Late Antique Art and Archaeology
Recent papers in Late Antique Art and Archaeology
VINCENZO RUGGIERI La barriera presbiterale e il templon bizantino: ambivalenze semantiche fra liturgia, architettura e scultura* Sono lungi dal presumere, in questa sede, di poter classificare о ampliare la lista dei motivi decorativi,... more
Preface; I. Introduction: I.1 Prelude "To Imitate the Bees"; I.2 Towards an Interpretation of Spolia: Delimitations and Methods; I.3 Reuse The Development of a New Architectural Practice; II. Translatio of Materials: II.1 Fragments and... more
L’Antiquité tardive constitue une période de première importance en raison de l’ampleur des sources conservées et des événements survenus. Durant cette époque, qui s’étend du IIIe au VIIe siècle, l’Empire romain connaît des évolutions... more
Research undertaken in Durham University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health: Department of Archaeology; supervised by Dr Anna Leone. Viva voce examination held on April 15th, 2016. Examiners: Prof. Roland R. R. Smith (University of... more
Asturius vivas! Pictorial Programme and Function of a Late Roman Belt Buckle A Late Roman brass belt buckle in the collection of the RGZM is decorated with the portrait medallion of a man between victories and two persons likely to... more
A unique group of sculpture from Early Christian Cyprus comes from the so-called Villa of Theseus, at Nea Paphos. The group comprises (at least) twenty sculptures of divinities and mythological figures, which range in date from the... more
The excavations of the University of Warsaw in the so-called Villa of Theseus in Kato Paphos uncovered a unique group of at least twenty sculptures, predominantly depicting mythological figures and divinities. The building took its... more
La nascita dell'insediamento di Monte Sant'Angelo è solitamente considerata una conseguenza dell'introduzione del culto dell'arcangelo Michele, presumibilmente dall'Oriente, nel V secolo 1 e viene citata come esempio di centro abitato... more
At the end of the 3rd century, private portraits of the deceased were introduced into the Christian funerary art at Rome, on sarcophagi as well as in catacomb paintings. For over a century they remained the most important, and the single... more
Uno dei temi più caratterizzanti per la comprensione del periodo tardoantico è quello del reimpiego di elementi figurativi e architettonici. I vecchi studi consideravano il fenomeno come spia di decadenza sia della cultura artistica... more
Graphic Signs of Authority in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages presents a cultural history of graphic signs and examines how they were employed to communicate secular and divine authority in the late antique Mediterranean and... more
This article re-examines the primary sources concerning the findspot of an 8-foot-tall bronze statue, usually identified as the Emperor Trebonianus Gallus, now residing at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. It identifies a new source as... more
In the autumn of 1986, we visited the Carian and Lycian coasts with a view to identifying urban sites of the Byzantine period. One of the sites we visited lies about 1 km. to the south of the small village of Osmaniye and to the east of... more
This papers examines three early Christian memorial sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (church of the Nativity, Eleona church on the Mount of Olives, and Church of the Resurrection) erected in the 330s in the time of Constantine the Great... more
In a manuscript, Ephraim the Athenian (18 th century) mentions that monastery of Hiereon was established by Saints Eutychios and Nicolas, after they destroyed a temple of a pagan goddess. Later Nicolas, who was probably of Cypriot... more
Multiple connections between the Damascus mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem; implications of the size of the surface area covered in mosaic; links with classical, early Christian, Byzantine and other Umayyad mosaics, and with... more
Sztuka Wczesnochrześcijańska jest książką wprowadzającą w zagadnienia najstarszej aktywności artystycznej - tak w dziedzinie architektury monumentalnej i prywatnej, jak i sztuk plastycznych (malarstwo, mozaika, rzeźba i drobna plastyka) -... more
Pred okvirno 70 leti je v drugi oziroma tretji številki Zgodovinskega časopisa potekala vroča diskusija, ki še danes ni razrešena. Gre za eno najbolj perečih vprašanj arheologije v Sloveniji, to je problem staroslovanskega svetišča na... more
The article aspires to show how physiognomy was used in late antique art in order to give substance to the theophanic dimension of a person, especially of a saint. Drawing on monumental art, sculpture, daily life objects and catacomb... more
Il volume esamina le attività collaterali alla balneazione che avevano luogo presso i maggiori impianti termali urbani imperiali ‒ e di cui le fonti antiche lasciano soltanto indirettamente intuire lo svolgimento ‒ attraverso la... more
As large cities claimed apostolic founding of their churches, the Roman church declared that it was constituted on the "double apostolate" of Peter and PauL The concordia apostolontm which results from the final agreement between the... more
WHO IS THE CIVIL DIGNITARY ON THE MOSAIC OF THE DONORS IN THE CHURCH OF ST DEMETRIOS IN THESSALONIKI? This paper focuses on the analysis of the insignia, the portrait and the so-called square nimbus in order to clarify the identity of... more
An unusually long text of a Jewish-Aramaic amulet of the sixth or seventh century, inscribed on a sheet of gold, is the topic of this paper. Its language is close to Jewish Palestinian Aramaic and to the late Targums. Its vocabulary... more
In the areas of Northern Illyricum more than 100 Early Christian churches were registered, but only a small number of them has been archeologically explored. The largest amount of data was obtained in the last decades, most prominently... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more