Latin translation
Recent papers in Latin translation
In the spring of 1518 an Italian cardinal, Egidio da Viterbo, travelled from Rome to Spain on a Papal mission. While the official purpose of the visit was to convince King Charles V to collaborate against the Turks, the Papal legate... more
Polish translation of the opening part of Book One of Goslicius' De optimo Senatore (1568). In O senatorze doskonałym studia. Prace upamiętniające postać i twórczość Wawrzyńca Goślickiego pod redakcja Aleksandra Stępkowskiego (Warszawa:... more
There is an incipient tendency in critical edition of Aristotle’s Work, it consists of considering a multilingual edition of his Works which includes, when available, Greek, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew and Latin versions. Our interest here is... more
Resumen El presente artículo aborda la cuestión del uso de la traducción pedagógica como herramienta didáctica durante el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje del latín en Secundaria y Bachillerato. Tras un estudio descriptivo de la... more
Der als Fundbericht konzipierte Beitrag berichtet über die Wiederentdeckung einer seit mehr als 160 Jahren als verschollen geltenden besonders frühen Eckhart-Handschrift mit Übersetzungen vorwiegend aus dem "Opus expositionum",... more
A bilingual ereader presentation of a Latin translation of Shakespeare's play, available at .
A Latin translation of the Greek original of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations.
Traducción comentada de la obra de Hugo Grocio De Iure belli ac pacis en la que se hace una revisión de los principales problemas que se han arrastrado hasta años recientes en materia de seguridad internacional y se comentan las posibles... more
This study tries to delineate the reception of Eastern Patristics within the milieu of Italian humanism in the first half of the fifteenth century. Emphasis is put eminently on the translation activities of Camaldolese monk Ambrogio... more
neche -la paternità dell'opera sia attribuita nei modi indicati dall'autore o da chihadatol'operainlicenzaeinmodotaledanonsuggerirecheessiavallinochiladistribuisceolausa; -l'operanonsiausataperfinicommerciali;... more
This paper offers a first insight into Jesus’ trial as it is reported in the Latin translation of the Talmud, known as Extractiones de Talmud and ap- pointed by Christian authorities after the Paris disputation in 1240. The pa- per... more
Si mettono a confronto il volgarizzamento della «Poetica» di Lodovico Castelvetro (Vienna, 1570) e i «Petri Victorii Commentarii in primum librum Arsitotelis De Arte Poetarum», un'opera di riferimento per chi traduceva o commentava il... more
Bilingual English-Latin poster of the Pledge of Allegiance. The poster at the Latin Teaching Materials website at Saint Louis University ( is freely available for... more
In this article, the author demonstrates the Arabic origin of the Porta elementorum, a treatise about elementary natural philosophy which introduces the alchemical De anima of Pseudo-Avicenna, and stresses the links between the Porta... more
Complete book, free, but under copyright and not to be sold. 200 idioms from DBG (Caesar's De Bello Gallico) are presented along with the original Latin context and the translation of that passage. This book can be used at all levels of... more
Η μετάφραση συγκαταλέγεται στα συστατικά στοιχεία και συγ γενή χαρακτηριστικά της λατινικής λογοτεχνικής παραγωγής, αποτελώντας την πιο έντονη και απτή μορφή τής εκ μέρους των Ρωμαίων ποιητών και συγγραφέων imitatio των ελληνικών... more
For an mp3 version of a reading of the Latin, see Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University, .
The first acquaintance of Europe with Confucianism is contributed to Jesuits working in China in the 16th to 18th centuries. At the beginning was the translation of introduction to Da xue 大學 into Latin, published in Rome (Italy) in 1593.... more
(indice, introduzione e bibliografia)
La tesi è stata discussa in data 16.03.2021 e ha ricevuto la dignità di stampa dalla Commissione.
La tesi è stata discussa in data 16.03.2021 e ha ricevuto la dignità di stampa dalla Commissione.
L’articolo identifica in Marco Antonio Paganucci l’autore delle traduzioni latine di alcune novelle decameroniane pubblicate nel XVI secolo all’interno dell’opera omnia dell’umanista ferrarese Olimpia Morata. Oltre a ripercorrere alcuni... more
Eine ganze Menge der aus der Bibliotheca Corviniana bekannten Werke waren bis zum Tod Matthias’ nicht im Druck erschienen. In der Mehrzahl beinhalten die Corvinen nicht die uns heute bekannten, vollständigen Texte. Unsere Aufgabe ist es,... more
La segunda parte de "Cartas de un humanista" recoge una serie de cartas del período más humanista de Tomás Moro, de actualidad e interés crecientes. La carta, como el diálogo, fue el género favorito de los humanistas, tanto como medio de... more
L'elaborato, partendo dalla fortuna del poeta latino Lucano tra Sette e Ottocento, analizza i volgarizzamenti italiani della Pharsalia risalenti a tale periodo, dividendoli tra traduzioni “fedeli e infedeli”, e indaga i motivi per i quali... more
Dan hu t-tielet u l-aħħar artiklu mis-sensiela dwar ix-xogħlijiet Klassiċi bil-Malti. L-ewwel tnejn kienu dwar ix-xogħlijiet Griegi u Latini li nqalbu għall-Malti filwaqt li dan hu dwar il-kitbiet ta' Santu Wistin li nqalbu għall-Malti... more
A new English version of Horace Ode 1.38 is presented, along with some commentary.
Este PDF es una muestra amplia del contenido del poema épico "ARGONAUTICA" de Valerio Flaco en edición bilingüe latín-español (402 páginas en formato 17 x 24), a cargo de Juan-José Marcos García, aparecida en diciembre de 2018, pudiéndose... more
"...phrases such as ‘hurly-burly’ (toto properari), ‘year in, year out’ (quotannis) and my favourite, ‘breathing room’ (requiem spatiumque), all of which sound commonplace to us, but which haven’t before appeared in a major translation... more
Albert the Great uses Eriugena’s translation of the Corpus Areopagiticum as the reference text for his Commentaries on the two Hierarchiae, while he prefers that of Sarrazin for his Commentaries on the other works. However, commenting on... more
A letter in simple conversational Latin from Cicero to his family, Epistulae ad familiares 14.4, bilingually presented in Acceleration Reader Format. This translation (original here) favors literal rather than literary equivalents for the... more
This contribution focuses attention on the lexical and syntactic features of the Latin version of the Letters to Cledonius: in the passages examined it highlights the differences between the translation and the Greek text, recreates the... more
This article makes the argument that a Latin table of geographic coordinates, copied in Italy in the second half of the thirteenth century (MS Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Ashburnham 211, fol. 260r), is derived from a list... more
The aim of the program is to take stock of Hungarian documents of studia humanitatis with 1526 as a milestone. The census intends to register predominantly the use of (school)books in Hungary in teaching grammar, rhetoric, poetry,... more
1. La pubblicazione dell'Anthologia Graeca, raccolta di sedici libri di epigrammi greci, quale oggi noi la conosciamo, è abbastanza recente. Per quanto la silloge contenuta nel codice Palatino (ora Palatinus 23 + Parisinus Suppl. Gr. 384... more
A poetic paraphrase / translation of Horace Odes 1.9, the Soracte ode, with a few reflections. Revised May 10, 2024. Latest adjustment May 11, 2024.
[Cristina D'Ancona] R. Chiaradonna - G. Galluzzo (eds), Universals in Ancient Philosophy, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2013 (Seminari e convegni, 33) / [Angela Ulacco] Christoph Helmig, Forms and Concepts. Concept Formation in the... more
One of the most influential texts in the Middle Ages, The Rule of Saint Benedict offers guidance about both the spiritual and organizational dimensions, from the loftiest to the lowliest, of monastic life. This new Latin–English edition... more
The "Liber qui uocatur Suda" in the Latin translation by Robert Grosseteste (ca. 1168-† 8/9 October 1253) is transmitted in an incomplete form in two manuscripts housed in London (R) and Oxford (D) respectively. The "Liber" results from... more
Conclusion We have wandered far from a Hebrew text in which God called for repentance and the prophets commented on this call. We considered the meaning of the expression ‘with all your heart’ and the differences between the phrases ‘rend... more
Výkonná redaktorka: Svetlana Šašerina Technický redaktor: Martin Žeňuch Adresa vydavateľa a sídlo redakcie: © Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 31750940 © Slovenský komitét slavistov,... more
Resumo: O artigo propõe um modelo de tradução poética dos epigramas de Marcial, contemplando a especificidade da obra latina com metros portugueses, quer recolhidos na tradição vernácula, quer criados... more
This unpublished project is a transcription, translation, and brief discussion of the Latin inscription on the gravestone of Fr. Pierre Paris, M.E.P. (d. 1883). Fr. Paris was a French Catholic missionary to Singapore and the first parish... more
This work in progress is a transcription, translation, and commentary on the Latin inscription on the gravestone of Fr. Anatole Mauduit, M.E.P. (d. 1858). Fr. Mauduit was a French Catholic missionary to Singapore and the first parish... more
Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen von Anja Wolkenhauer. Die Titel sind innerhalb der Abteilungen chronologisch aufsteigend angeführt. Ältere Titel sind, soweit es die Rechtslage zulässt, auch digital bei oder... more