Imperial Rome
Recent papers in Imperial Rome
"This book is the first-ever monograph on the family of royal converts from Adiabene including the broader perspective of the cultural and political environment of Hellenistic and Parthian Adiabene. It collects, arranges and discusses all... more
Excavations were carried out in 1999 on the location of Stela 2 at the ancient site of Aksum in northern Ethiopia. These excavations have permitted the documentation of the foundation of this stela, which was transported to Rome in 1937.... more
The paper asks the question what the Romans really meant, when the used the term "barbarian". The evidence shows that the Romans had been often uneasy with this greek word, as in the end they themselves would be Barbarians, too. Further,... more
I membri del collegio di Nemesiaci oggetti di richiamo imperiale in un provvedimento del 412 nel Codice Teodosiano sono figure di controversa interpretazione nella storia degli studi. Per comprendere le attività da essi svolte e come... more
My aim in this essay is to elucidate the meaning of the phrase collegia sodalicia, which occurs only in Digests 47.22.1 pr. (= Marcian F 73a Lenel), the introductory section of the Digests’ title De collegiis et corporibus (47.22). In... more
New discoveries in the gallery of the Baths of Trajan on the Oppian hill
Preface; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials, technique and building devices; 3 The foundation and the core of the podium and of the tribunal; 4 The measuring system and proportions of the temple; 5 The facing of he podium and the tribunal; 6 The... more
A space and place approach to the Temple of Divine Trajan and its environs, as reconstructed by Amanda Claridge, considering how a learned ancient Roman of the 2nd century A.D. may have navigated and apprehended the space.
This Overview is from the book 'Pliny The Younger: His Words & Phrases' (Pliny As The New Testament Paul), by Roman Piso. This work details the way in which the Letters (Epistles) & Panegyricus of Pliny The Younger should be studied (in... more
La querela inofficiosi testamenti no conocía del litisconsorcio. Cuando había más de un coheredero forzoso, cada uno de ellos interponía su acción independientemente de los otros, con el objetivo de conseguir la cuota hereditaria que le... more
Abstract: I intend to show in this artile a systematic analysis about the Municipal Legislation of the Emperor Julian: Curias and Decurions. I will also explain some laws of the imperial administration which are articular with the laws... more
Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World, A Brill Companion to Classical Studies Series Series Editor: Lee L. Brice Aims and Scope The aim of the series is to publish high-quality, useful volumes each focused on a specific topic related... more
On drawn reconstruction in archaeology, esp. between the late 18th and beginning 20th cents. The paper focusses on town-reconstructions as Athens, Pompei, Rome, Pergamon or Vienne and others. It investigates the intentions of the drawing... more
Abstract: In this article, the focus is conflict between paganism and christianity in the Later Roman Empire.
Keywords: Paganism; Christianity.
Keywords: Paganism; Christianity.
Dit betreft een kort artikel over de vernietiging van de tempel in Jeruzalem tijdens de Joodse opstand tegen Rome, 66-70 n.C. Eerder dit jaar verschenen in, Geschiedenis Magazine 55.3 (2020), 34-37. Zie verder... more
Plinius der Jüngere (61/62-113 n. Chr.) verlieh als senatorischer homo novus durch die Epistulae, den Panegyricus sowie einige Inschriften seiner aristokratischen Existenz dauerhaften Ausdruck. Diese literarischen und epigraphischen... more
This review is devoted to the collective monograph by a group of Kazan’ historians which is dedicated to the receptions of Antiquity and Middle Ages in modern Italy and Soviet Russia. This type of study is relatively new Russian... more
Rome qua its sprawling peripheries, immortalised by Italian literature and cinema in their bleakest and most dramatic aspects (e.g. Pier Paolo Pasolini), has also become a well-known aesthetic trope, which is itself parasitic upon Rome's... more
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
The amphitheater in the Roman city of Pompeii, constructed around 70 BCE, honored the soldiers who settled in the town after its capture under Sulla. 1 The amphitheater represented dominant Roman culture in the newly acquired city. 2 From... more
This paper is concerned with finding evidence of Arab military development in defence of their territory and against the superstates on the periphery of desert-lands. This examination concerns the growth of cultural/political groups as a... more
Part I surveys the development of Rome’s physical topography and urban image from hut village to imperial city. Part II focuses on administration, infrastructure, maintenance, population and housing, economy and production, water and food... more
Ce livre propose une réflexion d’ensemble sur la septième Vie de l’Histoire Auguste, consacrée à l’empereur Commode, fils du philosophe Marc Aurèle et dernier des Antonins. L’auteur met d’abord en évidence son indéniable valeur historique... more
Leading international scholars discuss new, unpublished research on Egypt’s interactions with ancient Greece and Rome during four major time periods, the Bronze Age (ca. 2000–1200 bc), Egypt’s Late Period (ca. 664–332 bc), the Ptolemaic... more
Urbanization under the Republic and Empire took different forms and directions, implemented sometimes in the typical “Roman” way as in Augustodonum, Aosta and maritime colonies, while at other times it gradually mixed with existing urban... more
Resumen: A propósito de la celebración del bimilenario de la muerte de Ovidio, acaecida el 17 d.C., me propongo analizar el exilio del poeta como un fenómeno histórico con resonancias literarias y culturales. A partir de las formas de... more
It is a commonplace to point out that Rome's rapid rise to power in the ancient world resulted in great measure from its position in the Italian peninsula. Surrounded by mountains on all sides except on the south the Urbs is situated in... more
[ 1 ] Atheense drinkschaal met falloforie, of fallusoptocht (575-525 v.Chr.)
Questa guida è l' unica che esplora l' intera Roma, è un invito a scoprire i tesori architettonici non celebrati della città: quando si passeggia nel quartiere Art Nouveau di Prati fino al Lungotevere o attraverso il moderno quartiere... more
In the midst of the Marcomannic Wars, during the reign of Marcus Aurelius, a band of Roman legionaries were blockaded by rebellious Quadi tribes on the German frontier. With dry throats gasping for water and too exhausted to offer a... more
Se ofrece al lector una amplia muestra de parecidos razonables entre la sociedad retratada en la exitosa serie Juego de Tronos, inspirada en las novelas de George R. R. Martin, y la vida en la Roma clásica. La premisa es, a primera vista,... more
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
This paper presents a general model of the emergence and functioning of cults of personality. Drawing on the work of Collins (2004), I understand a cult of personality as a set of interaction rituals, linked in chains, focused on symbols... more
In 3rd century BC, like a part of the global process of Hellenization of the Roman culture, Hippocratic medicine arrived to Rome. Between year 219 BC, when is attested the first Greek physician in the city, and the 2nd century AD, when... more
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
ORDER HERE: The Last Empire of Iran is an exhaustive political and military history of the Sasanian state (AD 220s – 651). I wrote this book for several reasons. There are very few... more