the post-pandem c world. 13,500 part c pants from 141 countr es attended the forum. 43 m n sters from fore gn nat ons, 93 d plomats (84 of wh ch were top ambassadors) part c pated alongs de 9... more
For strategic reasons and to maximise profits, industry-sponsored clinical drug trials on human subjects are increasingly off shored in developing and emerging countries, including Russia. In Russia European and American pharmaceutical... more
In political science an accent on individuals (political leaders) in researching politics is neither popular nor advocated one. In authoritarian countries like Russia or China, however, political leaders and their personalities are a... more
Tracing the political development of the Chechen Republic since its secessionist movement in the 1990s, this essay illustrates that the Islamic republic has been gradually pacified and stabilized by unpeaceful means: Authoritarian... more
Summary (in Swedish)
1) Efter Sovjetunionens upplösning
2) 1990-talets ekonomiska kris
3) Ryska stormaktsambitioner
4) Militära konflikter och utrikespolitik
5) Inskränkningar i mänskliga rättigheter
1) Efter Sovjetunionens upplösning
2) 1990-talets ekonomiska kris
3) Ryska stormaktsambitioner
4) Militära konflikter och utrikespolitik
5) Inskränkningar i mänskliga rättigheter
The appearance on Russian TV stations Channel One and NTV of the plans for a nuclear torpedo/unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) has prompted much interest among observers. Among other aspects, its probably salted warhead attracted much... more
Mardi 18 mars 2014, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a signé le rattachement officiel de la Crimée à la Fédération de Russie.
ABSTRACT Despite their differences in age, professional career and political background, Milošević and Putin share similar views on one of the main consequences of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the USSR: the involuntary... more
Bu çalışma, Rusya'nın Güney Kafkasya ile ilgili hedeflerini sağlama çerçevesinde bir uluslar arası hukuk kurumu olan UCM 2 'yi nasıl kullanmak istediğini incelemektedir. Bu çerçevede self-determinasyon ile ilgili mevcut uluslararası hukuk... more
В статье исследуется российская несистемная оппозиция как политический феномен, категоризация которого произошла в 2000-х гг. Несистемная оппозиция рассматривается в контексте принципиального изменения характера деполитизации после... more
Russia's premier, Vladimir Putin has garnered various opinions regarding his leadership and handling of state affairs with many arguing that he is bringing Russia to be a major player in power politics. This paper examines the motivations... more
The political evolution of Russia led by Putin is a recreation of the pure ideals of Socialist former USSR, this connection to its loyal to the former Soviet Union fruit of having full military service by socialist land, provides the... more
Rusya’da popülizm yeni bir olgu olduğunu iddia etmemiz yanlış olur. On dokuzuncu yüzyıla dayanan Rus popülizmi her zaman iktidar ve muhalif çevrelerin kullandığı en etkin politik enstrüman olmuştur. Bununla birlikte okuyucu da Rus... more
An Examination of Why Russia Collapsed in the 1990s, with Special Emphasis on the Role of Chicago School "Shock Therapy"
Le prince de Kiev Iaroslav le Sage (978-1054) ne pouvait pas imaginer la folie fratricide de ses lointains descendants en 2022. Il est aujourd'hui convoqué par la Russie comme l'Ukraine qui revendiquent son État, la Rous, comme source... more
Today’s expert literature on the Kremlin’s subversive activities in Europe is often confusing in terms of the concepts and definitions used by authors in their reports and analyses. This paper aims to remedy this shortcoming by providing... more
Cтоит ли классифицировать природу «системы Путина», ввиду ее недавней радикализации, как современное проявление фашизма, как это недавно сделали некоторые — в том числе и русские — обозреватели? У этих явно антипутинских комментаторов —... more
The Hartford Catholic Worker The Hartford Catholic Worker Established November 3, 1993 Volume 27 Number 2 The Hartford Catholic Worker is published quarterly by the St. Martin De Porres Catholic Worker community.
Pussy Riot emerged in 2011 as an anonymous Russian political activist art collective that impersonated a punk rock band in their staging of protests against the autocratic regime of Vladimir Putin. In 2012, three of its members were tried... more
Wenn ein Unterzeichnerland des Vertrages selbst vor einem der fünf Garanten des Sperrabkommens nicht sicher sein kann: Welchen Sinn hat dann das Verbot der Nichtweiterverbreitung von Kernwaffen? Im Austausch gegen einen Abbau von... more
This article examines three questions. First, what is the nature of Russia’s oligarchic corruption? Second, what do the Russian oligarchs want? Third, what policy challenges does Russia’s corruption present for the West?