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No serious study of ancient Roman topography and its monuments is undertaken without consulting the work of Rodolfo Lanciani (1845-1929), the archaeologist and scholar of ancient Rome. His Forma Urbis Romae, a large map published in... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyHistory (Archaeology)BiographyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
The publication of the Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis (Rome, Giacomo Mazzocchi, 1521) was a determining factor in the development of Roman studies in the 16th-century. As the first collection of classical inscriptions from the city of Rome,... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksRenaissance StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Incunabula
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
"Roma fue un ejemplo para la humanidad en la aplicación de la ciencia al servicio del hombre. Su avanzado derecho es hoy todavía la base del nuestro y la ingeniería era empleada en las grandes realizaciones al servicio del pueblo, las... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman engineering
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      HistoryAncient HistoryRoman HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
This series provides sophisticated and authoritative overviews of periods of ancient history, genres of classical literature, and the most important themes in ancient culture. Each volume comprises between twenty-five and forty concise... more
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      Horse cultureTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Sports/AthleticsRoman social history
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman ArchitectureRoman Archaeology
New  discoveries in the gallery of the Baths of Trajan on the Oppian hill
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      ArchaeologyRome, City ofTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial Rome
Preface; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials, technique and building devices; 3 The foundation and the core of the podium and of the tribunal; 4 The measuring system and proportions of the temple; 5 The facing of he podium and the tribunal; 6 The... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
A cura di Patrizio Pensabene
Anno di Edizione: 2021
Studia Archaeologica, 243
ISBN: 9788891320506
Rilegatura: Brossura
Pagine: 340, 34 ill. Col.
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial Rome
A space and place approach to the Temple of Divine Trajan and its environs, as reconstructed by Amanda Claridge, considering how a learned ancient Roman of the 2nd century A.D. may have navigated and apprehended the space.
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial RomeTrajanTrajan's Forum
Following on from articles in JRA 6 (1993) and 20 (2007) this paper develops additional arguments in favour of a Hadrianic date for the frieze on Trajan's Column, placing the installation of his tomb at the foot of the Column and the... more
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      Roman HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman Art
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRome, City ofRoman Law
The study of pathological alterations in ancient skeletal remains may contribute to the reconstruction of the history of diseases and health conditions of ancient populations. Therefore, in recent research palaeopathology provides an... more
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      HistoryGeographyAnthropologyMedical Anthropology
L'acquedotto Claudio è un monumento che reca i segni delle diverse fasi storiche attraversate dalla città di Roma: nel I secolo d.C. venne costruito per rifornire una popolazione in crescita, fu protagonista durante l'assedio dei Goti del... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Geoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions
This paper presents the results of a preliminary survey in a central urban area of Rome, Italy. The results were obtained from both desktop and remote sensing surveys. The Aventinus Minor Project (AMP) is a community archaeological... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRemote SensingGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)
La dificultad de identificación y el poco acierto en la asignación cronológica y cultural de los caminos antiguos que en España se viene padeciendo, ha venido siendo consecuencia del desconocimiento de las técnicas empleadas por los... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman engineering
considerare le evidenze del Ferrone come un grande nucleo di materiali sporadici . . ." (173). The loss is all the more painful because the material, now in the Museo Civico di Tolfa, is important. Included is some fine Attic blackfigure,... more
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    • Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
Part I surveys the development of Rome’s physical topography and urban image from hut village to imperial city. Part II focuses on administration, infrastructure, maintenance, population and housing, economy and production, water and food... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial Rome
The conference will be held at the Royal Academy of Spain at Rome (Real Academia de España en Roma), on April 3 - 4, 2020. The purpose of the conference is to explore the transformation of public space and administrative activities in... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Rome
Nel 1917, durante i lavori per l’allargamento della via Ostiense, fu rinvenuto un ampio settore della necropoli romana che fiancheggiava l’antica via Ostiensis. Le tombe, dotate di stucchi e affreschi dipinti e pavimenti a mosaico in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropologyRome, City of
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      Roman HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman military historyRoman Army
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient GeographyAncient Topography (Archaeology)
parte prima 17 Introduzione. Le strade romane del territorio e della città Patrizia Basso, Brunella Bruno, Piergiovanna Grossi 35 I miliari dell'agro veronese: ipotesi e spunti di riflessione per un inquadramento topografico Piergiovanna... more
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman roadsAncient RoadsRoman Archaeology
This book deals with the fate of one of the oldest and largest tangible remains of ancient Rome: the fourth century BCE city wall, incorporated in the city's symbol of modernity, the central train station of Termini. Through a... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryCultural HeritageItalian StudiesRome, City of
It is a commonplace to point out that Rome's rapid rise to power in the ancient world resulted in great measure from its position in the Italian peninsula. Surrounded by mountains on all sides except on the south the Urbs is situated in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArt History
Agrippa's Pantheon remains the subject of lively debates. A much-discussed passage is found in Cassius Dio's Roman History (53.27.2-3), which is most often treated as a stand-alone, self-explanatory whole. However, in order to be... more
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      Roman ReligionTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Cassius DioRoman Empire
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Early RomeRoman MythAncient Rome
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
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      ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
In 1963, Frank Brown carried out an excavation in the church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. He never published it, and it has remained little known. This article presents the evidence of the excavation that it has been possible to find.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Medieval PotteryRoman Pottery
Vitrubio y la problemática definición arquitectónica del tercer orden en la scaenae frons de los teatros romanos
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman TheatreAncient RomeGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
Abb. 4: Die Bebauung des Marsfelds in augusteischer Zeit (nach Haselberger).
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman Architecture and UrbanismRoman ArchitecturePantheon
"Las obras de ingeniería romana se caracterizan entre otras cosas por responder a una geometría muy cuidada. Las carreteras tienen, cuando el terreno es propicio, alineaciones largas y precisas, sus pendientes son suaves. Las ciudades y... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyRoman History
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryArchitecture
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Rome
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      Landscape ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Hydraulic ArchaeologyRoman aqueducts and water supply
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman Marble trade and distributionHerodes AtticusRoman Archaeology
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      Military ArchitechtureTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial RomeRoman military archaeology
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      ArchaeologySuburban StudiesRome, City ofTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
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    • Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar la relación entre memoria, topografía urbana y ritual en la ciudad de Roma en época republicana. A partir de una serie de ejemplos de mnemotopoi o lugares de la memoria (el Lupercal, la casa... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionMemory StudiesCultural Memory
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      Roman HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman EpigraphyRoman legal and administrative history
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman UrbanismRoman ArchitectureRoman Archaeology
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
The research on the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine has implied the analysis of the building phases that preceded and followed the creation of the Augustan sacred edifice. This study has allowed to better frame the architectural context... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Archeologia
A mosquito-infested and swampy plain lying north of the city walls, Rome’s Campus Martius, or Field of Mars, was used for much of the period of the Republic as a military training ground and as a site for celebratory rituals and... more
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      Roman HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman ArchitectureRoman Archaeology
30-31 ottobre 2019. Convegno "Reconstruire /Restaurer Rome"
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      Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Imperial RomeAncient RomeTopografia di Roma
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      Ancient Urban PlanningTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Ancient Urbanism
According to the most recent studies, the boundary of the ager romanus antiquus coincides with the first-mile ring, or rather, one thousand paces from the Servian walls. So far, research on the borders of Rome, which has been mostly... more
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      Roman HistoryHistory of ReligionLandscape ArchaeologyRoman Religion